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Useflete 1100-8. "(Place at) the channel of the River Ouse". Old English fleot.

"A Dictionary of English Place-Names", Oxford University Press

Ousefleet is very much like Reedness, only smaller and quieter. Dominating the skyline are two huge pylons which carry the National Grid across the river. It also has a large lighthouse marking the hazard of Whitgift Ness mud and sandbanks.

A new bench was built here to mark the millennium - not as impressive as the Dome, but a hell of a lot cheaper.

There is an important RSPB nature reserve, Blacktoft Sands, just outside the village. The reed, grasses and mud where the Ouse meets the Trent, is a haven for birds such as goldeneye, smew, hen harriers, whooper swans and short-eared owls.

Visitor Comments

Posted by KH on 23/01/2006

Yippee! On Friday we move to Ousefleet - leaving too many years of town and city living behind us for rural bliss and (hopefully) friendly neighbours. We can't wait!

Posted by Rosemary on 12/08/2008

I lived in Ousefleet until I was eighteen years old. I still go back there to see family. There are lovely walks along the riverbank and down the lane. Pace of life is so much slower. New people have moved into the village now, I used to know everyone there.

Posted by George on 24/11/2009

Ah yes! I too grew up there, well Whitgift actually. Used to have great fun in the tree den down the lane. Was saddened by a resident to the village telling me that there was nothing to do for her children, they don't know they are born. Great spot always has been always will be.

Posted by Debra on 13/09/2010

George, it must be 25 years since I saw you last. Ousefleet School was the best. I lived in Adlingfleet and when I was twelve, in 1978, I moved to Reedness. I have lived in Lincolnshire for the last 20 some years but I still think back on these places with great childhood memories.

Posted by Raymond & Marie on 04/05/2010

Scheduled Ancient Monument West of Ousefleet hamlet/village, i.e., once a fortified manor house of Hall Garth:

On a O.S. map (satellite view) grid ref.SE 8250229 (3), this shows what was a moated area with two enclosed islands both with stone foundations and Sir John de-Usflete's rejected special Christian Chapel was once there.

Posted by Raymond & Marie on 09/06/2010

In a recent book titled "Map Addict" it mentions that Ousefleet and area contains absolutely nothing. Although my wife has not been in the area, I have a few times, and found it to be a very nice place to be and walk about, including Whitgift and other areas on the other side of Ousefleet, eg. Adlingfleet. If a person also knows something of the area's history then it is more of an interesting place to know of and visit.

In 2001 it was confirmed by OS Maps that a grid square behind our house and in front of their farm contained the least detail of any in Great Britain. Some residents were interviewed by the media and the story was featured by, amongst others, the Guardian and the BBC.

I found the area very peaceful and, to those who know something about its past and certain people from there who became quite substantial in the formation of England, it is a special place and part of our heritage and I hope to visit the area again with my wife.

Posted by Jon on 04/01/2011

Ousefleet just mentioned on QI!

Posted by Paul on 29/06/2010

My family is from there, my gran (Mary Gray, nee Pindar) was brought up on the farm where my uncle (her nephew) still lives. Love the place, always wanted to make (or win enough) to buy the old family farm house. Spent many a weekend down there as a kid playing on haystacks and looking for horse shoes!

Posted by Sam on 08/07/2010

I recall Ousefleet very well, having worked the land around there for a good number of years. I wish I had a quid for the many times Tom Ward the foreman at Co-op was going to kick my backside for playing tricks on him or just answering him back when I was sent to his place to do some work. Good days. I also went right through Goole Modern School sat next to his daughter Jeryl, a lovely girl.

When I left the land, so to speak, I started selling farm machinery so came into contact with most farming families in and around Ousefleet and remember Joe and David Pindar well plus Harry Easton. The last tractor I sold down there was to Harry Phillipson. I also traded with Wesh Canty, Bob and Roy Leetham and remember Titch Ward used to keep my old car road worthy.

I have had some really good times in the "low toons". It is nice to see some new blood moving into the villages and taking an active interest in keeping the place on the map. Keep up the good work.

Posted by Raymond & Marie on 24/08/2010

From "The Evangelical Magazine and Missionary Chronical", vol.16, 1838 ed. (copyright expired), Page 239.

On Tuesday, January the 2nd, 1838, the first stone of a new Independent Chapel was laid in the village of Ousefleet, in Marshland, Yorkshire, by J. Empson, Esq., jun., who in conjunction with his respected father J. Empson, Esq., of Goole, Hull, have given the ground accompanied with a handsome donation to assist in the erection. The day being fine, a considerable number of the villagers attended and manifested by their appearance much pleasure in the services connected with the occasion. The Rev. H. Earle of Goole gave out the hymns; the Rev.T.Stratten then delivered a very appropriate address; and the Rev. J. Bruce of Howden concluded with prayer.

Posted by Colette on 18/03/2011

I lived in Whitgift but walked every day to Ousefleet School and still return to see my parents who live in Whitgift. It was a lovely place to grow up in the 1960s and 1970s when you could play out in the evening, walk and explore everywhere without fear and there was a cheery wave and smile from everybody. Long walks along the riverbank and to the "black woods" and Ousefleet Show, fancy dress and fabulous teas in the big marquee. Happy memories.

Posted by George on 03/10/2011

I haven't heard mention of "black woods" for years, As for the villages well on the odd occasion that I drive through Reedness, Whitgift and Ousefleet on my way to Adlingfleet it shocks me how much they have all changed! Houses appear to have been squeezed in everywhere. It's nice to hear names like John Canty, etc. are still keeping up appearances although saddened by the loss of Frank Ella "such an all-round good egg".

I will make it back one day to Ousefleet Show (my old school) but for now I hope you are all well out there and I'll continue to prepare for the next Grand Prix "back to back" out here in Japan, then Korea! I moved out into a much bigger world but there is no place like home, that's Oxfordshire for me these days. Look after the old place.

Posted by Polo on 21/10/2011

I worked with Geoff Harvey for a while at the CWS farms. I remember Geoff one day being cheeky to Tom Ward, the farm foreman, who decided as usual he was going to sort us young lads out so he chased Geoff around Ousefleet farm yard shouting and bawling and saying what he was going to do when he caught him. Absolutely no chance, Geoff quick as a flash ran up the sugar beet heap and then climbed up the Dutch barn stantion well out of Tom's reach and sat there laughing at him. Great days.

Posted by Raymond & Marie on 28/01/2012

From "Seldon Society" publication, vol.2 (1923 ed.), page 285:

Gerard de Usflet, knight, and Thomas de Rednesse (Reedness), knight, are mentioned in a presentment dated 1394 for the earlier date Witsuntide 1382 where they sets anew in the river Ouse between Airmyn and York divers weirs, stakes and fishgarths and saving sufficient passage for ships where the river runs deep. Richard de Friseby, suitor of the King and the Prior (of Drax) said it was as was presented.

In the year 1316 what Gerard de Usflete (the 1st) had done to waterways was controversial, he being under instructions by his widowed-mother Loretta (Lora) de Usflete (nee' Furnival) and assisted by his brother John de Usflete (junior, the ex-Templar) and other members of the gentry.

Posted by Paul on 29/02/2012

Just found this site and amazed at some of the names that keep cropping up.

Posted by Sam on 07/03/2012

For my sins I worked at the Co-op with a few of the Canty family, Cliff, Bill, Bob and then there were others in the district, ie. Brian (Hoss), John (Wesh). I also knew Graham, who I think escaped to teach at Askham Bryan College. Great family and one that a number of us had some good times and loads of laughs with.

Posted by Andrea on 26/03/2012

My grandmother was Hannah Canty (1887-1962) born in Whitgift to William Canty and Hannah Gelder. Would be grateful of any information regarding the Canty family. Thanks.

Posted by Stephen on 27/03/2013

I've just stumbled across this site and recognise a lot of the family names. My dad, Alan Astbury, was the office clerk for the CWS at Adlingfleet Grange. I was a pupil at Ousefleet School starting in the mid-1960s, initially in Mrs Gunson's class then in the juniors with Mr Windle followed by Mr Clough then Mr Jones. We lived at Grange Road, Adlingfleet. Now living in Cornwall. Passed through a few years ago and stopped at the school. The playground was silent, a quite sad and moving experience. Many happy hours spent there many years ago…

Posted by George on 01/11/2013

I thought Mrs Gunson was great. I remember going flying over a milk crate in that very playground! I have never even made it back to attend Ousefleet show - it seemed to me to be the biggest thing in the world when I was young. Must say the owners of Mount Vernon in Whitgift have made a good job of our old home. Love to all from down here in Oxfordshire.

Posted by Karen on 04/07/2014

My dad was Tom Ward (the foreman at Co-op Farm, Ousefleet). I remember a lot of names mentioned but I don't know who "Sam" is who said he played tricks on my dad! And "Sam" also sat next to my sister Jeryl at school. I do remember Stephen Astbury though, my dad ended up living in house next your dad's when he retired. I can also remember myself, Kevan Phillipson, Neil Moore and Colin Walker playing football at back of Paul Canty's house. Happy days!

Posted by Steve on 08/07/2014

I remember you and all the other names you mention. Remember that big coke burning stove in the junior classroom? I called at our old house in Grange Road a few years ago. It was virtually derelict. I hope somebody has taken it on. Happy days eh?

Posted by Sam on 16/07/2014

I remember you very well, always smiling. Yeah, good times at the Co-op in those days. Your dad would have killed me had he got his hands on me for playing tricks on him, but for all that, he taught me a lot about the land and just wanted things done correctly without any backchat - my downfall, I'm afraid. I had the great pleasure of sitting next to Jeryl at the Modern School for a few terms and we always got on well. Went past the old place a while ago and was quite saddened by its demise.

I worked from Pasture Farm for Erne Kirk then for Norman who gave me, and many others, the name Sam. I was sometimes deployed to your dad's care when the farm was busy, I drove a beet harvester and one of the viners so your dad was saddled with me come what may at certain times of the year, and it nearly always turned into an epic event for us both! Just pleased Tom couldn't run as fast as me or I probably wouldn't be writing this now, ha ha. Obviously my real name isn't Sam, put Paul past Jeryl. I lived at Swinefleet. I left the Co-op in 1976 to sell farm machinery but look back on those days at the Co-op with great affection.

Posted by Taz on 12/09/2014

Just been down to what's left of Ousefleet Hall, hardly anything left now just a couple of walls. Good for the staff that the estate's been sold as a whole - if I'd had a bit more cash I'd have gone for it myself! Would like a photo of Ousefleet Hall when it was complete - don't know if anybody has one. Did you ever see one on your rounds in the local area? I remember all those nights upstairs at the Lincs Arms in Luddington where the missus used to drag me to! Tiger Feet and all that other Seventies stuff. They were a good crowd that used to get in there.

Posted by Sam on 16/09/2014

I knew the estate was for sale but haven't heard who bought it, no doubt someone with plenty of brass. No matter who buys it, I don't think they will have the memories like we have in 40 years' time. Ousefleet Hall always was a fascinating place and one could only imagine what it was like back in the day. Seem to remember the place used to scare the hell out of Bimbo if we were down there after dark, ha ha!. Listening to all the tales of horses with chains trailing galloping up the drive and someone getting on Benny's bus without opening the door, good times.

Last time I worked down there I was pushing soil back over the rotting mountain of spuds we had dumped for the PM Board in a hole dug by Porky and his dozer in the walled garden area. Seem to remember some unusual big trees in there too with strange bark. Upstairs in the Lincs Arms was pretty special in them days too.

Posted by Taz on 25/09/2014

All of the Co-op estates were sold to the Wellcome Trust for £249m. Richard Watson's is up for sale if you want to buy a decent spot! It was Old Ned that used to scare them all down at the Hall Corner with (unconfirmed) reports of tractor lights turning on with no-one near them and other strange happenings. I've been down at the old Hall at dead of night when pea-cutting but never seen anything - it's all down to the imagination!

Ned Maugerell murdered his sweetheart and hid her body under a haycock and when it came to loading the hay it was the only one that he wouldn't stick his fork into. This confirmed his guilt and he was gibbetted on a tree down the Causeway somewhere. I remember reading of this many years ago. I would appreciate if anyone could confirm this story. Thanks.

Posted by Sam on 26/09/2014

Some great stories about the old place. Good that someone has bought it as a going concern and that the staff are still employed. Wellcome are well heeled and will carry it on hopefully for many years to come. This prompted my memory about the many lads have worked there (in my era) and I got to 55! plus there must be a few more after I departed.

There were two who I couldn't complete the names of, one was a guy who worked in the Grange office in Ian Anglin's day called Gerry who lived at Adlingfleet and the other was the farm foreman at Park before Ivan Grasby? It looks a motley crew put on a list but I reckon everyone was a character with a tale to tell and most good for a laugh. Sadly a few have passed away and most dispersed into other industries. Got to get on and write a book!

Rick Watson's will make someone a nice place as he always looked after both the land and the buildings, but as he isn't getting any younger, he maybe thinks it is time to cash in and put his feet up, good luck to the lad. I remember him and Ralf walking to the hedge between them and Pasture thinking we had a fire going, only to find it was me chisel ploughing with Mack's Ford 4000. The exhaust was red hot and belching more black smoke than Ralf's pipe! Happy days.

Posted by Taz on 05/10/2014

Sam, Gerry Oades was the name of the office manager. Harry Woolas was the farm foreman at Park and was also Ivan's father-in- law. Chisel ploughing with a 4000 - tell 'em now they'd never believe you! When I started there in 1970 the biggest tractor on the place was a 5000 and most of the wheeled tractor work was done by them but Roy Leetham was contracted in to do some with his County in the busiest period during pea harvest. When I get time I'll have a count up too!

Posted by Andy on 26/11/2014

Interesting reading your comments! We are tracing our family tree and have a record for Percy AARON (married Dorothy LEAMING) who we understand to be the stepson of Arthur Middlebrook, who according to the 1911 census owned or managed (we're trying to find out) Ousefleet Hall with his wife Susannah. We believe Dorothy's father Leonard Leaming was the gamekeeper with his wife Emma (nee Kimberley). If anyone has any information they could help us with, it would be great to hear from you! Thanks.

Posted by Pauline on 29/11/2014

Ousefleet Hall was owned by the Lister Empson family. When Mr R.C. Empson died in January 1897, the estate was leased because his only son, Mr James Lister, lived elsewhere. In August 1916, the estate was purchased by the Co-operative Wholesale Society.

Posted by Peter on 29/09/2016

What a blast from the past this site is proving. My name is Peter Taylor, my dad was Lenny (Thomas) Taylor, and my grandads were Goaty Taylor and Joseph Lawrence. I was wondering if any of my old school friends from Ousefleet School were on here and if they had any old school photos? Thanks.

Posted by George on 26/01/2017

Well there you are! How are you Pete my old mucker? The villages have certainly changed… we must catch up sometime for a pint…

Posted by Anon on 22/01/2018

George, not seen you for decades! One of my best mates at school then just lost touch when we all left. Also not seen Paul Atkinson or Chris Lindley in years.

Posted by George on 16/02/2018

What a blast from the past, the power of the Internet, Also a big hi to, Peter, Mark, Rob, Claire, Carol, Jackie, Fiona, Yvonne, Tony, Tracy, Katherine and anyone else I may have forgotten (by name). Oh and Peter I do have a school photo from Ousefleet with many of these people in it - about 1974 (I think)

Posted by Ray on 28/08/2017

Easting Riding of Yorkshire Archives, Beverley:

DDCS/25/2 (late 13th to early 14th Century). Demise relating to property in Useflet (Ousefleet). Parties (1 and 2). 1, Loretta widow of Sir John de Useflet. 2, John Gouk, wife Alice. Property: messuage in Useflet which by reason of Dower and which Margery widow of Sir Walter de Useflet sometimes held for her or until she wishes to resume the premises. Consideration: 10s yearly and finding hospitality for her seneschal or other ministers on her business: Witnesses: Adam de Cellar, William Cellar, John de Slingesby of Adelinflet (Adlingfleet), Robert Cortewys, John de la Mar of Useflet, William his son, Stephen de Feriby, clerk. With small seal.

Posted by Raymond & Marie

From East Riding of Yorkshire Archives, Beverley (Mrs Christian Smith Documents). There are amongst these documents some for the Usflet (other variants) family during the 13th and 14th Centuries, eg., one being archive No. DDCS/25/6, year 1351. This mentions Dame Isabel Usflet, widow of Gerard Usflet (the first one) and mother of Gerard Usflet (the second one), etc.

Isabel Usflet (Isabella de-Ella/Ellay) is also mentioned being a widow Dowager of (the first) Gerard Usflet and mother of (the second) Gerard Usflet in some "Placita De Banco Rolls" (Common Pleas) at the National Archives.

The third Sir Gerard Usflet/Ufflett took with him to France a small troop of lancers and archers for King Henry V and one of the battles they took part in was at Agincourt. He lived after, yet died in France later in the year 1420.

Robert de-Useflet was father to Sir Walter de-Useflet. He and his wife Margery had Sir John de-Useflet who married Loretta (Lora) de-Furnival, daughter of Sir Gerard de-Furnivall (Furnival) of Swanland. John and Lora had [the first] Sir Gerard de-Useflet who married Dame Isabel [Dowager Isabella de-Ellay/Ella] who had [the second] Sir Gerard de-Useflet [he may have married more than once]. This [second] Sir Gerard de-Useflet had a son who was [the third] Sir Gerard de-Useflet.

This is a more true Useflete (other early scribe-forms) pedigree than those with errors compiled later and indeed those from the 16th Century.

Dated 24 July 1490: Marriage Settlement between Robert Haldenby, esquire (father of Margaret, bride to be) and Walter Baildon, esquire (father of John, groom to be).

Posted by Raymond & Marie

Isabella de-Ellay (Isabel de-Ella) is listed for Whitgift/Ousefleet in the Yorkshire Poll Tax for year 1379. She paid the tax because she was widowed. (Often ladies, be they widowed or not, still used their family name (maiden-surname) for various reasons and some started to use their maiden-surname after they were widowed for reasons such as inheritance, etc.)

She was, however, Dame Isabella de-Usflet, widow and Dowager of the first Sir Gerard de-Usflet (other variants).

Posted by Raymond & Marie

The patron of St. Mary Magdalene Church and Caldecote Manor in 1239 was Gerard de-Furnivall (Furnival), grandfather of the Gerard de-Furnival who held the Manor in 1287. The Manor was conveyed after Gerard to William Hurst, but rent was paid to Gerard de-Furnival's daughter Loretta (Lora), wife of John de-Usflete, the main family of John worshipping at St. Mary of the Magdalene in Whitgift near Oeusfleet (Ouseflete).

Posted by Raymond & Marie

Sir Gerard Usflete (the first one):

He and the Prince of Wales were both knighted 22 May 1306.

Gerard then was ordered to meet the King later at York and also at Battle Bridge 24 June 1312, then also with the English in Scotland June 1314. He was requested 9 May 1324 to be a Yorkshire knight at the Great Council of Westminster.

Posted by Raymond & Marie

Northern parts of Suffolk came under the Archdeaconry of Norfolk and in 1335 there was an Archdeacon of Norfolk named Robert de Usflete. He is documented "from Ousfleet" (Ousefleet).

There were branches of the Ufflets/Usflets (etc.) family living in Suffolk long ago and one was "alive" for a Herald's Visitation in 1612. They were of Somerleyton.

Posted by Raymond & Marie

The British Library MSS Department:

There are quite a few MSS for the Clopton family of Suffolk and in Harl. 1560 folio 5 there is mention of Clopton coats-of-arms and a quartering (7th) is for the scribe-form "Uffleete", blazon thus: Argent (silver) on a fess Azure (blue) 3 fleurs-de-lis Or (gold). This is the same as the Yorkshire branches.

Also, Harl. 5861 mentions one of the John Uffletes (early-1600s) of Somerleyton in Suffolk had married a daughter of the Clopton family.

Posted by Raymond & Marie

More references to Usflete persons:

From "Charter Rolls of King Henry III to King Edward I, c.1257-1300", (at the National Archives):

Grant to Sir Walter de Useflet and his heirs of free warren (keeping rabbits to breed, eat and for furs, but also could mean other animals) in all the demesne (owner possession) lands in Haldenby and Useflet (Ousefleet).
Grant to John de Useflet and his heirs of free warren in all the demesne lands in Swanneslund (Swanland) in Yorkshire.
Nicholas Usflete, Rector of Flixborough, Lincolnshire, year 1343 (the church was rebuilt in 1789).
Nicholas Usflete. a Mercer in York, made a Freeman of York in 1411 and in 1426 he was Lord Chamberlain, died 1443.
John de-Usflete, Prior of Drax Priory, c.1393-8.

From East Riding of Yorkshire Archives, Beverley: Mrs.Christian Smith Documents: Usflet (other early scribe-forms) family are mentioned:

Amongst the "Placita De Banco Rolls" (Common Pleas) at the National Archives (once The Public Record Office), there are some for members of the Usflet family, e.g., two at least that mention Dame Isabella Usflet, widow and Dowager of Gerard Usflet and mother of [the second] Gerard Usflet, etc.

The third Sir Gerard Usflet/Ufflett took to France for King Henry V a small troop of lancers and archers. They were at the battle of Agincourt. He lived that battle but later died in 1420 while still in France.

From Freemen of York pre-1411:

Willelmus de Useflet, tannour, c.1276.
Johannes de Usflet, mariner, c.1317.
Richardus Usflet, hatter, c.1317.
Willelmus de Useflet, mariner, c.1327.
Johannes de Useflet, mariner, c.1377-9.
Robertus Useflete, … ?, c.1408-9.

From Wills at the York Registry (now at the Borthwick, part of York University):

Agnes Elvelay (Ellay, etc.), wife of John, clerk of York, year 1394, vol.1, folio 79.
Anne Useflete, Hedon in le Clay, year 1434/5, vol.3, folio 435.
John Usflett, (bur. at Hedon), gent., year 1505, vol.6, folio 145.
Nicholas Usflete, alderman and merchant, York, year 1443, vol.2, folio 58.
Robert Usflete, York, merchant, year 1453, vol.2, folio 289.
William Usflete, parish of Drax, (Adm.), year 1469, vol.4, folio 133.
Nicholas Useflete (Usflete, Ufflete, etc.), mercer/spicer, gained Freedom of York in 1412, then Chamberlain in 1427, made Sherrif 1433-4, Lord Mayor of York in 1438. He had married Matilda, daughter of John Northby, Alderman of York. Nicholas died in 1443 and buried in the church of All Saints Pavement, York.

From York Bridgemaster's Accounts.

Year 1384, Robert de Hoperton and John de Useflete made Wardens of Ouse Bridge.

From "Seldon Society Publications" (vol XX1V and XXX, printed in 1914) Year 1292 to year 1333:

Gerard de Useflet, knight, has a "Weir" of 14 spaces at Whitgift [and] held by Thomas Stoche (Stock?) and John Horegh(Horreck?). John and Thomas would not ferry across the river with less than two people.

From YAS Record Series vol.121, Feet of Fines for the County of York, years from 1272 to 1300:

c. 1288-1289, referring to land in Usflet (Ousefleet). A mention of Walter de Usflet and his wife Margery in connection with a toft and 1 and a half bovates of land in Usflet.

From "The Reign of Henry the Fifth", by J, Wylie and W.T. Waugh (Cambridge University Press, vol.3, 1929 ed.):

The English siege at Cherbourg (Normandy in France), year 1418, on page 110: Gerard Usflete [the 3rd] was amongst those in charge of the surrender of the French. He died while in France two years later.

From "Knights of Edward I", C.Moor, (5 vols., published 1929-32), by the Harleian Society, 1xxx-1xxxiv.:

Sir John Usflete is mentioned and that he died about 1301 or 1302, also a mention he had a son John. It is more likely that the John Usflete who was a Preceptor-Master of the Knights Templar in Scotland c.1304-6 was the son and his father earlier had been in the Welsh wars on the English side and later in the Scotland.

From "Lives of the Archbishops of York", by W.H. Dixon and J. Raine, published 1863 by Longman, Green, etc., and Roberts: Page 373, Archbishop Greenfield, period 1304-1315.

There is a mention of the Templars imprisoned in York castle awaiting for their confessions to be heard and one of these Templars was John de Usflete,!. After the confessions it was concluded that most of what the Templars were accused of was just hearsay and their fate was not execution but to serve penance in various religious establishments in the areas of York. Although some Templars were imprisoned at York awaiting their fate, John Usflete was unaccountable-for, so he was a fugitive.

Posted by Raymond & Marie

References to the Usflete coats-of-arms

In Adlingfleet Parish Church there are coats-of-arms and on two of the Haldenby family coats-of-arms are Usflete family quarterings with three fleur-de-lis's on and also a quartering on them for the Ella/Ellay family, they having also three fleur-de-lis's on and in Wighill Parish Church near Tadcaster, there is the Stapleton tomb. On one of their coats-of-arms is a quartering for the Usflete family, i.e. a Johanna, etc. (Joan) de-Usflete having married into the Stapleton family of Wighill. The two Haldenby family shields in Adlingfleet Parish Church, one with their first crest and 8 quarterings, the other with 8 quarterings on the head panel of Francis Haldenby's tomb (no crest):

In St. Mary's Church in the centre of Oxford, there is a stone slab reading in a base mixture of old Norman-French thus "MESTRE WALTER DEULFLEET GIST? YCI? DEUESA ALME CYT? MERCY". This is for a "Walter de-Uflete". The stone wording is now in poor condition. It has been moved about the church more than once and now it is placed at the very back of the chancel.

In Lacock Parish Church, Wiltshire, there is the Baynard family monument and various quartered coats-of-arms, two being for Stapleton and Ufflete/Usflete.

In the Parish Church, Cheltenham, once belonging to the nunnery of Sion, there is the Lygon monument with quartered coats-of-arms, two being for Furnival and Ufleet (another early variant of the surname).

In Kirby Stephen Parish Church, Cumbria: WARTON monument: 3 of the quartered coats-of-arms are for Furnival, Ufflett (other variants) and Stapleton. The Usflete coats-of-arms are often quartered by other families long after the main Yorkshire branch of the Usflete family became extinct on the paternal descent.

In West Twyford Parish Church (the one in old Middlesex county), MOYLE family monument: On the Moyles family coat-of-arms the seventh and eight quarterings are for Ufflete/Usflete (etc.) and Furnival.

On a 15th Century illuminated manuscript: Sir John Beauchamp. Arms: quarterly: 1 and 4 Gules a fess Or, between 6 martlets (3,3) of the second: 2 and 3, [Usflete/Ufflete]Argent, on a fess Azure 3 fleur-de-lis Or. The shield: ensigned with a nobleman's helm. Crest: Issuant out of a ducal coronet Gules, a swan's head Argent, beaked of the first between two sets of wings addorsed Sable. Mantling: Gules doubled Ermine.

In St. Nicholas Church, Alcaster (now Alcester), Warwickshire: Alter-tomb effigies of Sir Falke Greville, died 1559 or 1560, and Lady Elizabeth (Willoughby), died 1562 or 1565: At the footend of the tomb (1) a shield with the quartered Greville arms, (2) a lozenge with 20 Willoughby quarterings and between them (3) a small shield for Beauchamp quartering Usflete/Ufflete.

In St. George's Chapel, Windsor: The Usflete/Ufflete coat-of-arms quartered on Sir John Beauchamp of Powyk's (Powick, etc.)

In Selby Abbey, Yorkshire: Tomb of Margery de-Pickworth's effigy has holding in one hand a small shield for Usflete/Ufflete. She had been widowed to Sir Walter de-Usflete. There is also the tomb of her second husband Hugh de-Pickworth (14th Century, i.e., 1300s) who held the manor of "Elley/Ellay/Ella" (Kirk Ella, earlier Elveley) jointly with Sir… Ellay/Ella.

In Wighill Parish Church Yorkshire: The Usflete coat-of-arms is quartered on a shield on the front-panel of the Stapleton tomb

In St. Mary's Minster-Church, Ilminster, Somerset:

Tomb of Sir Humphrey Walrond (Waldron, etc.) died 1580. This is in the south transept and there are Walrond shields quartered with the Devon branch of the Ufflete family and the blazon is Argent (silver) on a fess Sable (black) 3 crosses crosslet fitchee' Or (gold), i.e., for Ufflete, the Devon branch of the Uffletes having become extinct on the paternal descent.

Most people would know who Walt Disney was and his very early roots were in Norton Disney, Lincolnshire. In Norton Disney Parish Church there is a brass plate depicting heraldic shields for the Disney family and other families connected to them impaled on the shields. On a bottom shield is impaled the Usflete Arms (3 fleur de lis, etc) twice, top left and bottom right. On a top shield same but now "pitted", so the top impalement is not noticeable at a first glance.

Posted by Bill on 22/12/2010

Raymond and Marie, I find this part of the site fascinating because a) it is so erudite and esoteric and b) it does not engender any responses. You obviously have great enthusiasm and expertise.

Posted by Raymond & Marie

We must be positively good-mind thinking and often with this we should do good loving deeds and speak from our hearts. It is a most-wonderful thing to do and gives a peaceful beautiful kind feeling and the only true path to priceless happiness. We look no further than our own hearts for this, THEN WE KNOW WE HAVE PARADISE FOUND.

Raymond & Marie

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