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A common place-name in the old Danelaw areas of the Midlands and the North, usually "farmstead or estate of the freemen or peasants", from Old Scandinavian karl (often no doubt replacing Old English ceorl) + Old English tun.

"A Dictionary of English Place-Names", Oxford University Press

There are many old brick houses with pantiled roofs in this old waterside village, where the Ouse is broad and deep as it flows to the Humber, carrying ships to the sea. There are dykes with high banks, and from Swinefleet we look across the fields and woods in a big loop of the river to the tall spire of Goole's church and the cranes of its docks. Swinefleet's church is modern.

"The King's England", edited by Arthur Mee

The village may owe its name to pig farming with the "swine" been watered in the "fleet", but others associate the village with Scandinavian invaders. The chieftain "Sweyne" is believed to have moored here before founding his famous bus company. The river at Swinefleet was notorious with many ships being lost on the curve of the river known as the "Swinefleet Bend". This was eliminated in 1884 with the Ouse (Lower) Improvement Bill which strengthened banks and retaining walls to make life easier.

The "Metropolis of Marshland" used to suffer problems with thieves and vagabonds, so a vigilante group was formed at the Ship Inn pub who set out to catch all villains. However life is more peaceful today and the pub is just full of people making the most of the lock-ins.

Swinefleet has twice as many streets as the other Marshland villages, although traffic is now diverted along the road away from the river. It is also the only town in the area to have a statue, the War Memorial, which greets the passing traffic.


Visitor Comments

Posted by Fred on 24/09/2006

I have just discovered that my great-great-grandfather James Sanderson was born at Swinefleet in 1803 at a place called "Willowsoft", Water Lane. No such names exist in the village as far as I can find out, does anyone recognise them? We as a family moved from Goole to Leeds in 1941 but many family members continues to live their life out in the Goole/Hook area.

Posted by JR on 21/10/2006

I have learned that my grandmother's brother-in-law, the Reverend William JAMES, was the vicar at Swinefleet church, Goole in the year 1903. He was married to her sister Victoria Gertrude (Coates). I am interested in genealogy, and tracing my grandmother's English roots. Any information would be appreciated. Thanks.

Posted by Ceri on 17/08/2008

My grandfather, Thomas James, had an elder brother, William James who was said to be the vicar at Swinefleet. He qualified at St. Bees College, Cumbria in 1881 and gained a second class in the Preliminary Examination of Candidates for Holy Orders. I have a short letter addressed to my grandfather from the vicarage.

Thomas and William also had another brother, Shem James, who travelled to Nanaimo, Vancouver Island, BC, but unfortunately he died in Wellington BC. He was one of Nanaimo's Pioneers.

I would be glad to hear from anyone with details on the Rev. William James. Thanks.

Posted by Patricia on 25/09/2009

William James, clerk in holy orders, married to Victoria Gertrude. Children: William Lloyd (b. 27/10/1903, bapt. 30/12/1903), Ifor Darcy (b. 24/10/1905, bapt. 22/02/1906).

William and Victoria are not mentioned in the 1901 census, hope this is useful.

Posted by Ceri on 05/04/2010

I believe he was vicar at Swinefleet in 1903 onwards - I wonder if Swinefleet was his last "calling"? Could he be buried there? Can anyone confirm this?

I am pleased to say that I met the Robinsons in Victoria BC, where coincidentally Shem James, William's brother is buried in nearby Nanaimo BC. (see above)

I am grateful to them for saying a prayer at his graveside.

Posted by Patricia on 27/04/2010

I have found this memorial inscription for plot 298 St. Margaret's cemetery. "In loving memory of the Rev. William James vicar of Swinefleet died 7 December 1906 aged 54 years. Bound in the bundle of life with the Lord my God 1 Sma xxv 29. And of Victoria Gertrude his wife who died 22 February 1940 aged 74"

Posted by Patricia on 26/07/2010

I came to Swinefleet a couple of years ago hoping to photograph the gravestones of my ancestors. I know they are there and I know the plot numbers but the churchyard was so overgrown I was unable to find them.

Posted by Ceri on 02/08/2010

Patrica(s), I wish to thank you both.

It is sad that the Rev. James died at 54 years, so it seems he had not been vicar at Swinefleet for too many years. Up to the age of about 20 years he had been a coal miner in South Wales, then graduating at St. Bees College in 1881. I do not know when he arrived at Swinefleet.

I would have loved to have visited the Church at Swinefleet but I have missed the date of the "patronal weekend". It is also a long way from Swansea (Mynydd Buchan), the early home of the James family.

I have found a small "snapshot" of the Rev. William James, sitting with full suit and waistcoat - as they dressed then - on the seashore sands of Swansea Bay, with his wife, Victoria Getrude James and a young boy in a cap.

Posted by Wilf on 10/05/2007

I remember when the River Ouse froze over when I was 13 in 1945. Most of the ice I believe accumulated due to ice being pushed out from the docks and the canal. I supposed it moved up and down the river with the tide until one day it fused en mass. The ships were stuck there for two or three days over a weekend. The surface was far from smooth but many people went on the ice and a fair number walked and scrambled across to the other side of the river. My father and I walked about halfway when I managed to get water over the top of my welly and so we about turned. On the Monday I seem to remember the army arriving to see if they could help but by then a thaw had started and the ice broke up naturally without their help.

Posted by Mary on 15/05/2007

I am researching my family and am trying to find information on Pigeon SYKES - who is reputed to have brought the first buses to the area. The buses all had a pigeon logo on the rear.

Posted by W on 02/07/2007

I'm fairly sure Pigeon Sykes lived in the last house in High Street Swinefleet about 25 yards from the junction with Church Lane. His garages extended behind the house about one third the length of Church Lane.

Posted by Patricia on 19/09/2012

He was my wife's grandfather, whose mother was a Sykes. You correct where he lived. He died about 1968.

Posted by Dave on 16/06/2007

We have recently moved into Swinefleet and live at the White House (Rose Cottage) on Church Lane. Since moving in we've heard a number of the local people call our house the "Murder House". Naturally we are curious/scared. Can anyone help? Yours nervously awaiting…

Posted by Peter on 15/08/2007

My wife Sadie was born in Swinefleet. She recalls crossing over the street as a child so as not to walk past the front door of your house in the early-1950s. The house got its name from the murder of a sister by her brother because she nagged him so much. He hit her with a hammer. He was sent to prison, where he died of old age. My wife thinks this occurred in the late-1940s.

Posted by BC on 09/09/2008

I too was a resident, as a child until the age of 20. I can confirm the information re "the murder house" is quite correct. The murder occurred in the early-1950s. The house adopted this name from then onwards.

Posted by Margaret on 27/03/2013

My mum's friend Elsie Cowling lived at "Murder Cottage" for many years up to her death in the 1970s. It was really interesting to read other people's correspondence. It supports the facts my mum told me that her friend bought the house cheap because no one wanted to live there.

Posted by Linda on 18/03/2015

Does anyone know anything about Elsie Cowan? Possibly lived in the "murder house". Had she been married? Did she have any children? Was she in a wheelchair? Thanks.

Posted by Transportman on 18/03/2015

Do you mean Elsie Cowling? Big woman, lived at "murder house", Church Lane; never married; no children; wheelchair in later life; died in the mid-1970s.

Posted by Richard on 22/03/2008

My great-great-grandmother called Elizabeth - maiden name Dealtry. I would have thought that she was born sometime between 1830 and 1860.

According to the Swinefleet Church records, a butcher called William Dealtry was one of the men responsible for bringing Methodism to the town. Does anybody know or can anybody put me in the right direction as I would like to know if Elizabeth Dealtry was any relation to the William Dealtry?

I have also found details on the 1871 Workhouse register details of an agricultural labourer called William Daltry. This is how Dealtry was pronounced and I wonder if this is also a relation and that Daltry was a mis-spelling of the name Dealtry. Thanks

Posted by Brian on 07/01/2016

There are some fascinating comments here. I am currently researching my wife's ancestry. Her great-grandparents are William and Emma Dealtry, her great-great-grandparents are Robert Dealtry (Jnr) and Mary A. Dealtry, her great(x3)-grandparents are Robert Dealtry (Snr) and Mary Dealtry. Robert (Snr) was born in 1796 in Rawcliffe and was a butcher. He had a son Robert (Jnr) who was also a butcher and who, by 1861, was a successful butcher on High Street, Swinefleet (his wife Mary A. was born in Swinefleet). In 1871 when his son William was also working as a butcher. By 1881 William had married Emma and had moved to Sampson Street, Eastoft. By 1891 William had become a farmer and was living in Luddington Road, Eastoft. By 1901 William now has a farm and was living in Washinghall Lane, Eastoft. If anyone can help with information about the Dealtry family as butchers or their connection with the Methodist church I would be most interested and grateful. Thanks.

Posted by Gary on 24/04/2008

Does anyone remember my favourite uncle, Keith Masterman, who died only a few years ago? He was a great character, and his wife Dolly who was an amazing pastry cook and no stranger to labouring in the local fields.

Posted by Roy on 18/06/2008

My sister Val remembers Keith and Dolly. I also remember Dolly from my days living in Swinefleet, in fact I was at school with Ken, Dolly's youngest brother.

Posted by Gary on 20/06/2008

Graham was in fact in my class at school and he and Colin Chapel were best mates. You must have another brother too, a couple of years older than Graham, but I don't remember his name. I believe Dolly's maiden name was Noon. Her nephews, Keith and Russell Noon lived in Fourth Avenue across the road from me until I was eight (about 1961). Their mum, maybe Dolly's sister, used to make George the ice cream man cups of tea every afternoon in the school holidays when he used to stop for a break and gossip with the neighbours in St. Andrews Terrace. Keith and Dolly had at least three kids that I remember, a girl and two boys. Isn't it terrible, they're my cousins but I only remember the names of one of them, the middle one, Stephen; who was a big Manchester United fan, and no doubt still is. Please give my regards to Graham, I last saw him one lunch-time in The Old George in 1987. Does he still have a record player?

Posted by Polo on 27/02/2009

Gary, there's a name I know. If you went to school with Graham Gunson you went to school with me too.

I reckon you were in Chester House at the Modern School and sometimes played in goal instead of me? Remember Jarvo, Graham Skinner, John Revell, Pud Rice, John Pettican, Turkey Burton, Jimmy Mann, John Harding to name but a few lads. I thought you immigrated to Oz? Some of the girls I remember were Jeryl Ward, Joan Kirk, Katy McBride, Janet Whitely.

Knew your uncle Keith and aunt Dolly well. Stay lucky mate.

Posted by Gary on 15/03/2009

Who is this "Polo" bloke who remembers me so well? Fancy remembering I was in Chester house. I must thank you for the memory rush you gave me by dropping all those names. Yes, they are but a few. I remember all of them and more. Now let me see, who did I replace in goal (though I find that hard to believe), probably lives or lived in Swinefleet, and knew my favourite uncle and his dear wife, Dolly?

I have a theory but I won't mention the name here. Yes, I did immigrate to Oz, and I'm still here. Anyway, I was back in England in 1973, 76, 87 and 91, and visited Swinefleet on each occasion. I'm long overdue another visit. Luck be with you, too, my mysterious friend.

Posted by Polo on 20/03/2009

You did recall me ok from the schools page. I often say to my wife about this lucky guy called GM going to Oz when we were kids and wondered if you were still there. Really good that we have had chance to come together again.

Posted by Andy on 28/07/2009

Gary, are you the dishevelled hippy that knocked on my mam and dad's door in late-1970s/early-1980s? Janet is the oldest, then Steve, then me. My auntie Shirly Noon was my mams sister-in-law, she married mams brother Colin. My dad never really got over my mam's death, although he did get a new lease of life when he had his second triple heart bypass but in the end it contributed towards his death. Lost touch with the family since then. Still see aunt Eva and uncle Alan now and again but not seen my favourite uncle Des since mam's funeral. How is every one at your end? Hope all is well with you and yours and look forward to hearing from you soon, Andy.

Posted by Gary on 04/08/2009

G'day Andy! Great to be talking to flesh and blood at the other side of the world, and I hope you and yours are keeping well, too. Yes, that was me at your place in 1976, though I'm not so dishevelled anymore. Your dad was my favourite uncle from when I was very young. I'll always remember him for his generosity and dry sense of humour. In fact, when bullies from Old Goole learned I was Keith Masterman's nephew they quickly decided I was their buddy. We didn't visit you all that often when we were kids but when we did your mum and dad always gave us a warm welcome. It was usually a Sunday, and always your mum had her many cakes and pies cooling on the kitchen table, I could smell them as soon as we got out of the car. Come to think of it, maybe that's why my dad always chose a Sunday to visit. Salt of the earth, your mum and dad, but I'm sure you don't need me to tell you. Eva and Alan are good value, too. I remember Des, of course, but can't put a face to him.

Posted by Polo on 04/12/2009

Hi Andy, so you too have discovered a good website. It was nice to find your Gary contributing from Oz. It was a pleasant surprise to me as I went to the Modern School with him but lost touch when he emigrated. I was always envious of him doing a trick like that! It is fascinating to see just who turns up on the web from all corners of the globe. Yea, I knew your mam and dad, Dolly and Keith very well, really nice people, down to earth and they always said it as it was. Your Steven was slightly younger than me and Janet just a bit older than me. Alan and Susan lived at the other end of the road.

Polo, it was a nickname given to me for whatever reason by Sagi Woolass at the garage and I still use it on the odd occasion. I lived two doors away from your mam and dad that's how I knew them so well. I now live in deepest Lincolnshire.

Posted by Simon on 01/05/2008

I lived in Swinefleet with my grandparents Wilf and Mary Batty in mid-1960s. I used to love going up in the riverbank to watch the great ships coming into Goole. I now live in a part of rural France that looks just like North Lincolnshire. Funny that!

Posted by Roy on 14/05/2008

On Thursday 1 May 2008 a few old codgers plus one young lady may have been observed strolling round Swinefleet, pointing here and there and generally discussing different places and houses. The purpose of the visit was to show Lisa Parkin from Gainsborough where her great-grandparents Mr and Mrs Albert Clements lived and worked.

The first place we visited was St. Margaret's Church where there is a stained glass window dedicated to Albert Clements who was a church warden for some 30+ years. At this point I would like to express our thanks to Pat Taylor for her hospitality in making sure we could observe the window from the inside of the church.

The next port of call was No. 83 High Street where Mr and Mrs Clements lived for a number of years passing the site where Mr Clements worked, namely Roberts blacksmiths, where now stands a bungalow named "The Forgings". We viewed the house from the High Street and proceeded around the Ship Inn onto the bank and observed the house from the riverside, we passed the time of day with Charlie Hill busy working in his garden.

We proceeded to walk along the bank to the Goole end of the village and then walked back towards the Village Hall along Low Street, pointing out where several buildings used to stand, ie. the George Hotel yard opposite the School, the Methodist Chapel and schoolroom and the Wesleyan Chapel in Common Piece, stopping on the way to have a word with one of my old school chums, Ken Harrison, who was busy helping to dig out what looked like a swimming pool, but I got it wrong! It was a drive way.

On our arrival back at the Village Hall we were greeted by Frank Ella who had seen us and presented a "Marshland Messenger" to Lisa's mother Pauline who promptly said "I used to go to school with you". I was greatly impressed as Frank recognised Pauline from their schooldays by saying "it's Pauline isn't it".

After spending a pleasant two hours or so in the village we all made our different ways home vowing to do the same again at some time in the future.

Posted by Elizabeth on 15/09/2008

I am tracing the COWLING family tree and have discovered my father, grandfather, great-grandfather and great-great-grandfather all lived in Swinefleet, the earliest two being farmers John and William. My father's name was Percy, grateful for any info. Thanks.

Posted by Polo on 21/04/2009

Loads of Cowling families around Swinefleet, mainly farming related.

Posted by Sue on 23/10/2008

I have just started to trace my family tree. I know that my dad was born in Swinefleet and from what I understand his family (possibly an uncle) had a butchers shop for many years. The family name was NEEDHAM, my dad being Edward (known as Ted), his dad was Harry, married to Winifred TRISS (known as Triss). Does anyone have any information that would help me fill in the blanks and move further down the line? Thanks.

Posted by Wilf on 23/10/2008

I remember Harry's butchers shop. It was on High Street next door and east of Gorbets shop, which was at the top of Common Piece which joined High Street to Low Street in the middle of the village. He would have been born about 1910.

Harry's son, I can't remember his name, was a couple of years younger than me. I think he had a Masters Mariners certificate.

Posted by BC on 25/11/2008

The last family of Needham (butchers) in High Street, Swinefleet, was as I recall Mr Les Needham who had a daughter by the name of Barbara. I can't be sure but I think the shop traded in the Needham name up to the late-1960s possibly early-1970s.

Posted by John on 09/12/2013

Les Needham was my great-grandfather and owned the butchers shop in Swinefleet. He had a son John Needham who indeed got his mariners certificate and was a captain for 20 years. He passed away back in 1985. I am actually trying to find out myself if Les Needham had two sons or not. I am living in the United States and his side of the family was very small.

Posted by Margaret on 20/12/2013

John, I have asked a friend of mine, who lived there for many years and still visits very regularly, about your great grandfather, and she said he only had one son but also had a daughter called Barbara who died fairly young but had two daughters herself. My grandparents and dad were from Swinefleet and I lived there until I was seven years old, but that is 55 years ago now (where have the years gone!). I can remember seeing your great-granddad taking a pig down the street and round the back of his shop, I was only five years old at the time and in my innocence thought he was taking the pig for a walk but it was going to be killed in the back of the premises as they did in those days. Hope this bit of information is of help to you.

Posted by John on 24/10/2019

This is so many years after these posts about the Needham butchers but I am John Needham's son. So John L Needham II. Les was my grandfather I never got to meet and Miriam was his wife. He did have a daughter called Barbara who died in 1975. My father John L Needham did indeed go into the merchant marines for many years and was a captain. He passed in 1985 of cancer. My two cousins still live in Swinefleet I believe Yvonne and Karen Wimsey was their last name back then. I know my great-grandfather had the butcher shop too. It was demolished back in the 1990s and two apartments were made from the place or flats I should call them. Also, I am not sure if my father had a brother that passed or drowned in his teens if anyone has any info on that. Anyway I hope this helps a little.

Posted by Taz on 09/11/2019

I remember Les Needham the butcher who would be your grandfather but think he packed up in the 1960s. His shop seemed to be empty for a long time before it was knocked down. I remember the big window acting like a mirror when you drove around the corner.

The butchers shop and house were demolished and now form part of the front garden to a recently (1980s?) built bungalow.

Gorbutts shop a little further on is where the flats were built plus a parking area.

Jack Wimsey died a few years ago but his daughter Karen, married now, still lives in the village. I think Yvonne lives in Old Goole.

Posted by Chris on 24/10/2008

I was just wondering if anyone remembered by grandfather Alfred Andrews. He was born in Swinefleet in 1895 and lived there or in Reedness all his life. He died in 1970. I know that he worked for Fred Hill as a wheelwright for many years.

I'm also related to the Bell, Woolas, Gunson, Theaker, Risebury and Tuke names. Any information would be very much appreciated. Thanks.

Posted by Gillian on 30/08/2009

My great-grandma (b. 1892) was a Theaker before she married Mr R.J. Hitchcock. Her father was called Thomas Theaker (b. 1851). Her mother was called Mary Elizabeth Theaker (b. 1854). They lived in the High Street, Eastoft. Would love to swap notes.

Posted by Malcolm on 28/06/2009

My father George Edward McGowan was born in Swinefleet in 1907 and lived at Fisk Square, Swinefleet. Is there anyone who can help me in my trace for my father's family tree? His family was said to have come from Ireland in the 1800s. Thanks.

Posted by Melanie on 28/06/2009

Fisk Square was owned by our family who lived in Swinefleet as far back as my father can remember. My great-great-grandad, David Daniel Fisk, owned Fisk Square and he was a dentist who lived in the square as well. Previous to that, there must have been other Fisks but my father cannot recall their names.

My great-grandad John George Fisk, also lived in Swinefleet and set up Fisk & Sons painting and decorating firm established in 1840. This was passed down to my grandad Herbert William Fisk but later liquidated in the 1960s.

If anyone can help me with the Fisks before David Daniel Fisk, I would be grateful. Thanks.

Posted by Patricia on 28/04/2010

David Daniel Fisk is listed in parish records as a painter and had several children Hannah Mary (bapt. 04/04/1867), Elizabeth (bapt. 22/09/1869), Ada (bapt. 21/03/1875), Dennis (bapt. 18/02/1877), John George (bapt. 14/08/1881).

David Daniel was born in Hull, and his father David was born in Lexfield, Suffolk. His mother was born in Knottingley and the other children Thomas (b. 1832 in Yarmouth), Mary (b. 1836 in Yarmouth), George (b. 1845 in South Cave), Rebecca (b. 1846 in Swinefleet)

Posted by Andrew on 27/02/2011

My great-great-granddad Alfred Edward Wells Shearsmith married Hannah Mary Fisk, so she's my great-great-grandmother. I'd be interested to share some Fisk family history with you. The bit about being a painter fits nicely with Alfred who was a builder - perhaps explains how he and Hannah got together. I also have a photo of Hannah from 1955 and one of Alfred from 1944…

Posted by Patricia on 05/08/2009

My great(x3)-grandfather, William Scutt, was born in Swinefleet in Solhearns Cottage in 1788 and later lived at Solhearns farm until his death in 1863. Does anyone know where these places were because I do not think they exist now unless the farm has changed its name? Thanks.

Posted by John on 15/08/2009

In my late father's possessions I have an envelope bearing the seal of the INCORPORATED CHURCH BUILDING SOCIETY addressed to The Reverend JWS de Cobam or De Coham, Swinefleet Vicarage, Goole. Bears penny purple stamp and stamped on the rear 5.30am JY23 98, so it relates to July 1898. Is this name known to anyone? Thanks.

Posted by Patricia on 18/09/2009

I have just found a note in the transcription of parish records available from the Doncaster and District Family History Society that states in 1897 John William Fletcher DeCobain was the vicar. His children are listed as Gwynneth, Eric Edward St. Lawrence and Dorothy Isabel Spofforth. His wife's name was Dora Georgiana. The eldest child was Eric and he was born in 1887 when is father was already clergyman and vicar.

Posted by CP on 03/09/2009

My mother and her brother were evacuated to the Vicarage. In the 1940s the vicar was called McPherson.

Posted by Joan on 18/09/2009

I used to live in Swinefleet in the 1960s. I went to the primary school for one very miserable, brutal year (anyone remember a Miss West), married from the church there. I went to Chapel in Whitgift at the same time as Frank Ella and his twin and sister Kathleen. Anyone know who lives in 74 High Street house? Used to be a wheelwrights and then stored bags in the large barn. Then taken over by a joiner.

Posted by Bob on 11/10/2009

Pleased to hear from anyone knowing anything of my ancestors with surnames of: Duckles, Hope, Furniss, Brigham from around this area.

Posted by Patricia on 25/10/2009

I have some parish records for Swinefleet and Whitgift in which several Duckles are mentioned but no Hopes. If you could contact me I will give you what records I have.

Posted by Wilf on 25/11/2009

I was brought up in Swinefleet being born 1932. I remember there was a Billy Hope lived in the village, I would think he would be born in the early-1900s. He was well known as a collector of wild mushrooms, cycling all-round the area. I can't remember exactly where he lived or worked.

Posted by Sam on 26/02/2010

Wracking my brains here to put a name to a pub in Swinefleet that has now gone.

It was on the High Street on the left going towards Reedness. If I remember correctly it was painted green and white and just past it you could access the riverbank. I believe there was a haulage company opposite it. Anyone know of it? Thanks.

Posted by Wilf on 26/02/2010

I think the pub was called the Neptune(?) The haulage company opposite was L & A Read. The piece of land giving access to the river was known as the Hobb. In the 1940s there were two large orchards down Reedness Road, just outside the end of the village, stretching from the road to the riverbank. The near one was owned by the Moy family who lived in Church Lane and the far one by the publican at the Neptune.

Posted by Sue on 10/02/2012

Anyone else remember the pub which was discussed above - we believe it was The Neptune? Was it at 49 High Street?

Posted by Taz on 15/02/2012

The Neptune was further along than No. 49 - probably about 101 High Street next to the bungalow on the left opposite Reeds haulage yard entrance.

Posted by Ken on 15/03/2010

I have been reading this with interest. I was born in Swinefleet in April 1946, my mother's name was Nancy and father was known as Jock.

Soon we moved to Couper Street in Old Goole and then some years later we moved to Carter Street in Goole. I am interested is finding any photos of the River Ouse in 1947 when it was frozen solid. I vaguely recall my mother telling me this. Thanks.

Posted by David on 12/07/2010

Would be interested if anyone has any recollections of my grandfather (Michael O'Donnell/O'Donald) and family who moved from County Mayo in Ireland around 1863/64 and lived in Swinfleet until the mid-1880s. They lived in Moors Cottages and he died in 1878 from sunstroke, I believe. Would also like to know if Moors Cottages are still standing.

Posted by Chris on 04/11/2010

I am writing on behalf of a friend of mine, her name is Janet Russell (was Cottam) and she lived in Swinefleet from 1950 up to 1965. Sshe would like to know if anyone is in touch with someone who was called Margery Grey and lived in the High Street opposite the fish and chip shop in Swinefleet around the same time period. Then moved to Scunthorpe. Thanks.

Posted by Sam on 18/02/2011

Margery Grey, remember her and she had a brother Phillip, Flint by any other name, good lad and a good laugh whilst we were mooching the streets of Swinefleet. Can't shed light on where they are now but definitely moved to Scunny.

Posted by Ian on 16/06/2011

Flint and Madge my aunt and uncle, both live in Scunthorpe.

Posted by Sam on 20/06/2011

Ian, I knew someone would eventually come up with info on Flint, you can't keep a good man down. It is really good to know the guy is still alive and kicking. Not a lot to do in Swinefleet on a dark night but mooch around in gangs eventually ending up at the chippy near your uncle Walts. The chippy's bright lights were a magnet to us lot.

Remember me and my mate jumping out of a dark door hole on Low Street just as Flint was passing one night, I can see him now running into the road shouting obscenities at us and saying if he'd had a bad heart he could have died! We were in hysterics but he would get his own back. He was a good lad to know so all the best to him when you see him.

Posted by Helen on 21/11/2010

Looking for anyone who can tell me anything about the Walsh family of Swinefleet. Winifred Walsh was my mother, born in Swinefleet 1929. I know very little about her family so any info would be very welcome.

Posted by Patricia on 09/01/2011

The only Walsh birth registered in the Goole area in 1929 is Mary whose mother was a Coates. I cannot find any Walshes in parish records but there are several Coates if this is the same family. I do not have nonconformist records so they could be there. Do you know if your grandmother was a Coates?

Posted by Vicki on 13/02/2011

I have a BRISTOW connection to Reedness/Whitgift. Interested in hearing from anyone else who might also.

Posted by Mark on 26/03/2012

My grandfather was called George Bristow and I believe that he had many brothers. My father is Eric Bristow of Old Goole and he had brothers called Roy and Ernie. I believe my family originate from Swinefleet.

Posted by Ian on 16/06/2011

I was born 63 High Street, my grandad Walt Tune lived there (sadly gone). Spent all my summers in Swinefleet, mates with Jonny Drury.

Posted by Corby on 09/08/2011

I have no memory of Walter Tune but have many photos of the Bill Tune family of Swinefleet. Bill Tune apparently fell asleep in his chair with his pipe going and burnt himself to death.

Posted by Taz on 09/10/2011

Walt Tune lived on High Street next to, or where the Ship car park is now. I think his brother Tommy lived with him. They lived near "Bod Billy" whose rows of bird cages seemed to stretch all the way along the narrow back yard and into his house.

Posted by Ian on 12/04/2012

Walt Tune lived at 63 High Street next to the Ship car park as it was (now part of the car park) straight across from Mrs Ogalvies's shop. Walt's brothers lived next door to him Tommy and Alf Tune (Alf was a bit like Compo). His daughter Florrie lived with him.

Posted by Sam on 17/06/2011

OMG. I lived in Swinefleet until 1985. I went out with Andrew Masterman and was best friends with Lorraine Cowling. Some of my best memoires were sitting outside the church on the wall or in the phone box opposite the garage. I lived on Church Lane - what a brill place! Think I need to revisit.

Sitting on the church wall brings back loads of memories, if it could only talk! Generations of kids have made it the place to congregate in Swiney. The old phone box has some tales to tell as well, plus it was very useful when it was raining. Sagie Woolass at the garage wouldn't let you linger in the shop long keeping out of the rain, unless you were spending money of course, so the phone box was the next best thing. But no matter what, the phone box never got vandalised, suppose it and the one on Gunsons corner were the only life lines out to civilisation. Don't know what the record is now a days but we managed to get thirteen kids in the box and shut the door.

Remember me and my mate sat on the wall one Saturday afternoon when Pete Rowells, the village copper, stopped in his Ford Anglia and accused us of and I quote "obliterating a normally erected sign post" as he said passing motorists couldn't see the chevrons for the corner, and if we were there when he came back he would clip our ears. Brilliant days.

Posted by Taz on 02/10/2011

I was the mate obliterating the sign post with you and the same one who jumped out in front of Flint. The old place was better in the days when there was a copper in the village instead of one riding through about once a month!

Posted by Sam on 04/10/2011

Taz, well, well it's nice to hear from you my old mate, a lot of water has gone under the bridge since them days but still the memories seem to be as crystal clear as yesterday. Don't visit the old place much as it seems to be too far from the dreaded motorways today. Did see our old boss and his missus (DHP) a couple of years ago but age is creeping up on them as well, DH is well into his 70s now.

Can you remember jumping out of the graveyard one night at Weedy Leighton on his bike coming back from Sagies? Hell, did he get a spurt on. I told someone about the "bomb" Frank Tabiner had in his shed when I nearly bricked myself the day he dropped it, you and him couldn't stop laughing as I tried to climb over you to get out… Crazy days.

Had chance to have a mooch round Pasture and Common a few years back, unrecognisable, but the memories are still there, so much so I wrote a series of stories about those days and the folks who worked there, one of them is the story about you running after a rat with a stick over the frozen beet field and you accidentally fell on top of the rat! How things have moved on since our youth. Well nice to talk to you again, stay lucky.

Posted by Taz on 09/10/2011

Yes, you could certainly write a book about the characters we knew back then. The bomb and the rat are two that I have recounted many times since. Have Petty's got the part for your Yamaha yet? I remember going with you there nearly every Saturday to see it slowly disappearing under the dust.

DHP is one of the best blokes I have ever known. My times spent with him have had a lasting influence on me - his wise words often come back to me. "You young lads" he used to say to us when we weren't doing things the right way because we knew best. I remember him saying that you could write a letter on the top of the cab of the 165 when you got stuck one day with the spud wheels on!

Posted by Sam on 10/10/2011

Yea DHP's words come back to haunt me now and again too, some you didn't understand when you just a young lad but time makes them much clearer. An amusing one was his boots when he said he'd give you that up the 14th lace hole, ha ha. Remember Swinefleets "heavy gang" Herby, Jacub and Les? I only recalled Herby's reply the other day when someone asked the quickest way down from a roof "shut your eyes and walk about"

Where has all the time gone Taz? Done so much yet there's so much more left to do. I had to recall some of the Bimbo stories, they brought tears to my eyes laughing at his antics when writing them down. I also recall the 165 incident, it was DHP's fault, he should have had the field drained, wet holes all over it! Like you I have met some weird and wonderful folks over the years but the old Swinefleet days and the characters around there still take some beating.

Hope you and yours are doing ok no doubt speak again sometime.

Posted by Kate on 07/07/2011

My great-grandfather Thomas Walker Martin was born in Swinefleet about 1780 as was his brother Charles born about 1796. Their father was Thomas Martin, stated on the marriage certificate. They were both farmers, so I expect their father would be too. If anyone can help me find out more about the family I would be very grateful. Thanks.

Posted by Patricia on 21/11/2011

Thomas Martin married Mary Walker at St. Mary Magdalene church, Whitgift 24 December 1782. Swinefleet church didn't open until 1813 and even later for marriages. Their children were:

Thomas (b. 16/02/1783)
John (b. 20/03/1785)
Elizabeth (b. 01/04/1787)
Ann (b. 01/05/1789)

but these are also listed as children of Thomas and Elizabeth:

Hannah (b. 17/03/1791)
Jane (09/05/1793)
Charles (23/08/1795)

There must have been a remarriage somewhere but I cannot find a death for Mary and the early baptisms are given as children of Thomas without a wife's name being given.

Posted by Jill on 16/08/2011

I believe my ancestor Thomas Clark (b. circa 1834 in Keyingham) was the miller at Swinefleet at some point between 1867-1876 as several of his children were born there according to the 1881 census (Thomas, Henry, Annie, Theodore and Agnes) They moved to Reedness c. 1877 where further children Alfred and George were born. If anyone can provide me with any info about the family or the mill, I would be very interested to hear. Thanks.

Posted by Swinefleet on 11/11/2011

My family are all Swinefleet raised. My father is Trevor Noon, my (late) grandfather Eric Noon and my grandmother on my mum's side is Joan Tabiner.

Posted by Harold on 12/07/2012

I am related to the Swinefleet Tabiners, my dad was Harold, brother of Jack, Ben, Frank and May. They lived three doors from the last house in Swinefleet before Kings Causeway opposite Walt Ellas farm.

My dad worked at the starch factory next to Ocean Lock in Old Goole, Jack was a foreman at Fisons, Ben for what I understand took the surrender of some Japanese forces in Burma(?) during World War II. Frank was the crane driver on the Goole Bight and later the mobile crane driver for the shipyard alongside the Lep shed and the dry docks.

My aunty May lived in a house on High Street(?) that had a garden and walls that were coated in shells. I don't mean a few shells but hundreds of thousands that covered the walls and even some massive clams (the big ones) about one and a half foot across. (I was only young but the memory is good). Were they all came from I do not know and I often wonder if they are there now.

It's been a long time since I was in Swinefleet. I wonder if the broken gun on the war monument has been replaced?

Posted by Julie on 19/11/2011

My family is the WOOLASS family and have lived in Swinefleet all their lives, I think. My mum is doing a family tree. Is there anybody out there related or know of the Woolass family? Thanks.

Posted by Alan on 19/11/2011

I have a friend called Mike who lives in Cheshire but is related to the Woolass family and has history going back to 1769. I have asked him to contact you through this website.

Posted by Julie on 29/11/2011

Does anyone remember my uncle Morris Woolass? He was killed outside the school. My mum said he was a lovely boy and everyone loved him.

Posted by Mike on 04/12/2011

It is true that I have on file quite a lot of history for the Woollass family. Contrarily my maternal grandfather insisted on this spelling! I won't take credit for establishing the file as much of the work was done by a distant relative who now lives near Edinburgh. I can be contacted via the Webmaster.

Posted by Maxine on 01/01/2012

My late father Joseph Wilson was born in the George pub in 1928. My great-aunt Ada was married to a Woolass.

Posted by Chris on 23/04/2012

I researched the Andrews and Woolas families a lot - I have the Woolas line traced back to circa 1750. Alf Andrews was married to Ann as his second wife. Alan, I think this was you wife's grandmother.

Posted by Graham on 15/11/2011

My father John Alcock was one of the original members of the SAS. He was awarded the French medal the Croix de Guerre after returning from an operation behind the German front lines near Metz in 1944. He blew up a train, he had to fight his way out of a house in the forest when trapped, killing several Germans in hand to hand combat. He married Maud Cowling during the war from Swinefleet and in the 1960s came back to Swinefleet to live. I live in his house and have done so since 1980. My father originally came from Goole.

Posted by Taz on 15/02/2012

Can anyone remember the Rising Sun pub?

Posted by Roy on 26/02/2012

The Rising Sun was next to the Kings Head on High Street, Swinefleet.

Posted by Myrtle on 22/01/2013

I'm trying to trace the FREEMAN family. Susan Freeman married George Thompson a farmer from Goole Fields.

Posted by Janet on 22/01/2013

Susan Freeman was my auntie, who farmed at Goole Fields. Her daughter also called Myrtle, my cousin married Hubert Fletcher who had a daughter, called Maureen. My mother was Eva Alice Freeman, her sister, who was in service with her.

Posted by Myrtle on 23/01/2013

Janet, so thrilled to hear from you. I am Margaret Freeman's daughter named after my auntie Myrtle. I have been doing a family tree. I wonder if you knew where my uncle George Thompson family live now? I believe he had five boys and one girl.

Posted by Jane on 28/01/2013

I am Jane Freeman, daughter of Roger, Janet's cousin (hi Janet!), the only son of George Freeman, who was Eva's brother. Don't know a lot about the Freemans - just a few bits, but would be glad to help if you think I can.

Posted by Myrtle on 30/01/2013

Jane, my grandma Susan and your grandfather were brother and sister. I wonder if you knew much about my great-grandad Freeman other than we think he was a vet and farrier?

Posted by Jane on 14/02/2013

Myrtle, I don't know any more than you really. I had heard rumours about him being a vet, but when I did some dredging a few years back, I think he was listed as a farrier. On going much further back (early 19th Century) I found a vet. Unfortunately most of the research was lost in a computer meltdown, but could be retraced. It was just done using census records.

You will know that great-uncle Bill is commemorated on the war memorial in Swinefleet, having died in the last few days of WWI. His medal passed to my dad, and thence to me. It is still in its original envelope addressed to great-grandma - the address is Clough Head, 7 Swinefleet, if that is of any help. I also have a photograph of the family outside their home, which I can scan and send you, if you haven't already got it.

Posted by Margaret on 17/03/2013

My dad's family came from Swinefleet and I lived there until the age of seven when my family moved to Scunthorpe in 1956. My maiden name was Thompson and we lived at No. 1 Old Hob, on the High Street opposite Cowling's farm. The house no longer exists, it's an opening leading to the riverbank now.

I can remember my best friend was called Nadine but can't remember her surname, she had a niece called Corrine who I think was a couple of years older than her. Nadine lived nearly opposite the butcher's shop on the High Street, I would love to know what happened to her. I used to attend Sunday School on Low Street and still have my attendance books from there. I can still remember the teacher or cook from school making the Christmas pudding and everyone in class having a stir and making a wish. I can also remember being taught to knit - unsuccessfully in my case, I had more holes in my dishcloth than I had dishcloth! Happy memories.

Posted by BC on 26/03/2013

Nadine's surname was Cooper and did live opposite Needham butcher's shop. Her cousin Corrine's surname was Garthwaite.

Posted by Margaret on 26/03/2013

BC, thank you so much for your information about Nadine and Corrine, as soon as I read Nadine's surname I recognised it straightaway. I hope they are both well, it must be about 55 years since I saw Nadine and even longer since I saw Corrine. Many thanks for your information.

Posted by Hilary on 19/02/2015

Anyone know anything about the WOMBELL family? Thomas (b. 1825/26 in Swinefleet) was a joiner/wheelwright and his father Rev. William Wombell (1792-1876) in 1851 census lived at Lowgate and Low Street in 1871. Thanks.

Posted by Fiona on 18/05/2016

We moved to Swinefleet in April 2014. I am most interested in finding out anything about the house we bought, No. 6 High Street, Swinefleet. We were told by a neighbour that it was once a threshing mill? It has a plaque on the front stating "Walkers Buildings 1875". Would really appreciate any guidance on where to start digging for information. Thanks.

Posted by Wilf on 02/06/2016

Fiona, I was brought up in a cottage on Goole Road and walked past your back gate on the way to school until about 1942. I can only recall seeing the barn door open on one occasion. No. 6 was occupied by George Cowling and family. George was an electrician. He had a battery charger and charged wet batteries which were used in radios. I seem to think he charged about six old pence for the service. I was friendly with Norman who lived at No. 4 and they shared the back yard with No. 6. I can remember most of the names in the area.

Posted by Geoff on 06/01/2017

Wilf, my dad was George Cowling. We lived at No. 6 High Street as you say and my dad charged the batteries. I still live in Reedness.

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