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Posted by Christine on 21/05/2001

What do I remember is… going with my mates to the Paradise Club in Carlisle street (this was the swinging 60s or as near as Goole got to them). Mr Turner the Grammar School art teacher had painted the mural on the wall. Whit walks. The Cosy Carlton. The Tower Cinema.

Posted by David on 18/09/2002

My late aunt Jean MacBride was the projectionist at the Carlton Cinema. I used to love the Saturday matinee (got in for free).

Posted by Kay on 12/05/2006

My dad, Fred Lidster, was the manager of the Station Hotel on Boothferry Road, across from the train station, in the early-1960s. We lived there for a few years. I remember New Year's Eve 1961 when Frankie Vaughan came to town and stayed overnight at the hotel. The biggest event in town that year! I still have the photo of me at the reception desk checking him in - all the girls were crazy about him!

Posted by JR on 25/08/2006

My father (C.W.E. Tomlinson) was born in the dressing room at the Theatre Royal in Adam Street as my grandfather worked backstage. He moved to the Coliseum and was stage manager there and later became projectionist. There is a copy of my father's early life in Goole lodged in Goole Library.

Posted by Gail on 04/10/2006

I remember the Carlisle Street coffee bar but, just in case my dad is reading this, I never actually went in there. (He banned me because he thought it was full of disaffected youth, which of course it was and which is why I spent as much time as possible there). Did that eventually turn into the, ahem, Paradise Club? Which of course I also never went to every Friday and Saturday night. I loved it there. To quote Educating Rita: "Who'd have thought they'd build paradise at the end of our street?"

I've recently been in touch with one old mate (Roy), who reminded me that the magnificent John Martyn once played at the Goole and District Youth Club and had a lift to the station on Roy's pushbike, guitar and all. Classic eh?

Posted by Stan on 23/01/2007

Memories of missing the last minutes of many a film shown at the Cosy Carlton because the last bus left Goole before the end of the film! Saw Moby Dick at the Tower Cinema which then morphed into Fine Fare at which I washed floors for several years The Classic cinema(?) near the baths… saw several pictures there with my mate who smoked Black Sobrane fags at the tender age of 12! Dances at the Swimming Pool during winter.

Posted by Pete on 11/07/2009

I think you lost a little bit of your memory Stan! The Tower Picture House did not morph into Fine Fare, it burnt down lol. It was the old cinema that morphed into the Fine Fare around 1962. I remember it closing and getting a load of films on reels and looking at them after school with Mally Smith.

Posted by Broadway on 13/07/2009

You're right it was called The Criterion, then became Cinema Palace, then become Fine Fare, Goole's first big supermarket, bigger than the Co-op.

Posted by Keith on 21/07/2014

The Cinema Palace started life with a fantastic art deco frontage. Later, for some unknown reason, it was altered to a more moderate looking frontage. Then to be pulled down to make way for a supermarket.

Posted by Robert on 24/01/2007

Saw films at the Carlton, the Tower and the Cinema Palace. Remember going with my dad in the 1950s to see The Alamo, The Student Prince and the Vikings, and then several years later with a gang from school to see films like Alfie and Up The Junction when we probably weren't quite old enough for the certificate. The Carlton showed Dr Zhivago as one of its last films before it closed for ever. The manager of the Carlton was Billy King, quite a character, never took off his hat, but always cheerful, who after the show could usually be found with his wife Doris in the back room at The Percy Arms, telling jokes and playing dominoes. One particular joke of his still makes me laugh, but it's not repeatable here. After years of films, he said he thought The Towering Inferno best of all. Strange choice.

Posted by David on 24/01/2007

I left Goole as a very young boy, so I don't have much to contribute other than memories of Saturday morning fights at the "flea pit" Carlton Cinema. Great times.

Posted by Bill on 24/01/2007

The Monday night dances for teenagers that used to be held on at the old swimming baths (on Pasture Road) in the early-1960s, live bands and lots of fun. Also my mother used to talk about dances and roller skate evenings being held in the Market Hall, presumably in the 1940s. I've a feeling she also mentioned ice skating in the West Park.

Posted by Enid on 24/01/2007

There were big bands at the old Swimming Baths Hall in Pasture Road once upon a time. There was also a very thriving folk club; I did use to escape there for a couple of hours on a Monday evening, as light relief from childcare, when my kids were old enough to manage without me. At the Buff Club, and run by Eileen Sherburn, whose son Chris is well known entertainer in that style, nationally and internationally - plays accordion and is part of a group that has appeared at Goole's Arts Centre.

Posted by Corby on 09/06/2009

The era of the big bands that came to Goole baths is now a memory locked in the minds of those privileged to have been there and seen it. I wonder if many people realise that their appearance was due to Les Ellin and co. of the Goole Wheelers, who located an impresario to supply this great source of entertainment. Bands like, Ken Colyer, Sid Phillips, Ken Mackintosh, Alex Welsh, Ronnie Scott, Johnny Dankworth, The Kirchin Mambo Band and Freddie Randall to name a few. Not forgetting the Tramps Ball, another great success story.

Posted by Geoff on 24/01/2007

I've just noticed the postcard of the Whitsun Procession. I used to go on these with my Sunday School not as long ago as the photo but in the late-1940s.

Posted by Enid on 25/01/2007

I never thought of Whit processions as entertainment. Best bit was getting a new outfit for it, from Branson Bowles. Worst, the year when I had to carry and then present a big bouquet to the VIP on the raised stands by the riverbank end of Marshfield Road. Every Sunday School doing the same as each verse of the massed hymn singing went on. The Goole Brass Band accompanying this turnout. When we were young we took all this to be the natural cycle of life. Even in the 1960s these events continued and marched through the streets around Hook Road. Folks stood at their doors and gates.

And the other Sunday School event was Anniversary services. Stepped stands erected in chapels for seating the littlest to the big ones. Recitations, readings, singing, for the rest of the congregation. We must have been trained by our teachers for many weeks beforehand. Again, best outfits on show.

Posted by Old Ancient on 25/01/2007

Somewhere in the far distant past, perhaps the 1950s, a gang used to meet up at the Tower Cinema. To get in, one would queue, others would join later. This was not well received by our elders and betters.

Posted by Alison on 26/01/2007

My mum, Val Harris, was manageress of the Tower when it was a Bingo club until the family moved to Blackpool in 1989. Sad that it's not there anymore; the whole family worked there or helped out from time to time. My mum had loads of friends there and was sorry to leave.

Posted by Anon on 28/01/2007

I remember the Carlton, don't remember the films I probably saw though! Remember the parades, used to go down Hook Road - from where to where! Remember the services as a scout, had to carry the flag one year, remember it being heavy and having to lower it at last post. Remember having no TV and going out to find our own entertainment as kids.

Posted by Old Ancient on 29/01/2007

Entertainments old-style - 1940s: War Years and After

Walks - Lock Hill at tide time, to see the ships swinging in the river; Riverside Cafe when it belonged to Kemps, for ice-creams (or winter teas by fire); Airmyn Crossing to riverbank and home by Westfield Banks, across fields/railway from New Close to Hook via paths/tracks, from Boothferry Road school to home; down dyke sides for adventure

Bike rides - Bluebell Wood at White City; Snowdrop wood at Knedlington; Saltmarshe; Barmby Marsh; even as far as Sutton-on-Derwent now and then.

Looking at sepia views on an epidiascope (3D vision) and hearing stories about people and places far away; Egypt, told by the former captain of Farouk's yacht, when he and his wife lived in Alexandria; learning from him about astronomy and navigation by the stars (not a good pupil).

Also descriptions of the sinkings, losses and rescues of merchant navy men. Talking to Irish potato pickers working in R.L. Walker's fields.

Sing-songs around the piano; card-schools for servicemen home on leave (who were often still there next morning); concerts at chapels (wearing crepe paper costumes!); playing on West Park swings instead of taking siblings to Sunday School; concerts in West Park bandstand sitting on those French style park chairs; boating/paddling pool at West Park; all those old-playtime favourites like whip and top, skipping games, hide-and-seek (and parents didn't come and find us); word games played in semi-darkness of blackouts; rigging up a play "telephone" line with cocoa tins/string

Reading pre-war gardening magazines stored in a top cupboard (not top-shelf); and some hefty volumes of shipping under sail, and another set about Britain's main roads (I mean the A-roads that had names like The Great North and Fosse Way); doing competitions set by Uncle Frank in the Goole Times; colouring competitions in mother's magazines eg. Home Chat or some such title; wandering around the shelves of some "pay weekly" library in a little shop in Pasture Road; borrowing books from Goole's Public Library (all green, brown, red covers and only when you were nine did you get your own ticket), presided over by a formidable male librarian, with silence in the Reading Room holding newspapers on wooden binders; Lloyds List very popular.

Was Pasture Road "library" run by Mr Dickinson? That name jumps out from beyond. Wooden toys for us one wartime Christmas, a doll's pram for my sister I seem to recall, made by Ep. Ounsley at his Pasture Road workshop (somewhere near where Houseproud is now). Collecting acorns in Cobbler Wood and "selling" them to a pig-man whose animals lived in a yard at bottom of the Avenues. Yes, growing (and digging and weeding and picking) fruit and veg, keeping hens and pigs and putting eggs in Isinglass were our first contact with this "organic" business. We used to go "gleaning" corn for chickens after harvest fields were cropped. Bread, large loaf, four pence ha'penny, had to be fetched after school some days. Ate crust as I carted it home.

Posted by Michael on 08/02/2007

I remember the Carlton, snogging in the back seats, never seeing the film! I was Soloman once, all dressed up and fancy on a Whit float, 1968 I think. Hook Gala and a gala in West Park once with scooters doing stunts. I too remember doing the Remembrance Day Parade with the scouts and St. George's day too. Hours spent sat in the window seat at the Tudor Cafe in Pasture Road. Oh memories.

Posted by David on 11/02/2007

As a child of the 1930s and having lived in Goole during the war years, it must be something to do with the passing of time because even in those dark times the sun always shone. Branson Bowles, now there was a store, not that I was ever into ladies fashion I hasten to add, but my mother and her sisters shopped there and what fascinated me were the Dinky toys placed around the base of the windows, a small boy's dream at a time when such toys were no longer available.

Posted by Jean on 21/02/2007

I remember clearly the fun we had in Goole in the 1960s. The Carlton, Tower and the Cinema picture houses. The Copper Kettle coffee shop on Boothferry Road, and was there not a Wimpy bar on Boothferry Road near where Marks & Spencers used to be? There was also a coffee shop in Pasture Road which I can't remember the name of, but that was a real "in" place to be… and oh the great Monday night dances. These where great times. I also remember the bus trips on a Saturday night to Christies in Selby and the odd trip to Scunthorpe, and the dances in the Labour Hall down Carlisle Street… memories!! The place has sure changed now!

Posted by Geoff on 03/02/2008

Joe Fletcher had the coffee bar on Pasture Road. It was a great hang out for us kids who were not old enough to use pubs. Also I remember playing football with Mike Bodecott, Keith and Alistair Millar, Freddie Woodall, Alan Smith and Roy Walker.

Posted by Stephen on 05/03/2007

Anyone known anything about the Goole Theatre and Skating Rink on Hook Road that was owned by Tom Harniess and managed by John Rose? I would be interested in learning more about these. Tom Harniess was a fairground operator who died in Goole at his residence at 78 Marshfield Road in 1911. Any memories or information about Harniess's would be of great interest.

Posted by Pedro on 26/03/2007

What a shame reading all this bygone age and then realising (after looking around Goole) that in 30 or 40 years' time it will be full of tattooed old ladies.

Posted by Pedro on 20/04/2007

I remember having to vote for Sunday opening for cinemas.

Posted by Suggie on 24/04/2007

Anthony White's ice cream on a Sunday afternoon. He would come round with his handcart and ring the bell. Mum used to send us with a basin to buy 1/- of ice cream for tea what a treat.

Posted by David on 26/04/2007

West Park boating lake. I recall falling in, being pushed more times than I care to remember then facing the wrath of my grandparents on returning home sodden. There was also a dyke by the side of the park that was great fun; also the poplar or plane trees, good exercise, if you didn't drop. Happy days!

Posted by Pedro on 27/04/2007

Walks along riverbank to Hook with my parents in the long hot summers. Exiting at Water Lane to the Blacksmiths Arms pub and sitting in the rear garden drinking lemonade with Smiths crisps on the side. Dad drinking a pint of dark mild beer, mum possibly a bottle of oatmeal stout.

Posted by Pete on 01/05/2007

Last movie I saw at the Cosy Carlton was "Lawrence of Arabia" about 1962. The film interval sold out of ice lollies, lovely and quiet, even Billy King was lost for words.

Posted by Darren on 21/06/2007

Only went to the Carlton and not the others as they were closed by then, late-1970s. I saw, "A bridge Too Far", "Grease", a scary film called "Grizzly", about a bear wandering around eating people. I remember grabbing my mate's shoulder at a tense scary point in the film, of course he jumped six foot up and screamed like a girl (shame on you Paul Curry) - oh what joy! I must have seen other films as well, but I can't remember which ones. We didn't always pay, as a mate would pay, go into the loos down at the bottom right-hand side next to the screen and open the fire doors. Then about ten of us would march out of the loos and sit down, sometimes we got kicked out, but not always (kids will be kids).

Posted by Keith on 28/12/2007

Memories of the Carlton Cinema in the 1940s/1950s. The owner was Mr Austin but the greatest character was the manager Billy King, who kept all the kids entertained at the tanner rush (Saturday afternoon pictures) whilst waiting for the main picture to arrive, with sing-songs and a free ticket if you were brave enough to get up and sing a solo. I also remember Billy keeping the peace when the film "Rock Around the Clock" was shown.

Posted by Phil on 13/03/2008

As a youth I used to play doms with Billy King and Doris at the Percy Arms. Whenever you asked what film was on at the Carlton he always replied "Tom Mix in cement."

Posted by Dennis on 21/04/2008

The posts bring back a few memories, firstly in the 1950s at the tanner rush on a Saturday afternoon at the Carlton. There were serials such as "Zorro" and the "Lone Ranger", a few of went each weekend and first stop was the shop next door for a packet of Dominoes, tiny little ciggies six to a packet. First question from Billy King was "do you have any cigs on you" we always said no as we were only aged eight or nine. I remember Billy doing his turn during the interval, selling biscuits and the like. In those days there were very few cars, either being driven or parked and we would go along finding one to look at. One Saturday I ran straight out of Carter Street and under a bread delivery van, probably the only vehicle Boothferry Road saw that day. Billy King told my dad and he hurt more than the van.

Posted by CA on 13/01/2010

I remember all the cinemas around in the 1950s and 1960s, I worked at the Carlton with a friend in 1959-1960. We were not allowed to work when adult films were shown as we were fourteen or fifteen years old. Billy King was a real character, banging the front stage and saying no pictures until all ices sold. Went to school with Billy's daughter Susan.

Posted by Ian on 26/01/2010

Sadly the Cosy Carlton is no more, it has been flattened this week. The memories came flooding back as I watched the last bits fall. Who remembers going to watch the PG Tips chimps in the 1960s, two packet tops to get in, balloons and badges and Billy King.

Posted by Paul on 30/09/2010

I recall Billy King not starting the pictures until he'd sold a large tin of biscuits. After the matinee it was down to the Pleasure Grounds to watch Goole Town getting in for free after half-time. Never saw him without his black trilby hat.

Posted by Mick on 01/10/2010

Billy King would always shout, at no one in particular "Hey You". Usually followed by "I've been all the way to Selby for these sweets." The film would not start until he'd sold most of them, and they were awful.

Posted by Jan on 12/11/2010

Billy King at the Cosy Carlton on Saturday afternoon used to sell a big tin of biscuits before he would show the film. He was also a bit of an impresario, he would encourage kids to come to the front and perform. Sing, play an instrument, juggle, anything. Saturday afternoons were amazing entertainment, thanks to him.

Posted by Colette on 24/08/2011

Remember the "Cosy Carlton" very much. Far from cosy, the seats were really uncomfortable. The cinema manager-Billy King-was a real character as well, sent kids out to come in again quietly and wore a battered trilby all the time.

Posted by Karen on 05/07/2014

I remember the Carlton Cinema well. Used to go on a Saturday afternoon in the 1960s with my cousin and Billy King used to get the children to do a talent show on the stage before the curtains went back and the film started. Still used to go when I was a teenager in the 1970s. Every Tuesday evening - a big group of us. The same film showed for weeks so we just watched it again and again. Always called in the Carlton sweetshop for a greasy bag of salted peanuts and a quarter of pear drops first. Remember the "ice cream girls" at the front at the interval with torches. Happy days!

Posted by Darren on 21/06/2007

I remember going to discos in the old tin scout hut next to the Parish Church. The old baths were brilliant, stayed in all day and came out all wrinkled like a prune. We used to stand in the cold showers and then jump in the water, it was so hot. Then got some soup out of the machine downstairs and some crisps from the sweetshop across the road, BRILLIANT. Also discos in the Baths Hall, I would love to see some old photos of the baths.

Posted by Pedro on 15/07/2007

The Beatles came to Goole before they became really famous and crashed their car at Burton's corner on Rawcliffe Road. George Harrison appeared at Goole Magistrates court, pleaded guilty to careless driving, and was duly fined. At the time they were returning to Liverpool after appearing in Hull. Pre M62 days.

Posted by Mark on 24/07/2008

Goole's Beatles-linked Claim to Fame

George Harrison: "There were a lot of good times in the van; all the rough-and-tumble stuff that happens. We had a good crash once. We were coming over the Pennines, the roads were icy, and I happened to be the driver. I was driving pretty quickly as we came through what turned out to be Goole in Yorkshire. Everything was fine until suddenly I went into a right-hand turn. It was a bit sharper than it looked and we went up onto the grass bank, which then sloped down to the left. The whole van tipped as we went down the embankment, at the bottom of which was a wire-mesh fence with concrete posts. We bounced along - bump, bump, bump - knocking into all these posts, and finally came to a stop with Neil sitting in the front seat next to me, howling, "Ow, ow, my arm!" The accident ripped the filler cap off and the petrol was pouring out. We scrambled out and had to shove t-shirts and things into the hole to try and stop the flow of petrol. We started to push the van back up on the road, when, out of nowhere, came "'Allo, 'allo, what's all this then?" It was a cop, and he booked us for crashing. A couple of months later I went to court. Brian came with me for moral support (He did stand by his lads!). But I think they banned me for driving for three months."

George was, I believe, a notoriously erratic driver! Scene of crash was near to the old Burton's factory. If you look carefully you can still see the repairs made to the brick wall following the crash. Surely there should be a "Blue Plaque"?

Posted by Peter on 02/02/2014

I've just noticed the posts about George Harrison's probably unwanted connections with Goole.

The Beatles had played the Majestic Ballroom in Hull, and were motoring back to Liverpool. In those days, some fifteen years before the M62 was completed, the road journey between Liverpool and Hull was just under 130 miles, including a stretch along the A614 through the outskirts of Goole. After passing through Greenawn Corner traffic lights George, who was driving the van, missed the sharp right near Burton's and went straight on down a track that conveniently provided an escape route for such a mishap. From what I recall, the lads were pushing the van out of a hedge when a local bobby on his pushbike appeared on the scene.

George subsequently appeared in person at Goole Magistrates Court and was done for careless driving or some such motoring offence. There was of course, quite a crowd outside.

Posted by Rod on 21/06/2015

Regarding the Beatles crash, it was into the wall by Burton's factory and it was my dad, Fred Lumley, who called the police. He was security officer at the Burton's factory.

He told us the story that when he had called the police he went out to the vehicle and was asked to help push the van out. When he refused he was asked "do you know who we are? We are the Beatles!" To which he replied, "I don't care if you are the black clocks, you're waiting here till the police come."

Not a great pop lover my dad.

Posted by John on 27/09/2007

Living out at Fockerby, an evening in Goole was an adventure! I remember the Young Farmers' Balls at the baths, all of us hot and flushed in dinner jackets and whatever. The social event of the year, and a mad dash for a bit of supper in the room off the main baths. I always worried that the floor would give way and we would be up to our necks in water.

Posted by Fiona on 14/10/2007

Does anyone remember the Vermuyden and the Cornelius players? My father was the producer, a lot of my childhood memories are of hanging about in the Modern School hall while the rehearsals took place. I think I was considered too young to watch a production. Does anyone remember the tableaux that were produced to advertise Hook Gala in the early-1970s, particularly the mock execution? Does anyone have a film or photos?

Posted by David on 17/12/2007

A Christmas spent with my grandparents during the war years is best remembered by a visit with my mother to the "British Restaurant" which was situated in a hall at the back of the old Baths in Pasture Road. Whatever it was it was foul, not fowl, but at least it passed as a Christmas Dinner for myself and a lot of other youngsters who were present. Times were 'ard guv but we enjoyed ourselves.

Posted by Pedro on 18/12/2007

I don't recall any British Restaurant in that area. However I can think of two possibilities you were either in the hall of the British Legion (used for kids' parties and dependants of those serving) or actually in the Baths Hall annex used for private functions.

Posted by Corby on 18/12/2007

David, we now have three options for your dining hall as I can remember. Somewhere on the other side of Pasture Road, maybe the drill hall or nearby. Where we had to take different coloured plastic discs for whatever course we were having. Black for main course and red for sweet. I liked the suet puddings, wherever it was.

Posted by David on 23/12/2007

Gentlemen, it was the Baths Hall, entered via a green door in the side street.

Posted by Geoff on 25/01/2008

I remember queuing for what seemed like hours with my mother and younger brother to see "The Greatest Show On Earth" at the Tower Theatre. Basil Falkingham was the proprietor and it was always regarded in those far off days as a special treat.

Posted by Gooligan on 31/01/2008

Has anyone got any good pics of the fairs that used to come to Goole?

Posted by Richard on 11/02/2008

Does anyone else remember building bonfires for bonfire night on the riverbank? There was great rivalry between kids from around Belgrave Drive and those from Richard Cooper Street, with raids on each other's bonfire. We would also build dens in the reeds along the river from the bales of cut hay.

Posted by Bill on 21/02/2008

Yes, I remember the bonfires being built on the riverbank and the bonfire (bon'ire) raiding gangs - although in my case it was more talk than action. We built and lit a bonfire on the triangular piece of ground on the corner of Limetree Avenue and Queensway, which was only yards away from houses, God knows how we got away with it. But in those days you could ride your motorbike without a crash helmet and there was no speed limit - a different world.

Posted by Eddie on 28/07/2012

Queens Avenue with the bonfire almost over the gas pipe every yea. Toffee apples, brandy snap, roast tats on bonfire night.

Posted by Bill on 04/11/2018

Mischievous Night - does that mean anything to anyone? In the 1950s and early-1960s, in our part of Goole, it was Nov 4th and it meant that us kids could do mischief, pretty tame by today's standards, eg. knocking on doors and running away, maybe lifting off garden gates. By contrast, as I may have posted previously, November 5th was anarchic. Kids built big bonfires on any bit of open land, eg., the open triangle corner of Queensway and Limetree Avenue, on Riverside Gardens. These were often wholly unsupervised by adults. On the run up, rival gangs would go on "bonire" raiding parties to steal wood from other gangs' fires. Of course the sale of fireworks was practically unrestricted and young kids would run around with bangers, in their pockets. I think it got more civilised (and safer) with the organised community bonfires, the first one I attended was at Victoria Pleasure Ground.

Posted by Corby on 04/11/2018

Thank you for that nostalgic trip back in time. All I receive is a blank stare when I mention mischievous night.

The Bonire raids were also important part, to create the largest bonfire and guarding it from raiders. Pedro and I used to recall this, for his bonfire and ours were quite close Quite often could be seen a discarded piece of furniture on one fire. Then for it to be seen on the other fire and so on.

Ours was on the point of land opposite the Burlington Hotel between Alexandra Street and Stanley Street.

That point of land had history.A boarding house before it was knocked down.Then A Anti Aircraft Battery Which was not their when the bombs dropped One of three Air raid Shelters in the area. the two smaller ones were great for the kids to gather with candle in jam jar evenings We would play games like Truth, dare or promise With forfeits being Kiss, love or torture.The torture usualy being a Chinese burn or a face slap. It was amazing how many plumped for torture.Rather than the more romantic option!!

Posted by Goolie Gone on 05/11/2018

All that takes me right back to when we lived in black and white - except at "bonire" time, of course. Yep, how times have changed with this elf 'n safety business. And I hadn't heard the term "bonire" for many a year. Them were t'days!

Posted by Keith on 06/11/2018

More memories waiting for the ashes of the bonire, to throw in large potatoes, raking them out an hour later looking like pieces of coal and actually eating them. Yes, them were the days.

Posted by Corby on 06/11/2018

You hit the nail on the head with that one Keith. The kids in our area couldn't wait, scoffing the lot. Nowadays people buy charcoal tablets for stomach problems, what's the difference? All that was missing in our feast was a little butter and salt.

Posted by Christine on 01/03/2008

Does anyone remember the Goole Brass Band or have relatives who played in it? I am trying to find out if anyone remembers Aaron Dales who I am pretty sure played in the band before 1950. Are there any photographs around anywhere? Thanks.

Posted by Joanne on 22/03/2008

I lived in Fifth Avenue until 1979/80. I remember the Silver Jubilee street party in our "back lane". What memories!

Posted by Terry on 02/04/2008

A very old friend and former work colleague lived in Goole as a schoolboy and he often refers nostalgically and with great affection to the town's cinemas, particularly the Tower which he tells me was the biggest and the best. He maintains, however, that the Carlton and Cinema Palace were also very comfortable and pleasant places in which to watch a show.

Posted by Ken on 03/04/2008

I played in a group called "The Daybreakers" and we often played at the Baths Hall in the 1960s along with Dave Berry, Shane Fenton as he was known then, and a group called "A Band of Angels" whose singer later sang with Manfred Mann. I can also remember playing at the Sydney pub which used to be somewhere near where Lidl is now, and at the Station pub and at nearly all the local clubs. Great days.

Posted by Dennis on 21/04/2008

In the 1960s the dances in the Baths Hall were great and were usually a first fumbling intro to the opposite sex. We used the Greek cafe on Boothferry Road regularly, we called it El Grecko's, don't know what its real name was. It was a seedy joint but much better than YMCA, etc.

Posted by David on 16/07/2008

As a small boy, my grandfather Joseph Lea used to waltz me round the docks area on Sunday afternoons. I remember him pointing out to me a theatre nearby that had windows at eye level with the pavement where, as young boys, he and his mates, maybe brothers, were able to see into the dressing room area and see the artistes getting sorted. This would have been in the 1800s when Joe was at Alexandra Street School.

Posted by Patricia on 25/07/2008

Can anyone help in finding out why a street party was held in Edinburgh Street and Broadway in 1958? The photo is on display at the Waterways Museum. They displayed a date of 1953 but I know this is wrong due to family connections. My mum and brother appear on the photo and he was born 1955 and is three years old. After asking around no one, including my mum, can remember why it was held. Does anyone know what would they be celebrating?

Posted by Stuart (Webmaster) on 25/07/2008

There were a lot of official celebrations in Goole in 1958 as this was the 25th anniversary of the town's charter of incorporation (in 1933).

Posted by Geoffrey on 08/10/2009

With reference to street parties, I remember going to our street party. It was held in the Sea Cadets hut behind the British Legion. I would have been about five years old, sitting there with my sisters having jelly and custard and all the grown-ups crowding around our table. I have the original photo of us all at the table. I can just about name everyone who is in the photo who lived down Brough Street and Mond Avenue.

Posted by Sue on 14/06/2008

I used to like the Old Goole Galas with the floats and the effort that went into it and everyone helping. Then there was the Blue Angels Jazz Band, we used to go all over on competitions.

Posted by John on 30/08/2008

No one's mentioned Market Hall wrestling with Klondyke Bill and Big Daddy, etc.

Posted by Chris on 19/06/2009

I remember my gran going to Pasture Road Baths to watch wrestling on a Saturday afternoon. There is a family rumour she got into trouble hitting Mick McManus over the head with her shoe as Les Kellett held him through the ropes! She had to watch on the TV later in life, but as she had angina I used to panic as she would get really wound up watching our heroes performing.

Posted by Amanda on 17/03/2010

Can anyone remember the boxing in Goole at the Market Hall or Drill Hall? My uncle boxed there, he was Eric Kid Lawton.

Posted by Brian on 21/03/2010

My father-in-law Taggy Newton also boxed at the Drill Hall and Market Hall with Eric Lawton, so did Hector Wilbe.

Posted by Keith on 09/11/2010

I remember the boxing in the Market Hall took place with local boxer Joe Carroll who always topped the bill, late-1940s/early-1950s. I seem to remember wrestling having a short spell on stage at the Tower picture house also.

Posted by Corby on 08/01/2018

I remember live wrestling at the Market Hall, Jack Pie always drew a crowd. Real all in, with eye-gouging and biting commonplace. No faking in those days. I seem to recall Boxing also took place at the Drill Hall.

Posted by Graham on 12/11/2008

I remember Saturday mornings at the cinema opposite the end of Carter Street, watching "Dan Dare" and other stuff that scared the crap out of me. Who did I go with? Peter probably, but the rest were too young, I'm sure. "We come along on Saturday morning, greeting everybody with a smile…" was that there? I'm ashamed to say we used to regard the sweetshop on Pasture Road as a natural (free) feeding ground on the way home from school. The one close to the British Legion. The other one (opposite the Baths) was where some lunatic ran over me (with their bike, no less) when I was sent out for my mum's illicit salted peanuts one night… We used to raid the trucks on the railway sidings at the end of Fourth Avenue and make lanterns… We used to traipse all over the docks, especially towards Old Goole where the sulphur dumps were. I remember the Whit parades, and my dad taking me out in my grandad's new car and doing 100 on the road down towards Rawcliffe. I also remember what my mum said about it! Visiting Howden Minster (my gran worked out there on the R101 in earlier days). Seeing the ship run up on the riverbank after being holed, alongside the cemetery… I also remember often, very often it seemed, visiting Shorts to see the Guinness being bottled. We got a brand new Austin van (in Cowell's colours) and the drivers used to sneak me out with them. (Thanks George Bear!). To this day I don't know if my dad/grandad knew that was going on.

Posted by Richard on 26/12/2008

Does anyone remember the George Senior Band that played at the British Rail Club sometime in the 1960s?

Posted by Old Codger on 06/01/2009

Happy memories of Walt Shorts lemonade factory. I guess I must be a wee bit older than Graham when I was a nipper, Walt's shire horses were delivering. The stables at the bottom of First Avenue (now a kids' play school). The whole area including TSB bank was fenced in and called Shorts Field and yes, horses grazed here. Cowells factory in Carter Street made all the splits (small bottles of pop) including bottling vinegar.

Walter Short was also the supplier for Smiths potato crisps paper bags with a separate blue twist bag of salt inside Yummy. I must search through my old photos, I'm sure I have the Whit parade with Shorts horse drawn delivery cart complete with oak casks on board. Happy memories.

Posted by Polo on 04/02/2009

Anyone remember seeing the Bay City Rollers long before they were famous at the Vikings in Goole? Saturday nights the cops used to have a raid on the Vikings for under-age drinking. I got collared and asked was I 18? I said no and was chucked in a van along with a load more and taken to the police station in Goole. The sergeant booking us in asked if I was 18. I said no, well how old are you then? 19 I said, well what are you doing here? I don't know, this copper asked me if I was 18 and I said no so he put me in the van! Sharp exit from that establishment, but cut a bit off my walk to Swinefleet.

Posted by Ian on 09/10/2009

The Bay City Rollers could not have played the Vikes, There was a raid in 1973 when the band was Mud.

Posted by John on 21/10/2009

During 1973 they played the Vikings three times in quick succession. Somewhere I have a beer mat signed by Stuart Wood, Eric Faulkner and Les McKeown which I got when they came to the bar after one of their sessions. You did recall Mud playing there which I also saw and good they were too. Many good bands had the Vikings on their CV. We had lots of memorable Saturday nights at the Vikings travelling from Sheffield in a Hillman Imp. I remember the Hull Brewery Ale was a bit slape though.

Posted by Pauline on 07/03/2010

Reading these posts bring back loads of memories. I left Goole in 1974, but remember going to the Mac five nights a week in the early-1970s. We used to spend a fortune in the jukebox playing Maggie May over and over. Also going to the Blacksmiths on a Sunday night. I worked in the Buchanan in 1973. I can also remember going to the Vikings on a Saturday night, they had some good bands on in them days, Glitterband, Detroit Emeralds and loads more. My memories of Goole are good ones.

Posted by Paul on 30/03/2010

The Bay City Rollers certainly did play the Viking. I compered it. One Saturday in 1971 I brought along an American soul band called The Tams, they were in the UK promoting a recently re-released single "Hey Girl Don't Bother Me" and were unable to play the previously arranged gig in Leeds, due to Musicians Union nonsense. Their record company (Probe, part of EMI) asked me if they could come out with me. The guys enjoyed the Viking too, signed a few autographs, but most people were not interested in them though. About three weeks later "Hey Girl" crashed into the charts at No. 1. The Goole girls missed out on that one!

Posted by Paul on 30/03/2010

I was a DJ back in the 1970s, doing big Mecca ballrooms, and small clubs as well as radio (Caroline, for you landlubbers and boaties). One gig I did every few months was the Vikings, then pretty new. I was always impressed that the locals knew their music and were into the latest Soul and Motown, though the girls needed the glam-pop stuff to get up and dance, while the guys would stand by the bar until about 11;30, and then make a mad rush to have a last dance with (and cop off with) one of the girls. I always found Goole a friendly place, only saw one fight at the Vikings. I used to walk to the station with two boxes of records and get the last train back to Hull about 1am.

Must go and have another look.

Posted by Small Face on 20/07/2010

I went to see a band called Geordie at the Vikings in the 1970s. I stood too close to the speakers, which if I remember rightly, had the name Mungo Jerry stamped on 'em. They were so loud that my ears were ringing for days after! The lead singer was Brian Johnson who is now front man for AC/DC…

In Goole the Vikings was about the only place for live music but at that time the "Vikes" was a sort of Phoenix Nights club for bands like the Tremeloes, Detroit Spinners and the Glitter Band, whose star had faded and were on the way down before hitting the scampi and chips circuit. They'd play their hits of yesteryear to mums and dads, suited, booted and coiffed in their Saturday night best.

So no, Goolies were offered little in the way of live music in the early to mid-1970s, and what there was, was mostly DIY.

Posted by Freda on 21/03/2009

Nearly every one of my age learned to swim at the Baths on Pasture Road and it was an important part of our recreation. We went there too from the Grammar School every week in the summer term. We also cycled, taking picnics with us, sometimes even as far as York. We walked after Sunday School, either along the riverbank and round by the Fever Hospital, down Pasture Road and home or the same loop in the opposite direction.

My grandfather, Richard Jolley, as mayor, recognised that Goole needed jobs to be created, as the shipyard and ship building declined. He was responsible for getting what was then a light industrial estate underway, including of course Burtons tailoring. Grandpa was also instrumental in finding entertainment for teenagers. He brought roller skating to the Market Hall, operated twice a week by people from Doncaster, I think. That was around 1951. Looking back we seem to have been fortunate in having the local facilities and locations, as well as the time and freedom to explore on bikes and on foot. With warm regards from sunny Adelaide, South Australia.

Posted by Chris on 18/06/2009

Anyone remember the Copper Kettle, Boothferry Road? My gran took me for a milkshake for a Saturday morning treat in the late-1950s.

Posted by Bill on 03/07/2009

Chris, the Copper Kettle enjoyed a certain notoriety in the days when coffee bars were a new phenomenon with a dodgy image. They were often frequented by teddy boys, loose women and beatnik intellectuals, not that they were many of the latter in Goole. Sometimes, on the way home from GGS in the early-1960s, I would sneak in for a coffee and feel very daring, if out of place. Maybe it had become a bit more respectable when you went with your gran.

I also remember that there was a Chinese restaurant a few doors away, the first restaurant to which I ever took a girlfriend (Cheryl I think) for a meal. Felt pretty sophisticated then! Oh, the innocence of youth.

Posted by Broadway on 10/07/2009

Best butchers was Nightingales Jim/old Danny and the boys, great pork pies; Mrs Jacksons across the road. Sliding down the riverbank in winter on a bread tray; nicking the daffs in spring for Mother's Day; swimming in the canal in summer, great but YUK now… Doing stuff you should not was always good at the time, cider in West Park.

Best cafe in the 1960s, for those who could not take the hard stuff yet, was the Riverside Cafe (the Greeks), fantastic backroom, jukebox thick with smoke, loud music, fab… or the Arcade cafe, OXO for a tanner; Copper Kettle, all great spots.

If you wanted a drink, Dock tavern half bitter, in the blue room, me and Colin Walker spent many happy times, until his mum/dad found out, whoops.

Goole still has some great pubs, but sadly no characters these days. I remember old Pom 5 o'clock Saturday selling the Green "Un", old Ted on a Sunday morning with the papers.

Posted by Kerry on 02/08/2009

My dad remembers "Pom". He used to sell the Hull Mail and the green paper outside the station or at the market. Another chap, Harry Day, also did the same thing. My dad said Pom used to walk funny.

Posted by Jackie on 11/01/2010

I came across this amazing site almost by accident, love the stories. "Broadway" mentioned "Ted" selling Sunday papers… my grandad Fred Potter used to stand outside the subway, 24/7, selling the local papers. He lived in the railway house on the opposite side of the road (I believe an Indian Restaurant is there now). Anyone on here old enough to remember this sweet gentle man?

Posted by Bill on 29/11/2010

A remember a man who was always seen on the station every evening. He was the chap who used to collect the newspapers (Hull Daily Mail and Yorkshire Post) when they arrived by train. He would distribute them to us paper boys. In fact we bought them off him and we kept the money we collected from the customers. I made a profit of about 30 bob a week - good money then. I bought the round from my cousin and sold it to a friend when I'd had enough of it. The only time I have been self-employed. Anybody know who that man was? I remember he was quite a character.

Posted by Keith on 18/10/2011

I also remember a man selling the papers was his name Hague.

Posted by Humble Pie on 21/07/2009

I remember Goole being better known as "Sleepy Hollow" in the early-1980s CB radio AM frequency. Fantastic times, met all sorts of folk, good and bad! Rhythmstick, Canteen Cowboy, Moonraker, Penguin, Bullwinkle, Pandora, Catweasel to recall a few. Meetings at Kilpin country club. Boothferry Breakers. Wow! Any of you still got the old AM squawk box in the loft to remember the era by?

10 10 till we do it again! We're down we're gone.

Posted by Geoffrey on 07/10/2009

I can remember going to the Carlton on Saturdays to the matinees. Also I remember Shorts wine shop on Pasture Road which became Littlewoods soft drinks. I used to work there when I left school as a drivers mate. I also remember the Palace Cinema which was pulled down and turned into Fine Fare supermarket. I also remember working at the Savemore supermarket at the top of Pasture Road. Our family lived down Brough Street in the 1950s/early-1960s then moved to Murham Avenue.

Posted by David on 16/10/2009

I also worked as Littlewood's Lemonade for a while around 1969. My brother Richard was also there for a few years in the early-1960s. I remember Golly Thompson, Lionel, Arthur and Mad Tommy the drivers.

Posted by Pauline on 29/11/2009

No one has mentioned the dances held at the Territorial Army Hall (Drill Hall) behind the Catholic Church in Pasture Road. I think it was the early-1960s. The committee of Goole RAFA. ran it, and, as my mum and dad were committee members, I got in free if I helped in the cloakroom. There was always a "live band" so lots of young lads with ambitions to be famous, played for not much money. Unfortunately I don't remember anyone who actually did become famous! But it was a good excuse for me to wear my full skirt with layers and layers of "can can" net under it. It had to be stiffened with sugar water when it was washed.

Posted by CA on 13/01/2010

I went to all the cafes mentioned plus Ransomes in Aire Street who were strict about behaviour on their premises. Went to Monday nights at Baths Hall also spent most of the summer between West Park and swimming at Baths Hall. Still see one of the female attendants (shopping in Tesco's) when I visit Goole.

Posted by Patricia on 07/02/2010

Does anyone have any photos or memories of Old Goole Jazz Band in the 1930s and 1940s?. My grandfather, William Spink, was the band leader for a while and I would love to find anything out about it. He wore a Union Jack suit, and most of his family was in the band. I have been sent photos of the band in the 1950s/1960s, but he had given it up by then.

Posted by Frank on 08/02/2010

Yes I remember the Jazz Band very well. I recall it being called Goole Town Prize Jazz Band. The memories are in my mind but no pictures or names, just the enjoyment of chasing after it.

Posted by Anne on 14/04/2010

Does anyone remember the Yorkshire Skiffle Championship being held at the Baths Hall in 1957 or 1958? It was won by our local group who called themselves "The Satellites". There were six members John Hughes, Ken Ibbotson, Les Krebbs, Pete Morton, Roy Thompson and "Mo" Le Voguer. A great night was had by all. They made a record, "Mama Don't Allow" (I think), and photographs were taken. My request is to have a copy of any photograph taken that night, no matter what condition. I so hope someone may find one in an old shoebox or something. Hope I stirred up some good memories. Thanks.

Posted by Colin on 09/07/2010

Anne, I spoke to Ken Ibbotson recently and showed him a copy of your posting, he remembers it well. I have photocopies of two of his pics from the days of the band. You are quite welcome to have them.

Posted by Colin on 08/09/2010

I don't know if you see the Goole Times but Mike Marsh wrote an article that featured the Skiffle group and it was in the paper. The photos are the ones that I have photocopies of.

Posted by Anne Jones on 12/09/2010

My friend has been in touch with Ken on the phone following the enquiry after the Mike Marsh article. It's the first time they have spoken for about 53 years. That's quite a result anyway.

Posted by Patrick on 14/05/2010

Anyone remember the North Eastern Folk & Blues Club? I was there when I was about fourteen or fifteen.

Posted by Frank on 20/05/2010

I remember the Blue Water evenings at the North Eastern. Where the mariners sang songs of the sea. It was on the wireless. This was in the 1920s.

Posted by Small Face on 18/07/2010

The late-1960s was certainly a time… Scooter boys of Goole and Howden, Goole and District Youth Club (at the Grammar), Y.M, Parish youth club, Carlisle Caff. Hey, what about the Paradise Club? Tamla Motown, Otis Redding, Marvin Gaye, the Mayphil Caff just over Boothferry Bridge.

Posted by Janet on 09/09/2010

Anyone used to go to parish youth club in the 1960s? David Heseltine, Martin Crapper, Janice Rocket, Susan Abson, Jennie Branham, Joan Sunderland ,Pete Butterick, Dave Clarke, Bernard Roffey (who I was married to for a while).

Posted by Bill on 12/09/2010

Yup, I was there. Was good, but not good enough to prevent us popping across to the Sydney for some underage drinking. Before that there was the scouts (3rd Goole Troop) and briefly the Church Lads' Brigade. Anybody remember those?

Posted by Patricia on 12/11/2010

Does anyone have any memories of the Old Goole Jazz Band from the 1930s/1940s? It was run by my grandfather, William Spink, and the money he raised went to the local hospital.

Posted by Jan on 12/11/2010

I remember going to sat afternoon pictures at cosy Carlton. 6p for pictures and 6p to spend, usually at a sweetshop down Wetherall Street, run by two sisters. All spent on the penny tray. I went on to direct many productions at Boothferry Middle School in early-1980s. Anyone remember Mikado, Gondoliers, Bugsey Malone, Joseph?

Posted by Ann on 12/12/2010

Can anyone remember Ike and Tina Turner playing at the Paradise Club in Goole?

Posted by John on 14/01/2011

I remember Ike and Tina Turner playing at the Paradise Club, they asked us where you could get an alcoholic drink as they only sold soft drinks there. We took them to the Peacock for a drink before they performed.

Posted by Keith on 28/01/2011

I've lived in and around Goole for many years and never heard of the Paradise Club. Where was it?

Posted by Small Face on 28/01/2011

The Paradise Club was down Carlisle Street. It morphed, in time, into Shaw's Pastimes.

Posted by David on 06/02/2011

My brother Richard was a doorman at the Paradise Club - we got to see some great acts there over the few years that it was open.

Posted by Gail on 10/02/2011

I was a regular at the Paradise Club but I don't recall Ike and Tina Turner playing there. They were already international stars when the club was open and there was a very similar Leeds act called Root and Jenny Jackson, who definitely did play at the Paradise. Ike and Tina in Goole? Sounds like that scene at the end of The Commitments when nobody believes Wilson Picket will turn up but he does.

Posted by Small Face on 12/02/2011

Well, I didn't like to make a comment about the Ike and Tina article until Gail had the courage to do it first… "River Deep, Mountain High" was released in 1965, so we all know they wouldn't have been at the Paradise. How in heck did you remember Root and Jenny Jackson though… good call! Memory escapes me but did we have the pleasure of Geno Washington and the Ram Jam Band once or twice?

Posted by Roy on 16/04/2012

Paradise Club 1969 - fell in love on a postage-size dance floor.

Posted by Anon on 13/09/2015

Just been discussing the Paradise Club with my sister-in-law who doesn't remember it at all. I am sure I saw Ike and Tina Turner there and Gino Washington! Can anyone confirm? Looked back on this website - mixed comments. I also remember them asking for alcohol as there was none at the club. Is my memory playing tricks? Left Goole when I was eighteen but am still in touch with family.

Posted by Elaine on 15/12/2015

I used to go to the Paradise Club with friends from Goole Grammar School and we definitely saw Geno Washington & The Ram Jam Band there in the late-1960s. I think Ike and Tina Turner did appear there but sadly I didn't get to see them.

Posted by Kathleen on 02/03/2011

Does anybody out there remember "The Avengers"? Not the TV series but a pop group who used to play together at dances in 1963-64. Mike Brogan, Bri Ibbotson… I think they even made a recording, with donations from Senior VI at the Grammar School. Or the radio hamming - Paul Moncaster comes to mind, same era?

Posted by Sue on 05/03/2011

I don't remember the Avengers, but Bri Ibbotson later formed "Stovepipe Lee and the Mobile Stragglers", 1966-67, with himself, Roy Strachan and Chris Warren on guitars. I've forgotten the drummer's name.

Posted by Robert on 06/03/2011

Were the others in the band Mick Leonard and Roy Strachan?

Posted by Sue on 07/03/2011

Was it Reggie Leonard?

Posted by Jan on 08/03/2011

I remember that band with Bri Ibbotson, Strachan, Brogan, etc. They played for a dance I attended at GGS. Later on in life I took my daughter to a panto in Bradford and noticed Bri in the orchestra!

Posted by Rob on 04/04/2011

Who remembers Roger Blooms Hammer?

Posted by John on 04/04/2011

Roger Blooms Hammer hailed from Sheffield, they played several times at the Paradise Club down Carlisle Street. Must be at least 40/42 years ago.

Posted by Jon on 01/08/2011

There was a band which played in the Goole area in the late-50s and early-60s. Nothing avant-garde. They weren't about to burst into the charts, or tour Germany in a Bedford van. Just a group of gents in smart suits and bow ties playing jazz for dances. As far as I know they didn't have a name. The only photograph I have is of a quartet: piano, drums, tenor saxophone and guitar. My father, Geoff Kelsey, was the guitarist. I think the sax player was Harold Mann, and that at some time there was also a double bass player called Wally. I'm fairly sure they played at the North Eastern, amongst other local venues. As a small boy I wasn't interested, but with 50 years' hindsight I wish I had paid more attention, and would love to know more. Does anyone remember them?

Posted by Keith on 14/05/2012

The Monday night Christies dances at the Baths Hall were the highlight of the week.

Posted by Broadway on 19/05/2012

Anybody ever get into the Riverside coffee bar? The back room, full of smoke; great jukebox; great crowd of folks, Brin, Bert, Myler, Tina, Sue, Val, to name but a few; OXO a tanner a cup. The two Greeks who owed it were good guys as well, Chris and Vass. Happy days.

Posted by Bill on 20/05/2012

In the early-1960s I used to hang out in the back room of that Greek owned snack bar in Boothferry Road. It was at times decidedly seedy, I remember food stuck to the ceiling and some minor sexual misdemeanours!

Posted by Sue on 21/05/2012

Coffee bar, scruffy backroom, banging jukebox five plays a bob.

Posted by SP on 21/05/2012

Wooly Bully by Sam the Sham belting out, fab times.

Posted by Norma on 11/07/2012

Does anyone out there remember the YMCA in 1965/1966? We had great times. Went on a coach to see the Stones at Leeds, also went to the Cavern in Liverpool. I lived in Thorne.

Posted by Burl on 15/07/2012

Table tennis upstairs, mini coffee bar ground floor.

Posted by Bill on 16/07/2012

YMCA in the 1960s, bad memory. May the guy who punched me in the face rot in hell.

Posted by Eddie on 28/07/2012

How about the yo-yo, sausages and the rest served in the YMCA.

Posted by Tom on 20/01/2013

Yes I remember it, situated at the end of the town opposite a pub whose name I cannot remember, the building just about falling down. Upstairs for table tennis downstairs was the disco and cafe. Never went on any trips, family could not afford it.

Posted by Emma on 21/01/2013

The pub in question is the Peacock.

Posted by Tom on 06/02/2013

Thanks, should really have remembered it as my father practically lived in it as well as the Macintosh Arms.

Posted by Graham on 03/11/2012

Anyone remember the Youth Club at the rear of the Grammar School 1973-1975? Great times.

Posted by Fiona on 07/11/2012

I remember the Youth Club, though I didn't go much as I never really liked pop music until punk arrived and then I was on my way to art school. What I do remember was the very distinctive weird smell in there. I am sure all the Motown would come flooding back if I were to smell it again? Anyone have any idea what caused it?

Posted by Graham on 05/12/2012

The only explanation for the aroma in the Youth Club would be that it was hormones/testosterones from the youth of the day!

Posted by Jez on 22/02/2013

This has evoked a memory from 30 and more years ago. We had a gig at Goole Grammar round about 1975 - 77, I think. Phil was on lead guitar and I played piano, was nothing portable but my own upright Joanna from home. I had to transport it by van then haul it into the school, do the gig, then back home with the heavy "beast" which you can appreciate was well out of tune by the end of the night. I remember we did Tom Robinson "2 4 6 8" and also the stones "Under My Thumb" which immediately springs to mind. Hope you are doing well Phil. Jez from 55 Oxford road

Posted by Phil on 23/02/2013

Nice to hear from another musician. Unfortunately it was not me on lead guitar as I had left Goole. I think it must have been my cousin Martyn Barker. My last gig around Goole was at the Blacksmith's Arms in Hook with Dennis Wilburn on lead and Geoff Laverack on drums. It was around 1970. We played in the annex a under the name Forgery as it was the Blacksmith's.

Posted by Anna on 11/06/2013

The first mobile discotheque I had was the Alusion Five Roadshow and started in the Dock Taven, South Street, Goole in 1973. Fighting usually started off around 10.30 and some German or Danish sailor ended up through the front window. It was a wire mesh type glass and my father ended up putting new glass back in the front window. He did wonder why we didn't we put hinges on the windows to save the glass. I remember lots of tables and stools getting broken as well as lots of beer glass and bottles. The police waited until it was all over and then came in to make arrests. It was a hard place to do discos back then.

Posted by Corby on 04/08/2013

The Theatre Royal on Adam Street was once the venue for the Cub Group ran by a Mrs Barlow. On the onset she would seat herself on the stage. In chalk she would write BARLOW. Every boy present would then place pennies upon the letters. In an attempt to complete her name. This never happened, most boys could ill afford the cap and jersey required, not forgetting the woggle, but I certainly enjoyed attending.

Posted by Sheena on 23/08/2013

I remember the G&D in the 1970s, it was the "in" place for anyone who was aged thirteen to sixteen to go. I also remember queues of girls waiting outside the Carlton Picture House to see Grease and many went two or three times. People will remember the swimming baths in Pasture Road - the blue turnstile to get in, up the stairs and putting your clothes in wire baskets.

Posted by Bill on 01/09/2013

Yes, I remember those heavy metal hanging baskets for storing your clothes. In the men's changing rooms there was a machine which dispensed Brylcreem on which the most funny but obscene graffiti had been scratched; can't repeat it here but others of my generation may remember it!

Posted by Peter on 25/10/2013

Does anyone still remember the local beat group Dean Cresta and The Falcons from the early-1960s?

We had Alan Vaux on vocals, Rob Thornton on piano, John Lawton on guitar, and Kenny Wilde on drums (and me on bass guitar). After Alan left to join Thorne's Daybreakers, and Kenny took off for Scotland to join a pro band, Trev Smith and Ann Fysh came in on vocals, and Pete Morton on drums. I remember Pete had a mate, a piano pounder called Jammy Giles, who could really rattle the ivories. John Eyre, who could wow 'em on ol' Jerry Lee numbers, also rejoined on vocals and guitar.

The local shacks we used to shake included the Station Hotel, the Tavern ("Charlie's"), and the Sydney. I can only imagine just how great Ann would have been on those Motown classics that came along a few short years later. Happy Days!

Posted by Keith on 26/10/2013

Think John Eyre and Rob Thornton joined the "Black Jets" with two other guys. Quite a good foursome

Posted by Tee on 03/05/2016

You mentioned The Falcons and I think my dad, Alan Vaux, is the lead singer of whom you speak - you'll be pleased to know that Alan is still rocking all over the world, or in France to be more exact. Do feel free to get in touch if you have any stories regarding my dad!

Posted by Peter on 03/06/2016

It's good to hear that Alan is still rockin' away - somewhere in France! I hope he's keeping well. We lost touch after he left for The Daybreakers, but I still remember him very well from our days in The Falcons. Somehow, it's well over 50 years since those times - well, who knows where the time goes? Alan was a very charismatic front man, and had a lot to do with our local popularity. We often had trouble getting our gear to the various venues in the area, as we were all very young and too poverty-stricken to have our own transport. We were not quite like, say, Status Quo, with tons of stuff to lug about, but we did have a bit too much for the bus into town. Somehow, we got by. I remember a local guy, Big Les, who had a big car with a massive boot, who sometimes ferried us about. A big help! Ah, happy days!

Posted by Alan on 27/12/2016

Hi to those who remember me. I used to be lead singer with the Falcons later joining The Daybreakers. I had a few names (some not so nice from non-female followers whose girlfriends liked our music), such as Alan Cresta, Dean Cresta and at one stage Vince Deacon. It was only later in life that the initials for those names were quite significant.

Now in France, still rocking and doing a non-stop tribute show of legends such as Elvis, Neil Diamond, Roy Orbison, Jerry Lee Lewis, Cliff and loads more great acts from the past. Loads of costume changes also makes this a really memorable show. Anyway lovely to read some of the articles about Goole, Uncle Arthur's, Winning Post, Goole Market Hall, The Baths, Sydney Hotel, etc. If I ever get the show over to Goole then I will have it well advertised so that some of you guys who remember me can come along and buy me a beer or two. Cheers!

Posted by Denise on 25/01/2017

Are you the same Alan that sometimes sat with us on the bus to Moorends back in the day? We had some good times in The Winning Post.

Posted by Alan on 05/02/2017

Sure Denise that was me. Pleased to see you are still alive and kicking. I remember you sang some Jerry Lee numbers especially good.

Posted by John on 20/02/2017

Dean Cresta and the Falcons: the line-up was, John Eyre (lead guitar), John Lawton (rhythm guitar), Rob Thornton (piano), Doc Holliday (saxophone), Alan Roberts (drums) and Alan Vaux (vocals) who took over from Ray Ward (alias Johnny Hawk).

Posted by Trev on 21/12/2013

I know there won't be many who can remember this far back with the Tower Cinema, but mum (she is 107) was telling me today about being an usherette there in the 1920s. She said it was a cinema part of the year and put on productions the rest of the year. I would like to find any info about these times if anyone can help please.

Posted by Dennis on 22/12/2013

I remember the Tower Cinema, it always stunk of diesel because the electricity was generated by diesel engines at the back of the premises.

Posted by Paul on 26/12/2013

It was certainly a theatre in 1962 as on 19 November the Goole Operatic Society performed the "Quaker Girl."

Posted by Robert on 26/12/2013

Yes, not just a cinema. I have some press cuttings from an old family friend who died over 20 years ago now. She was Ethel Shipley, later Ethel Laverack, who sang contralto (rather well people used to say) in the early days of the Goole Amateurs when they regularly performed at the Tower Theatre. For example in March, 1922, "Last night at the Tower Theatre, the Goole United Amateur Operatic Society opened a week's performance of The Mikado."… "One of the chief triumphs of the evening was the Katisha of Miss Ethel Shipley, whose reserve of dramatic ability has not previously been utilised." I'm sure a search through the Goole Times microfiche at the library would find more between 1900 and 1940.

The article then compares the Tower with the Theatre Royal where productions had been performed in earlier years, the Tower having a more roomy and well equipped stage. Other performers and support mentioned are Miss Nellie Carmichael, Miss Sylvia Cooper, Mrs H. Petman, Mr R.W. Simpson, Mr W. Blyth, Mr J.H. Carmichael, Mr J.W. Nichols, Mr J. Crabtree, Mr Ernest Johnson (conductor) Mr Lindsay Harman (coach) Mr R.G. Bickerron (President), Mr Ernest Gunhill (business manager), Mr Harold Lloyd (secretary).

Actually, from memory, I think the Tower continued as a theatre into the 1960s and possibly the 1970s.

Posted by Trev on 28/12/2013

Robert, many thanks for your info about the Tower Cinema. I will try mum with the names that you sent, she may remember some of them (her memory is still good at 107). She has now told me about a cinema that was in Hook Road, her aunt and uncle lived next door to it and used to help out there, so mum used to go in free when she was a child.

Posted by Gerald on 31/12/2013

The Quaker Girl was the first production on the return to the Tower Theatre by the Operatic Society. Not sure where they had been previously. The next two productions were White Horse Inn and Blue Moon.

Posted by Paul on 31/01/2014

What about the Dale Sisters? They had two top-forty singles in the 1960s and appeared on "Thank Your Lucky Stars" with Adam Faith and Johny Leighton.

Posted by Goolie Gone on 25/10/2019

I seem to remember that the Dale Sisters were nieces of local butcher Tommy Dunderdale, who had a shop on Bridge Street in the 1950s and 1960s. Tommy played the Hawaiian steel guitar for a time in a local C&W trio called the Three Canyons.

I'm fairly certain also that the Dales had previously hit the UK singles charts the previous year (probably 1960) with the old Buddy Holly song "Heartbeat".

Posted by Bill on 29/10/2019

Yup, they are brilliant. Goole's own Beverly Sisters!

Posted by Goolie Gone on 30/10/2019

Heartbeat by the England Sisters. Nice record from 1960 then. Their uncle Tommy D. must have been Goole's one and only Hawaiian guitar player - anyone know otherwise?

Posted by Tony on 31/10/2019

The Dale Sisters Betty, Julie and Hazel Dunderdale, their father had the butchers shop in Carlisle Street. Their name was changed to the England Sisters when Paul England took over management. I believe they toured with the Beatles.

Station Hotel combo Harry Middlebrook played piano with them. He was a salesman at Jacksons Furniture Stores. Also think they had Hawaiian or steel guitar

Posted by Keith on 06/11/2019

I remembers walking into Jacksons Furniture shop and Harry was sat playing a piano like a good 'un. Think he was practising for the night time combo.

Posted by Norman on 06/03/2014

The place to go in the early-1960s was Moorends, I remember a singer called Vince Everett and the Black Orchids, Dave Berry, Freddie and Dreamers, The Fortunes and many more. Johnny Walker was the manager of the pub. Don't forget the Winning Post. Last bus home 10pm. Good memories.

Posted by Peter on 25/06/2014

I remember heading via Rawcliffe and the Johnny Moor Long to Uncle Arthur's and The Winning Post at Moorends and Thorne. The beat groups seen there included Screaming Lord Sutch and The Savages, Freddie and The Dreamers, Dave Berry and The Cruisers, Me & Them, and maybe (it could just have been at the Baths, though) Mike Sagar and The Cresters with the great Ricky Harding on guitar. Abs fab, he was, on a number called "Deep Feeling". We lived back then in a time known now as history.

Posted by Lynda on 27/06/2014

We used to go to Uncle Arthurs every Friday Saturday and Sunday evenings. Great group and always had a good time, never wanted to leave the catch that 10 o'clock bus,

Posted by Peter on 29/06/2014

Uncle Arthur's and the Winning Post really were the places to be at back then, and always seemed to be packed whenever I got to go there. These were the days of our lives - as a certain Freddy Merc later went on to sing about.

Posted by Sheila on 06/04/2014

I always participated in the Whitsuntide walks. I also went to St. Paul's Sunday School and went for Confirmation classes at the vicarage on Clifton Gardens. One of my Sunday School teachers was Annabel Ramsey. She was the daughter of Dr Ramsey, the music teacher at GGS. We always had our new summer outfit for the Whit walk. Remember that it was a great family occasion and the route to the Riverside Gardens was lined with many people. Always had an ice cream after the parade too.

This was a time when everything was closed on Sundays. It was considered bad form to cut the grass or do the washing on this day. I always wore my Sunday best with white socks, white undies and a ribbon in my hair. The rest of the week it was beige socks and no ribbon. Would also go out for a walk in the summer or visit relatives. Not the done thing to play out now, you know… Oh! How times have changed.

Posted by Bill on 07/04/2014

I was in the Whit Walks as a participant on one of the "tableau" from the Parish Church Sunday School. These were mounted on the back of flatbed trucks. I have photos. In one I am a four-year-old with my legs hanging over the side next to the wheel - no considerations of Health and Safety then. On the same subject, I always remember the precipitous drop of about ten feet from part of the river embankment walk down onto Hook Road. It is amazing that small kids never fell off. I'm sure it will be fenced now. And yes we were always dressed very smartly for the occasion, our mum having taken us to Foster and Tetley's for our new "rig outs". Although these "walks" were supposedly religious in purpose, their main importance, as I remember, was as an amazing manifestation of community spirit and civic pride. Pretty rare commodities these days.

Posted by Sheila on 07/04/2014

I remember riding on the flatbed lorries when very small and then walking the route as I got older. So grown up at seven!

As you say, no one ever fell off. Some children had chairs on the lorry but others like you, sat on the edge with their legs dangling over the side. Think it may well have been civic pride, as it seems that the whole town turned out. Most children went to Sunday School in those days though so, the spectators would have been family.

Hook Gala and Fancy dress parades were also well attended.

Posted by Norman on 09/04/2014

Fond memories of the Whitsuntide parade. I worked for LEP Transport depot in Fifth Avenue. I and other drivers volunteered to prepare a lorry for the Monday parade. We started preparing them Saturday morning washing and painting the unit and trailer, back Sunday morning to touch up the paint work and hope that the paint had dried. Monday morning over to drop off the trailer to be got ready for the parade; slow ride back to town so I did not drop any kids off the trailer; nice run round Goole back to Old Goole church for a tuck in. Nice memories, they last longer then dreams.

Posted by Dennis on 09/04/2014

I left Goole in 1961 aged fifteen, when my mum remarried, and we moved away from the area. I remember the parade being the biggest day of the year apart from Christmas.

Posted by Bill on 10/04/2014

Norman, I'd just like to second Sheila's words of appreciation and thank you, and your colleagues, for the wonderful voluntary work you did on behalf of the children of Goole. There is no doubt that those Whit walks enriched our lives and left us ex-pats with the fondest memories of Goole as it was then.

Posted by Tony on 11/04/2014

I worked at LEP with Norman. I always went to the church on the corner of Humber Street, All Saints or St. Marys can`t remember its name. They always had two artics for the kids to ride on and a rigid for the tableau. Most of the lorries used were LEP or Hudson Wards and there was a friendly rivalry between us as to who had the best looking lorries. After the procession we all went back to the church for the tea party. My wife and baby always rode in the cab with me.

Posted by Fiona on 17/04/2014

I remember the Whit Walks, I think they stopped in the 1970s when Whitsuntide ceased to be a holiday. My dad, who was born in 1924, told me that as a child he and his brother were on a dray when the horse was stung by a hornet and bolted! I don't think anyone was hurt but he said mothers screamed with fear for their children.

Posted by Tony on 17/04/2014

I remember doing the tableau with one of the new Trader 75s, the first ones with air brakes - daren`t put my foot near the brake pedal.

Posted by Norman on 17/04/2014

The Thames Trader 75 had a warning at back of the flatbed reading "caution, air brakes", If you hit your brakes at 15mph you would shoot backwards and hope there was nothing close behind you, I don't think any driver lost anyone off their vehicles on any of the parades. We are talking about what took place in 1965, it would not be allowed to take place today.

Posted by Anon on 26/04/2014

Looking back in time, I can remember our neighbour, who worked for a local coal merchant, as a drayman, on the Whit Week Parade. All the horse brasses were polished and plumes on the horses heads made to look nice, Seeing the shire horse outside our front door looking a proper picture, It's a shame there was not as many cameras about in those days, just think what photos we would have if camera phones had been around then, The kids dressed up in their Sunday best, the dray looking a picture, the driver steadying the horse. The driver's name was Charlie MacDermot. Please make sure any old photos around Goole never get disposed of and kept for the future. Fond memories.

Posted by Sheila on 28/04/2014

Cannot say as I recall the horses in the Whit Parades but do remember the dray horses in the Hook Gala parade. Suppose that if we were all in our Sunday best, then the horses should be too. Sadly, it is a sight seldom seen by the younger generation today. But wearing your Sunday best is a thing of the past now too.

Posted by Keith on 13/06/2019

Oh yes the Whit Parade, when your shoes stuck to the running Tarmac. Your Sunday best got covered in the stuff. Those days were when Goole was a Close community… good old days.

Posted by Corby on 13/06/2019

Whit Parade. I recently had a major shock down here in Southampton when I met a gentleman and his wife. They came down at the same time as us over 60 years ago. His name is Tommy Robinson and he is a captain in the Salvation Army. He showed us photos of when he carried the banner on the Whit Walks ahead of the floats. What memories we recalled of happy days.

Posted by Dave on 02/10/2019

I remember Tommy Robinson had something to do with the Old Beaulah church in Old Goole. I think he was the guy to get myself and my mate Dave Blanchard on the Whit Parade dressed as angels!

Posted by Bill on 03/10/2019

Dressed as angels - you were lucky! I had my face blacked up to play the part of an African child being preached at by a missionary. Took days to get the stuff off my face. But that apart, the Whit Walks were a wonderful community event.

Posted by Sheila on 07/04/2014

Remember the "big" dances at the Baths Hall in the winter when the pool was closed. They did not finish until 2am. So late… However, I was only allowed to go if I returned home on time from the youth clubs during the year.

Posted by Corby on 09/04/2014

I well remember the big bands in the mid-1950s at the Baths Hall, something to look forward to. Without which it meant going to Hull, Leeds and Donny. I also remember girls going against the wish of their parents who went to the "Sweatbox" at Thorne. I meant no disrespect to the parents of the girls who frequented Uncle Arthur's dances at Thorne. Some of these parents also warned against The Copper Kettle.

I know four girls who went to Thorne who later married the man they met there. I married the girl I met at the Baths. I wonder how many other found their intended at that venue. Happy days.

Posted by Keith on 11/04/2014

The Saturday dances at the Baths Hall were great along with the "big" dances, Young Farmers Ball, Police Ball, Platt & Featherson's dance to name a few. Monday night dances, promoted by Christie's of Selby, were fantastic for the rockers.

Posted by Peter on 12/04/2014

I remember the time that Johnny Kidd & The Pirates rocked the old Baths Hall with their big hit "Shakin' All Over". Unfortunately, and unforgivably, there were only about 30 of us there that night. The group didn't use the stage, which I remember as seeming quite high above the dance floor (but maybe I was on my knees at the time), and set up in front of the stage to go through their numbers. Those of us there formed a circle around them as they belted out one hit after another. True professionals, and a really great night's entertainment! Shame about the poor attendance.

Posted by Keith on 14/04/2014

Baths Hall was the best dance venue ever. I remember Johnny Kid and the Pirates, and the big dance bands, Nat Gonella, the Monday night dances; how we got up for work on Tuesday morning is anyone's guess. The most memorable for me, because I worked there, was the annual Burton's Dance, which I helped organise.

Posted by Peter on 17/04/2014

Sadly, I never got to see those great jazz bands at Goole - didn't even know they'd hit our town - though I was probably just a bit too young then. I well remember a trip to York, though, to see Count Basie when I was about 14.

The Monday night hops at the Baths were great. I seem to remember that sometimes local "talent" would get up on stage, and we would watch from the balcony. Two of them stood out for me. This would have been a couple of years before The Beatles blew the pop music world wide open. One of them, a fruity-looking guy in gig-lamps, would get up and sing Roy Orbison songs such as "Only The Lonely" and "Blue Angel". I might be a bit more discerning now, but he sounded fab at the time. The other one would sing with his arms stretched out in front of him, shaking from head to foot. I don't think it was stage fright, but more an affectation, much like the Sheik Of Shake, Dickie Pride. Rock on.

And, oh to be young again!

Posted by Anon on 28/04/2014

As a lad I remember my oldest sister at the age of eighteen saying to mum, please ask dad if I can go to the Baths Hall dance on Saturday night. If some other girl had the same dress on as her, she would come home and change it, I also remember my sisters going to the music shop on Boothferry Road to get the latest music sheet with words so they could learn the words of the new songs.

Posted by Lynda on 20/06/2014

Oh yes, how well I remember the Monday night dances at the Baths Hall, highlight of the week. It was "do we go pictures on a Saturday or the Monday night dance?", as my friend Sheila Whitehead and I could not afford to go to both. The Monday night dance always won.

My mother-in-law worked at the Baths Hall for years, Doris Beamson, sure everyone who swam will remember her, lovely lady sadly, along with the Baths Hall, no longer with us.

I cannot remember the name of any of the bands, but always had a wonderful evening and danced all night.

Posted by Keith on 20/04/2014

Anyone remember the roller skating at the Market Hall, it didn't last that long. Also the wrestling at the Tower?

Posted by Corby on 20/04/2014

I returned to Goole in 1957 to marry Audrey Pearce. She was a Burton's girl for five years. Her closest friends were Mary Taun, Mary Clements, June Clark and Gladys Rose. She cannot recall the Monday night or Burtons dances. When these girls bopped to the wild music the whole floor bounced.

You mention the events at the Market Hall. My first hero performed there when wrestling took place. Jack Pye, who I always assumed was Goole born because he could be seen with his brothers walking down Estcourt Street on a regular basis. I felt quite deflated when I learned the truth. Another hero was the local strongman who used to demonstrate his unique talent around Goole, Sylvanus Baxter. A crowd gathered one day opposite the Lowther on the railway sidings where a goods wagon bogie (axle and wheels) was on the track. He hooked his arms under the axle and deadlifted the whole bogie clear of the line. A great cheer went up, I don't know what the weight would have been for all this cast iron, but I remember it as if it was yesterday.

Posted by Bill on 21/04/2014

My mother told me that there was roller skating (and dances) in the Market Hall during the war years. I'm too young to remember if they continued beyond that. Think it had all finished by the late-1950s.

Posted by Frank on 16/05/2014

I only went once to the dances at the Market Hall in 1943 and it was quite good with a good crowd. I wonder if Vera Eldin remembers? She was a good dancer.

Posted by FW on 16/06/2014

My grandfather, Richard Jolley, instituted the roller skating in the Market Hall in approximately 1951-52 when he was Mayor of Goole, because he felt that more was needed to be done for young people. The operators came from somewhere near Doncaster. My parents, Kathleen and Charles Watmough reopened and ran the Parish Church Youth Club, in the Church Hall, Church Street, complete with snooker tables and refreshments.

At the same time he also negotiated the light industrial estate, including Burton's tailoring and LEP, as he could see that ship building was going into decline

Posted by Keith on 09/11/2020

I remember roller skating in 1950s at the Market Hall. Also remember dancing there about 1958-ish was the last time.

Posted by Peter on 21/04/2014

Anyone recall a mid-1950s singer from Old Goole who sang Hoot Rains-era Slim Whitman songs? His name was possibly Brian Masterman (but I may just have made that up). I was eleven or twelve at the time, and knew note-for-note some of Slim's songs such as Rose Marie and Indian Love Call from the old 78s my mum and dad had. Brian - I think that may have been his first name, anyway - was a local favourite who would have been well-known in the Marshland, and did terrific versions of those old songs. He even looked a bit like Slim, with a pencil-thin moustache!

Posted by FW on 16/06/2014

The senior sixth boys at Goole Grammar School slipped out surreptitiously some lunch times to play bowls next door, having had shove halfpenny and bridge banned by Mr Latimer. We also cycled to York for the day in the summer holidays, taking with us a picnic of course. It's interesting to note that these entertainments cost very little, apart from the occasional trip to one of the three cinemas on Saturday afternoon or evening.

A walk round the docks or along the riverbank to Hook after Sunday School was popular too and again cost free. The good old days do sound very appealing!"

Posted by EW on 16/06/2014

I forgot to mention the Baths Hall on Pasture Road, where we all learned to swim when were seven- or eight-year-old and went there regularly right through the Grammar School years too. We even went with school as part of PE. and those of us with season passes spent many hours there, leaving our bikes propped up outside. The baths were open only in the warmer months before boards were placed across the pool area to become a ballroom, for winter dances.

My mothers' generation ice skated in the winter on the local ponds.

Posted by Keith on 19/06/2014

The CLB or Church Lads Brigade also used the Parish Church Hall. As I recall Tom Wilburn was the C.O. and Mr Rossiter the church caretaker also helped. The GFS or Girls Friendly Society used the other Church Hall. Anyone remember these?

Posted by FW on 27/06/2014

The two Miss Gray sisters, Enid and Freda, ran the GFS, along with their adopted sister, Doris. They took the girls on an annual trip to stay at the GFS hostel in Filey. Mr Noel Chessman ran the Church Lads' Brigade. He was in the Parish Church Choir too, along with my stepfather Charles Watmough, after graduating from being choir boys.

Posted by Bill on 27/06/2014

I certainly remember the CLB. I think it was short-lived but very active. I remember polishing those brass buttons on the uniform. We learnt marching drill in the Church Hall and played football in the adjoining yard. Participated in Remembrance Day parades. One year we went on a summer camp to Bognor Regis. Names I remember are Mike Chessman and Mike Tune. My sister was in the GFS also very active. Did they have summer camps in Filey. I know the choir did.

The two Miss Grays mentioned in connection with the GFS also at one time ran a sweetshop at the top of Marshfield Road. Names I remember from the choir about that time are Ricky Wilcox and Malcom Potts and of course Miss Jessop the choir "master" and organist.

Posted by Keith on 30/06/2014

The CLB in my day was run by the church caretaker Mr Rossiter and Mr Tom Wilburn. I also remember the Gray sisters who taught at the Sunday School, and Canon Rawlins. Anyone remember him at choir practice?

Posted by Paul on 09/12/2014

I too remember the CLB in the Parish Church Hall. I also went on that summer camp to Bognor Regis. The tented camp was on Nyetimber Lane just outside the town. It took an age to get there as I recall on a red and cream bus! How's that for a memory? Remember also going swimming in the sea just at the side of the pier and one of the head honcho's always kept his flat cap on even when swimming.

The CLB in Goole was run by a guy who worked on the railway, can't remember his name. The only two lads I can recall were a big blonde haired guy called Paul (maybe Hart) who carried the big drum and a lad called "Shiner". Good days

Posted by Freda on 17/12/2014

Mr Noel Chessman ran it and was helped by my stepfather Charles Watmough. Both of these men had been choirboys at the Parish Church and then choirmen.

Posted by Keith on 20/12/2014

I remember Noel Chessman as a choir boy and as an older CLB lad, but not in charge, must have been after my time.

Posted by Anon on 24/06/2014

Who remembers Sunshine corner? It was held at the Co-op hall between the post office at the corner of Carter Street and the bombed out Church, It was also used for wedding receptions - our sister had her reception there in the late-1950s.

The building was constructed out of wood. We also had a once-a-year party. You had to have so many stamps in you book so you could attend the party.

The song we used to sing was. "Sunshine Corner, Oh it's jolly fine, It's for children under ninety-nine, All are welcome, seats are given free, Goole Sunshine Corner is the place for me." I think this was about 1950.

What about "Bill Hailey and the Comets" at the Cosy Carlton? The queue was round the corner into Jackson Street when the film was shown. There was dancing in the aisles, I wonder what Billy King thought of it.

Posted by Anon on 18/09/2014

I think a lot of girls and ladies who worked at the Burtons factory will remember when "Worker's Playtime" paid a visit to the factory; this was broadcast live on the radio. I think this was in the 1950s.

Posted by Anon on 18/09/2014

How many of us old ones remember Wilfred and Mabel Pickles visiting Goole? Can you remember his saying "Give 'em the Money Mabel", it was one pound if they got the question right. He had a lovey broad accent, good memories.

Posted by Bill on 20/09/2014

What's on the table Mabel?

Posted by Karen on 27/11/2014

I know St. Paul's Players still exists today and I am so pleased the name lives on. How many people remember the old St. Paul's Players? I was a member from 1976 to around 1994. We produced two plays a year at the Secondary Modern School (that was). Usually April and October/November and usually comedy. I was Karen White and acted with Betty Benton (became Raywood), the late Bri Cook, Rob Whitehead, Joan Overington, Nichola Theaker and the late Phill Sharp, to name a few. We progressed to pantomimes at the Grammar School but the best days were at the Modern School. Betty and Phill were the main directors and we did the scenery and costumes ourselves. Scenery was often loaned form "Lee Roma's" down Dunhill Road. Happy Days. Hope we were as entertaining as we thought we were. "There's no business like show business". I've still got loads of photos and newspaper cuttings.

Posted by Neil on 12/12/2014

I left Goole in 1963 at the age of eight. I have so many wonderful memories of growing up in Broadway and playing in the shared lane with Edinburgh Street. Ullerthorne's chippy and Rollinsons sweetshop. The Hudsons, the Marshalls and the Gormlies! The docks and the riverbank was my playground, the dykes at Kingsway, catching newts and sticklebacks, Alexandra Street School and the Baths.

Just so many memories of a special place and I am so proud to be a Goolie!

Posted by Goolie Gone on 20/12/2014

Does anyone out there have any old memories of the Copper Kettle, Goole's first American-style coffee bar, on Boothferry Road between the old St. John's Hospital and the Station Hotel on the corner with Pasture Road? I used to pass it every day on my way to and from school. I'm sure the place had a proper jukebox, again probably the town's first.

Posted by Marjorie on 21/12/2014

I remember the Copper Kettle on Boothferry Road. I went on my second date with my boyfriend who became my husband who I have been married to for 50 years. You are right, there was a real jukebox. We have lived in Somerset for 52 years but it brought back memories.

Posted by Tony on 22/12/2014

The Copper Kettle was owned by the Sylvester family. I was in the Merchant Navy in the early-1960s. When the ship was in Goole I used to go there with my girlfriend and meet up with friends. We sat at the back near the jukebox eating egg and tomato sandwiches and drinking milkshakes or egg and milk, putting money in for music, five plays for a shilling (5p). The place was always full but there was never any trouble. It was a big part of our lives at the time and missed when it closed. My girlfriend Marian and I have now been married for 51 years. I wonder what happened to the big copper kettle which hung outside.

Posted by Goolie Gone on 28/12/2014

It's great to hear a recollection or two about the Copper Kettle. Maybe it wasn't quite the 2i's, though clearly "local talent" was often to be seen there. Can anyone describe how the place was laid out inside?

Posted by Bill on 29/12/2014

I seem to recall there was a longish bar on the right as you went in, where you could sit and self-consciously admire yourself in the mirror behind the counter. But knowing my memory I could be wrong. It was considered to be a cool, even bohemian, place to hang out.

Posted by Goolie Gone on 31/12/2014

I can see it there now. A row of Teds in their quiffs and D.A.s, decked out in drapes, and like the Fonz: "Hey! Perfecto." What's in the mirror just cannot be improved on. Their dolls are dreaming: "Swoon, He's my guy!" And the jukebox! Elvis, Carl, Jerry Lee, Richard, Fats, Ricky, the Everlys… and the rest. Man, it was bliss.

Or something like that.

Posted by Slim on 10/01/2015

I remember the Copper Kettle very well as I spent many hours there. We went in after school and stuffed out little hats into our satchels to look less conspicuous. Who remembers letting the warm Coca Cola sit for a while to get rid of some of the fizz? Didn't they also serve hot orange juice? When we had only Radio Luxembourg for pop music, the jukebox at the Copper Kettle was played incessantly… I played Roy Orbison every time I was there.

Posted by Goolie Gone on 12/01/2015

Wouldn't it be great to be able to walk into the Copper Kettle as it was back then, and plug a few coins into that ole jukebox? Though they weren't Roy's first recordings, I remember just how fab "Only The Lonely" and "Blue Angel" sounded on first hearing them.

Some years later I saw him in "The Fastest Guitar Alive" at the Cosy. Can't recall what the main film was, but this one was a real dud. Roy was a wonderful singer, but his acting was, well, "pretty wooden".

Posted by Ray on 01/12/2021

I sometimes used to help out with the washing up there, because my mate Malcom Sylvester's dad and mum owned the place. (Maybe that was often on a Saturday, when he would probably be off playing rugger somewhere!)

All those years ago, Mr Sylvester taught me something that I take note of every time it's my turn to do the washing up at home. He said "Never put a really dirty plate into your clean hot water - use the hot tap to rinse the worse of the dirt off into the sink first, and only then put the plate into your bowl of hot water".

I didn't need to put any money in the jukebox at the CK, because lots of lads and lasses did that. The Copper Kettle was sometimes was a bit of a "dating agency" but Mr Sylvester got quite cross if couples sat around just talking to each other without a fresh coffee or tea or cola in front of them, and he would gently hassle them to buy more.

The Kettle closed down after when it got too much for the owners.

Posted by Peter on 19/01/2015

I remember when they put in the new ultra violet lights in the music room at the Station Hotel, which bathed the room in purple, and made any white clothing glow, and er, was sometimes a bit revealing.

Posted by Karen on 23/02/2015

Wonder if anyone out there remembers the Northern Soul nights at the Vikings back in the mid-1970s. Talc on the dance floor and "all dayers"? Also the discos on Friday and Sunday nights at the Blacksmiths Arms at Hook. The DJs were Paul Haslam and Tony Fletcher but I seem to remember before them it was Tony Edmunds and Martin Flannigan.

Posted by Topolino on 22/08/2015

Does anyone remember the entertainment nights at The Sydney in Aire Street? Small, but perfectly formed. The place is long gone, of course, but I remember a few Friday night there, throwing a few shapes in the early-1960s at the rock 'n roll bands that played there. Let's Twist Again and all that.

Posted by Keith on 09/11/2015

I remember Mrs Mundy who ran the Scouts in the 1950s.

Posted by Bill on 10/11/2015

The mention of Mrs Mundy the scout "master" rang a bell. She ran the Third Goole Troop out of a Nissen type hut on land next to the Parish Church. I was a cub and then scout and have many memories of that time. I wonder if there are any records of the Scouts activities at that time and a list of the camps they went to. I remember her taking us to an international Jamboree in Ireland in about 1959.

Posted by Slim on 29/09/2016

Does anyone remember a group called The Tycoons? They played regularly at the Baths Hall on Monday nights, had a fantastic drummer and wore slick suits of different colours.

Posted by Goolie Gone on 10/07/2017

I remember playing on the bomb site, or was it just demolished houses, near the Dutch River Bridge in front of the gasworks, and down Albert Street (where we once found massive chocolate bars in an old railway wagon). On Saturdays, we'd walk over the docks, past the Lowther and along Aire Street to the market. Then on to the Tower, the Cinema or the Cosy Carlton for the tanner rush. As we'd stamp our feet, the guy there in the jaunty trilby wouldn't run the films until he'd sold all his packets of crisps (cruel). Laurel and Hardy, The Bowery Boys, Flash Gordon, Cisco Kid, Hopalong Cassidy, and all the rest - we knew how to live!

In Old Goole, we'd walk along the riverbank past Fisons, and mess about on the tips, or get chased off his land by Farmer Dudding, always a miserable old sod. Another tormentor was Copper Matthews who uncannily always seemed to know when we were up to no good, though we'd soon scarper when word got round that he was on his way. He knew how to sort us out.

The first circus I went to was at Hunt's Corner, and just past there, opposite the shipyard was cobbler Joy's hut, under some trees in front of Johnsons' Farm. St. Marys used to have a rock 'n roll hop one night a week, and the South Park had its attractions, the pool, swings and football pitches. Hard to believe now, but no shops were open on Sundays and, much to our annoyance, the gates of West Park were locked. I could go on… but better not!

All a long time ago, but growing up in Goole weren't that bad!

Posted by Corby on 11/07/2017

I knew all the paths you took. Who knows, we may have met on the Alum works ash dump, the circus, watching Mr England with his famous trilby at the Tower Theatre or South Park. I recall meeting a girl at the Stanley Street fairground one night. She had been stood up by my best mate and asked me to walk her home which she said was near South Park. Her home was a farm, far, far beyond the park. It took ages.

Posted by Bill on 14/07/2017

I remember the circus at Hunt's corner. I recall seeing a panther in a very small cage and a tethered llama - that spat all over me!

Posted by Goolie Gone on 14/07/2017

I went to Old Goole Catholic Primary School and one day, to bring some excitement into our little lives, our teacher led us along the track on the Fisons side of the Don to watch the Alum Works chimney on the other side being blown up. Well, we waited and waited, then trooped back to school in disappointment. Apparently it was too windy to bring the stack down that day. Of course, it was brought down shortly afterwards, though we didn't see the event.

When we were kids, we all loved the circus when it came to town. We didn't know anything about animal rights, or were aware of the conditions in which they lived or were kept. It was just so magical to see such exotic animals from far-off places that we may have heard about, or maybe knew from our stamp albums, and the circus was the only place we ever thought we'd see them.

The past was another country back then, and things have changed big-time over the years, way beyond what we ever could have imagined!

Posted by Keith on 20/04/2018

I remember the slide as Goole Baths which was removed around the mid-1950s and the diving stages. Unfortunately they were not high enough so when the life guards were not looking we used to dive from the balcony hand rail. But as you get older you realise what silly things you did when young. These baths were fantastic as they doubled as a ballroom in winter.

Posted by Corby on 21/04/2018

I recall an incident involving the rail you speak of. Workmen had to somehow attach drapes of some kind along the front of that hollow hand rail. At the time it was used as a Dance hall. A workman was drilling the front of the rail when there was an explosion which threw the guy backwards into space. I don't know how he suffered, but the investigation proved that there was a huge build-up of chlorine gas, hence the explosion.

Posted by Liz on 10/06/2019

Many of the comments have made me laugh. I don't know any of the contributors as far as I'm aware but have enjoyed reminiscing with the messages. As a born and brought up ex-Goolie (now living in France since 2008) it has brought back many memories of my childhood and growing up and the changes that have taken place over the last few years. Keep up the comments and messages. It has brightened up my day.

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