Rawcliffe Bridge
A common place-name in the old Danelaw areas of the Midlands and the North, usually "farmstead or estate of the freemen or peasants", from Old Scandinavian karl (often no doubt replacing Old English ceorl) + Old English tun.
"A Dictionary of English Place-Names", Oxford University Press
This is technically still within Rawcliffe, but is the name given to the village between the railway line and the point where the road crosses the Dutch River on the way to Thorne. The village is now dominated by overhead traffic thundering past on the M62 between Leeds and Hull.

The railway line has very few trains nowadays and hardly anybody uses the station. It does however give rise to the least used stretch of road in the area when an underpass was built under the line.
This came into existence, of necessity, when the Dutch River was built. It was needed so that the people of Rawcliffe could continue to use their ancient pastures. But it was the coming of the Canal and the Railway in the 19 th Century that turned it into a place where people lived and worked. For a time it flourished and then in this century was rescued from final decline by the coming of Croda. In 1896 St. Philip's Church was built for much the same reason as St. James' had been built five hundred years earlier - for the "ease" of parishioners living at some distance from their Parish Church. Chapel, school and shops helped to complete what before the invention of the motor car must been a lively and self-contained community.
"Rivers, Rectors and Abbots", David Lunn - Bishop of Sheffield, 1990

Visitor Comments
Posted by Steve on 03/02/2007
Worked with some good people in Rawcliffe Bridge for 22 years had some good laughs. Hope they are still working hard. Wish I was back on that folder gluer! ha ha.
Posted by Prim on 08/05/2007
My family, Ben PROCTOR, wife Adelaide and children Frank, George, Addie, Eileen and Annie all lived at Elms Farm. Would love to hear from anybody who knew/knew of my grandparents.
Posted by Vulcan on 15/04/2008
I knew Evelyn Procter and her sister when they lived in Frog Row at Rawcliffe Bridge. Croda has long since built over all this area leaving no trace. I knew Ben and also his dad who I think was also named Benny.
Posted by Matt on 05/02/2008
I am researching my family tree. My grandad Charley TRINDER and wife Mary GUNN lived in Rawcliffe Bridge. My grandad's family home with his parents was 19 Dobella Road. According to maps this doesn't exist. Can anyone help? Thanks.
Posted by Krebs on 13/08/2008
My grandad said there was a farm on Dobella Lane run by Trinders.
Posted by Yvonne on 29/03/2010
This is a little off track… but am wondering if anyone can help here too, please?
Am following up on my family tree, and it seems they were at Dobella farm too. John Blacker was farming there (according to the 1841 census) along with his second wife (Ellen) and his family from his first wife (Hannah - nee Lawrence - she had died a few years earlier). Thanks.
Posted by Colin on 16/04/2010
Fond memories of Rawcliffe Bridge. I think it was Dobella Avenue not Road and I think I might know some of the Trinders.
Posted by Pauline on 17/04/2010
Colin from Paper Mill Road? Would you be Marjorie's big brother by any chance?
I often think about all the little ones that played down the backs. I have a photo, taken in the early-1950s(?) of you two with Wendy and Linda Butler, Yvonne Morris, Glenn Turner and a little girl called Anne. I think she was Mr Young's grand-daughter so I think her name was Thompson. Do you remember them all - and Mr Young who used to cut your hair?
Posted by Colin on 10/06/2010
Hello, yes we are both fit and well, I live in Hull with my wife of 40 years. My wife met up with Glen Turner at their work where he is a fire officer. I lived at 17 Papermill Road, can't remember your number
Posted by Pauline on 20/06/2010
Colin, I used to live at No.1 - the last house on your side of the street. My dad worked with your dad at the pit. Alan, Shirley and Glenn Turner lived at No. 5.
Posted by Colin on 26/07/2010
Matt, the reason you cannot find Dobella Road is because it is now called Paper Mill Road. The numbers were changed when the name was changed so that No. 59 became No. 4
Posted by Shirley on 27/08/2014
I was born at 43 Dobella Road, Rawcliffe Bridge which eventually became 5 Paper Mill Road. I think it changed when the council houses were built. My name was Shirley Rose Turner. My brothers are Alan and Glen. Paper Mill Road was once known as Pulp Row, presumably because of the Turner paper mill (no relation).
Posted by Shirley on 27/08/2014
Matt, I know yours is an old post but I went to school with Peter Trinder. I was born at 43 Dobella Road, which is now 5 Papermill Road, and this is why you will not find it on a map.
Posted by Matt on 06/06/2017
My uncle Peter Trinder is still going strong and lives in Hook currently. Still after information on anyone who knew any Gunns or Trinders in Rawcliffe Bridge, my great-grandad Gunn used to have the chip shop on the corner of Portland Street.
Posted by Reg on 28/02/2008
I am researching my family tree. My great-aunt, Lucy BUTLER married William ASPINALL a blacksmith in 1909. I have been told that at some time they kept the Rawcliffe Bridge Hotel. They had two daughters, Phyllis and Nora I believe. I would be very interested to hear from anyone still around that remembers them. Thanks.
Posted by Pauline on 21/11/2008
Reg, you missed out grandad and grandma Aspinall's middle daughter Jean. Phyllis (my mother) and Jean died in 1999 but Nora is still alive. Got a picture of them outside Rawcliffe Bridge Hotel before they retired about 1952/53.
Posted by Mike on 12/02/2011
I saw the reference to the Rawcliffe Bridge Hotel and the name of MACHIN. I am trying to find about who ran the Hotel.
My wife's great-aunt Hannah Norbury married William Drury. He died in 1919 and the rumour is that she on to run a hotel in the Goole area (sometime between 1919 and 1935-ish). In 1934 she married Harry Coates who had a daughter Muriel Coates. I have now found out that Muriel Coates married a widower Frank Machin who had a daughter from his first marriage, Janet S. Machin, and they ran the Rawcliffe Bridge Hotel.
Would anybody know owned/ran the Hotel in about 1934? Thanks.
Posted by Margaret on 13/02/2011
Mike, I remember Frank's wife Muriel, I also remember her mother. Alan Proctor is the person you need to get in touch with, he married Janet (Muriel's daughter) and he still lives in the village.
When my parents retired and left the village, Janet's grandmother gave them a small vase, I still have it. If you can give me your email, and then give me your address, I will gladly send it to you. Don't think that it's worth much but I sure you will like it for sentimental reasons.
Posted by Pauline on 30/11/2014
Past landlords of the Rawcliffe Bridge Hotel keep coming up so I'll add some facts for interested parties. In 1940, the licensee was a Mr Woodliffe. My grand-father, William G. Aspinall and his wife Lucy took over in 1942 and stayed until he retired in 1951, when they went to live in Portland Street next door to Mr James (Keith's family). Mrs Coates took over from my grandparents.
Posted by Corby on 16/03/2009
Does anyone know of a Sonny or Sunny Dickinson who lived in Rawcliffe Bridge? Real name Lawrence. I am hoping to find family members. His grandmother was my great-aunt Georgina.
Posted by Alan on 09/03/2010
I have lived in village for 66 years and knew Sonny Dickenson and Ada Fielder very well. They lived at the Pastures and then moved on to Goole. Every weekend my parents and Sonny and Ada used to go for a drink at the Black Horse and call back at our house for supper and knees up at 43 Paper Mill Road.
Posted by Linda on 21/05/2013
Alan, I feel really proud that you've mentioned my grandma Ada Fielder and Sonny Dickenson. They were a lovely pair weren't they? I'm Don Thorpe and Betty Fielder's daughter. We all had some good times at Rawcliffe Bridge Hotel and the Black Horse didn't we? I remember you well. Nice memories!
Posted by Corby on 23/05/2013
Linda, I probably knew your father Don. He was three years older than me and lived down our street. I also knew your aunt Doreen who married my wife's uncle Bob Hall. We visited Doreen shortly after she lost Bob. Doreen had a daughter whose name escapes me but I have a photo of her sitting on her Granny Hall's knee at our wedding. Please give Doreen our regards. We lost touch over the years.
You mentioned Sonny Dickinson. His grandmother was my grand-aunt, being my granddad's sister Georgina. I also have a photo of her on her wedding day.
Posted by Linda on 23/05/2013
Corby, it's a small world isn't it? Yes you're on the right track. My dad's brothers and sisters are Doreen and George who are still alive and Edith and Enid deceased. Doreen's daughter is my cousin Annette who lives down South. My dad was in the merchant navy a number of years so he was away a lot.
Sonny Dickenson and my grandma on my mother's side lived together for many, many years, so many that I always called him grandad. She was Ada Fielder, a lovely woman. Thanks for getting in touch.
Posted by Corby on 24/05/2013
When you place messages on these pages you never know who may be watching. We live in Southampton and Doreen did say her daughter was down here. There are a few Fielders in Goole. I do not recognise the names of yours. I knew the Edinburgh Street ones Gladys, Lucy, Norah, Nancy and Alan. I know, in their teens, Doreen was friendly with Lucy Fielder and my sister Elsie. A strange coincidence is that Sonny as a boy lived across the street from Doreen.
Posted by Linda on 24/05/2013
My grandma Ada was married to Robert Fielder who was brother of Gladys, etc. We're talking about the same family. Unfortunately Robert died in the war. I remember my mum's aunt Gladys very well, although I was very young.
Posted by Pat on 16/03/2015
It's been interesting reading some of the comments. I recall some names and places mentioned. I'm Betty and Don Thorpe's daughter and my sister is Linda x. Our grandma and grandad was Sonny and had a dwellers at the Blackhorse. Good times, haha. I remember my grandad Sonny playing the piano in a drunken state performing the laughing policeman.
Does anyone remember our great-grandma Cowling who lived between the bridges across from the Blackhorse? She was a little lady, always had a strong cup of tea and a piece of apple pie for anyone who called in!
Posted by Corby on 17/03/2015
Pat, I love these little snippets that keep coming up from the Rawcliffe Bridge area.
I remember the Thorpes in Stanley Street, George and Alice with Doreen and Don. I believe that they had more kids. Doreen used to knock around with my sister Elsie and also Lucy Fielder, they were the same age.
Doreen ended up marrying my wife's uncle Bob Hall. Shortly after Bob's death we visited her in a large house near where "the green houses" used to be. She had a daughter who may still live in Goole.
If it is Sonny Dickinson that you are speaking of, then we were related going back to a Norfolk immigrant Georgina Bunting. His father used to live almost directly opposite the Thorpes with sons Donald, Lawrence (Sonny), Georgina and her little sister.
Posted by Joe on 31/03/2009
I live in Rawcliffe Bridge at the moment and have noticed some creepy goings on at the Rawcliffe Bridge Hotel, a figure been seen countless times. Was told something might have been built there before the hotel, or there could have been a death there, and that is why there is a presence. Just curious if anyone has info about these going-ons? Would like to know.
Also a friend of mine was at the school to watch their children perform at Christmas. She was walking through the school when she felt a child's hand grip hers, thinking it was her son she looked down but no one was there. When mentioning this to a friend in the playground a teacher overheard and said that someone had seen a young girl in a classroom on a few occasions. Can anyone help?
Posted by Nathan on 01/02/2010
I live in Rawcliffe Bridge and there has been some odd going-ons in my house. Lights appear fly across the room and vanish. I have seen this outside, normally at the early hours in the morning. I also have a voice recording on my phone of a girl saying "I am real, open the door." Tea lights in my living room are upside down when I get up in the morning. If anybody knows of anything about things of this matter then please contact me. Thanks.
Posted by Margaret on 04/04/2010
The ghosts at the Rawcliffe Bridge Hotel must be fairly recent ones. I lived next door (when it was a police house) and never saw, or heard anything unusual.
I remember hitting top speed on my bike when returning home, in the dark, from my friend's house (Grace Walker, Spring Cottages) past the old glucose factory and the ponds. Very creepy! Also, going over the little drainage bridge near the ponds and being dive-bombed by a huge barn owl which used to lie in wait for me.
Posted by Nigel on 14/01/2016
Could anybody from round the Rawcliffe area tell me if the Black Horse Hotel/pub is haunted? We stopped there last Saturday night and had a ghostly experience. I am not a believer but what me and my wife saw was so strange. So if anybody could help it would be appreciated. Thanks.
Posted by Irene on 25/05/2016
Joe, the school is haunted - something to do with school house - I was brought up there. My dad was Squire Bradley, he worked at Turner paper mill (Linpac) which is also haunted. We lived in Bridge Terrace, weird things happen there.
Posted by Diann on 30/12/2009
I was from Rawcliffe Bridge and my dad was Herbert Lee who was the foreman at Turner Papermill then a gardener at Rawcliffe Hall hospital. He was related to the Walker family in Rawcliffe Bridge and married Enid Wroe of Thorne.
Posted by Pauline on 01/01/2010
Hello Diann, I'd given up hope of ever seeing a name I knew on this page! Write some more and see if you can find any school pals from way back. Happy New Year.
Posted by Doug on 28/01/2010
I was born in Canal Cottages (Frog Row) in 1939 and well remember Herbert Lee and daughter Diane, also Pauline Reddall. Over the years I have kept in regular contact with David Chafer who was born at Greenland Farm and Peter Barnett who still lives in the village.
Posted by Pauline on 02/02/2010
Doug, have your ears been burning? At a Post Card Fair, I bought a super card of Frog Row and yours was the only name I could associate with it. I passed it on to Shirley Turner (now Goole Town councillor Mrs Marshall) and she passed it to her brother Alan. Alan did come up with lots of names but none that I remember, but that's not surprising because we only moved into Papermill Road in 1947 and I had left in 1953. Postcards of Rawcliffe Bridge are very scarce so I was very lucky to find it.
Posted by Matthew on 05/02/2010
My grandparents lived at 21 Portland Street, Rawcliffe Bridge, as did many of my nan's sisters (the Gunns). Would be interested in anyone who has any stories or even better photos to assist my family tree. My grandad was Charley Trinder (Chuck) and nan was Mary Trinder (nee Gunn).
Both my great-grandparents (Gunn and Trinders) were involved in the paper mill and they had the shop on the end of Portland Street at one side and a chip shop at the other side. I have fond memories as a child staying with grandparents of a man called Geoff who used to always stand on the corner of Portland Street and wave to everyone that passed by.
Posted by Pauline on 06/02/2010
Matthew, the Geoff you remember was Geoff Goddard, son of Harold Goddard the butcher. He had a sister Margaret - do you remember her? He went to live with Margaret after his parents died. I have a photo with their grandmother on it, taken in the 1950s and she was a widow then, so maybe it was his parents that you remember. Harold Goddard walked with a limp from a war injury.
Posted by Margaret on 04/04/2010
Names are flooding back… Kath Harrison, Rita Kinder, Susan(?) (worked at Rawcliffe Hall as a nurse), Micheal Leake, Clive Broughton, John at the Post Office/garage and the family at the pub. I can't remember the family's name at the pub but know that they had a daughter called Janet who eventually bought the house next door and had a daughter called Heather.
Many memories… all of them happy.
Posted by Alan on 07/04/2010
Margaret, I assume your parents were Jim and Marion Freeman and you had a brother called David? We were good friends of your mum and dad. I married the girl from the pub called Janet Machin who unfortunately died fifteen years ago. Your father and I were on the committee to get the first playing field up and running, which we did.
Posted by Margaret on 09/04/2010
Alan, yes, of course, I remember you now; I think you were working in construction at the time. I am so sorry to hear about Janet.
Posted by Shirley on 04/10/2011
Have just been reading the comments on this site. I was born in Dobella Row Rawcliffe Bridge, No. 43 in 1936, and have my birth certificate with the address. I never moved, always lived in the same house, which became 5 Papermill Road, when the council houses were built. My dad was George and my mum Mary Hannah. There were three of us, Alan, myself and Glen born in 1947.
Posted by Margaret on 20/10/2011
Shirley, I remember Glen. He was a good friend of David my brother. He used to call in often to see us, especially when he came home on leave from the army. I also remember his wife, I think her name was Doris? David died when he was 58. I hope that Glen and his family are well. Nice memories.
Posted by Doug on 10/12/2011
Shirley, just picked up on Rawcliffe Bridge blog. I remember all your family very well, I was born at Rawcliffe Bridge in 1939 and lived for sixteen years at 2 Canal Cottages before moving to Papermill Road (57?), next door to the Snell family. I am sure I remember Alan having a Francis Barnett motorbike at a time when most of the lads had motorbikes.
Posted by Freda on 30/11/2012
My stepfather worked in The Co-operative shop (the Co-op) at Rawcliffe Bridge around 1948-49. He was Charles Edward Watmough, a grocer from Goole, with a long association with the Parish Church there.
Edith (Edie) Broughton was single, worked at Burton's tailoring in Goole and lived with her two brothers in Rawcliffe Bridge too. When she was approximately 70 years old she married Edward (Ted) Wheldrake from Snaith (born in Whitgift). They then lived in Rawcliffe Bridge in her home and travelled extensively to Adelaide, South Australia three times and also back to Malta, as Ted was there in the navy after World War II.
I hope this helps to ring some bells. With warm regards from Sunny South Australia,
Posted by Sasha on 15/01/2013
I was wondering if anybody has any memories of the Black Horse at Rawcliffe Bridge? I'm currently the manageress and love to hear about the history of the pub. I've lived at New Cottages for the last eleven years. First came to the village at fifteen to New Cottages. Then moved to Rawcliffe, then back to New Cottages! I know lots of people but nobody knows much about the pub. Old photos of the pub would be a god-send as I'm redecorating soon and would love some photos to frame and hang in the pub. Heard it use to be two cottages. Any info would be fantastic.
Posted by Stephen on 12/01/2014
I know somebody who lived in the pub for 23 years and left nearly 60 years ago. I'm sure he would love to answer some of your questions about its history.
Posted by Ian on 24/01/2013
I try find Rawcliffe Frog Row. My granddad, George Fredrick Raynor, lived at No. 3. My father Leslie William Rayner was also born there. Are there any photos of Frog Row cottage?
Posted by Glenys on 15/09/2015
My parents used to live in Frog Row, Rawcliffe Bridge. If anyone has photos of frog row would it be possible to send me a copy. Tracing my family tree. Thanks.
Posted by Pauline on 16/09/2015
I can send you a picture of Frog Row - proper name, Canal Cottages.
Posted by Linda on 19/02/2013
Does anyone know of a Nancy Walker's whereabouts? She was born and lived at 9 New Cottages, Rawcliffe Bridge until aged 20ish. She had a younger brother and sister, and an older brother and sister. So one of five. They lived there in the 1950s. Their mother worked as a farmhand and their father as a peat digger for British Peat Moss Company. I am trying to trace my mother Nancy Walker who would now be 79 or any of her children/family. Any information would be fantastic.
Posted by Angela on 01/04/2013
Linda, have emailed you some info.
Posted by Patrick on 09/02/2014
I lived in Stubbs Villa with my brother and sisters Mareen, Shirley, Julie plus David. I am the youngest Patrick. I used to go to Rawcliffe Bridge Primary School. Does anyone remember me?
Posted by Nadine on 12/10/2014
Patrick, I remember your family well. I spent a lot of time at your house. I was friends with Maureen and we all went to primary school together.
Posted by Colin on 21/11/2014
Joe Mundy was the chief engineer at Rawcliffe Paper Mill, and a director. His wife Ada was related to the England family, possibly her maiden name. My family all worked at the mill until it closed in 1966. My dad was director of production.
Posted by Glenys on 27/11/2014
Just been looking at Rawcliffe Bridge on the web. I recognised few names. Ada and Sonny. Betty and Don Thorpe we are related. I went to Rawcliffe Bridge primary school. It would be nice to hear from anyone who remembers me. I live in Wilmslow in Cheshire now but I am still a Yorkshire lass. I lived down Harvest Way.
Posted by Amy on 04/01/2015
My dad Keith Jackson "Ruffy" passed away nine years ago. He grew up in Rawcliffe Bridge. I wondering if anyone had any memories or pictures of him. Thanks.
Posted by Mick on 13/12/2020
Amy, I've just found this site for Rawcliffe Bridge. I realise the question about your dad is over five years old but I remember your dad very well. Ruffy was my best mate for many years. We lived next door to each other on Bridge Terrace. We spent all our time together playing football, cricket, tennis, etc. He was a brilliant sportsman especially at football. He was also a great lad. We never argued and always got on really well. We also went on quite a few holidays together including France and Spain.
I have many happy memories of your dad.
Posted by Nicola on 30/01/2016
My grandparents Mary and George Turner used to live at 5 Papermill Road. I have many fond memories of playing in the back lane and by the railway tracks. I would love to have some wonderful stories of my lovely grandparents. My grandma was a true lady and my grandpa helped everyone! My sister and I felt unique as we were the only mixed race children in the village. We treasure our memories and wish well to all that know us, God bless.
Posted by Irene on 25/05/2016
Anyone remember Squire Bradley? He used to play drums at Black Horse. Worked at Turner paper mill (Linpac).
Posted by Shirley on 26/05/2016
My dad was George Turner from 5 Papermill Road, Rawcliffe Bridge. He was great friends with your dad Squire Bradley and George Houghton, think the three of them were known as the "Last of the Summer Wine", my dad being the little scruffy one. My youngest brother was Glen.
Posted by Irene on 27/05/2016
Shirley, I remember my dad and your dad being pals. I always say my dad reminded me of Compo (the scruffy one). They were good hearted blokes. Miss him.
I remember Glen. My brothers were Peter, Stephen and Ernest. Stephen died about two years ago Ernest must be ten years since he died.
Posted by Elaine on 07/06/2016
My ancestor Esau Wells was a brickmaker at Rawcliffe Bridge from about 1833 until his death in 1870. The 1851 census says he employed fourteen men at his brickworks. I saw in the history of the sugar mill that it was a brickworks in the 1800s. Could this be the location of Esau Wells yard? His son John possibly inherited it, but didn't last. Esau is also listed as owned of 48 acres of land.
Posted by Jo on 10/09/2017
I am trying to trace family from Goole/Rawcliffe/Hook area. My great nana, Eva MAW (died around end of 1990s) had three children I think, Peter, Patricia (my nana) and Clive. I visited my Nana's old house around twelve years ago with my nana, we knocked and the lady who lived there very kindly let us come in and chatted with my nana about the different people they knew and where they ended up. My nana Patricia (Pat) went on to work at the Station Hotel in Hull before marrying Ronald Walker and moving to Norfolk.
Posted by Pauline on 02/04/2018
I first moved into Paper Mill Road in 1948 when I started Grammar School and I think the Maw family were still in the street. I do remember that they were one of the first families to move into the new council houses opposite the Rawcliffe Bridge Hotel. I have a photo of Pat's father taken in the 1950s.
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