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Estate associated with a man called "Leaxa", Old English personal name + -ing- + tun: Laxton East Riding of Yorkshire. Laxinton 1086 (Domesday Book)

"A Dictionary of English Place-Names", Oxford University Press

Out-of-the-way, and a tranquil place, it lies in leisurely lanes in the marshes near the Ouse. Of its church, said to have been refashioned by three sisters of Charles Stuart's day, only the chancel is left, lighted by a 14th Century east window and sheltered by a beech. On the other side of the road is the modern church, with an unusual window to Blanche Saltmarshe of 1880; it shows a kneeling figure in a purple mantle, four angels and a figure ascending, and rays of light falling on a city.

A mile-long lane bounding one side of the fine park of Saltmarshe Hall ends at the pretty hamlet which hugs the river bank. We can drive through the park. There were Saltmarshes living hereabouts in Norman times, and a Saltmarshe was here when we called.

"The King's England", edited by Arthur Mee

Laxton is quite a large village with a lovely church and a roadside chapel. It has its own railway station, making it only five minutes away from Goole, but many miles by road. The transpennine cycle path runs through the village, with the pub providing welcome relief for tired feet.

Visitor Comments

Posted by Richard on 24/03/2008

I am currently researching my family tree and have managed so far to get back to circa 1777. My great(x4)-grandfather was William DRIFFILL who was a blacksmith in the village of Laxton as well as keeping a pub called the Cross Keys. He died circa 1842 and I believe that he was buried in Laxton along with his wife (Jane NORTH circa 1783-1834).

Can anyone give me any information to assist me in tracing further back in history? Thanks.

Posted by Norma on 28/05/2008

I am looking for relatives of the late Mary SMART. I believe she was born in the Laxton area and was in service at Saltmarshe Hall during the mid-1800s. Mary Smart is my great-grandmother, and I am most anxious to find her relatives. Mary married a gentleman by the name of Henry WOOD. Thanks.

Posted by Peter on 31/07/2009

My great-grandfather, George LEETHAM, is described in the 1881 census as a wheelwright, the family living at the post office, Laxton. The 1841 census shows him as a one-year-old, in a family where my great-great-grandfather, Aran (Aaron?) Leetham, is shown as born in 1811. I would be grateful for any additional information, such as the existence of marriage, christening and burial records. Thanks.

Posted by John on 21/08/2010

Despite not being a Laxton resident, I had contacts with various people who were. Maurice Thompson ran the village shop/post office for many years and took a regular supply of tomatoes from my father's market garden when they were in season. Maurice had a dark green van with sliding doors which was a regular sight all over the area.

Laurie Fox was the village blacksmith and had been apprenticed to the trade at Scarrs shipyard in Howdendyke along with my father. They remained good friends until Laurie died. Laurie's apprentice, Herbert Martin, took over the blacksmith shop business.

In later years, Bill Bray took Northside Farm and often told tales of the considerable amount of work required to bring the old house up to habitable standard. He ran it as a pig unit and arable farm before handing over to his son Dave who still farms there with his family. Bill was a local councillor on Boothferry Council and was mayor for a part of that time.

Posted by Sarah on 28/10/2010

I came across the website by mistake, however Herbert Martin is my great-uncle!

Posted by David on 25/10/2011

My grandfather, George Watts, was a groom at Metham Hall Farm in 1910. My mother was born in 1911, her birth was registered in Howden. I wondered if she was born at the farm?

Posted by Kirsty on 28/12/2011

I too am related to George Watts, although a little more distantly, and would be very interested to see if you could help sort out a few tangled branches of my family tree in relation to George Watts of Metham Hall Farm. Thanks

Posted by Paul on 03/08/2013

My uncle was station master at Laxton during the 1950s. I cannot be more specific with the date. His name was Arthur Atkinson, his wife Enid and sons Peter and Barry (my cousins). I remember spending a long idyllic holiday with my brother Terry on the station, an experience never to be forgotten.

Posted by Jim on 26/12/2015

I used to catch the train to Hull in the mid-1950s as I worked on a farm in Yokefleet. One of the farm workers was called Arthur, he lived at Laxton and I remember he suffered with gall stones - until he had them out. I remember he/wife had a baby in 1956. He always wore a black beret. Silly post this, but someone may recognise Arthur!

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