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Company Town

By the start of the nineteenth century, Goole was nothing more than a collection of cottages at the entrance to the Dutch River (where the current Old Goole is situated). When the entrance of the Aire & Calder Canal was chosen to be at Goole instead of Selby or Airmyn, grand plans were made for the new town. The vision of how the town might have looked was too ambitious and only part of it was built with the official opening of the town.

Only Aire Street and some of the side streets off it remain of the original town. Aire Street was very wide and grand and had huge imposing buildings such as the Lowther Pub. The A&C buildings had distinctive round corners. The conditions of the buildings of the main street were quite poor with people living in cramped conditions and having to use unhygienic alleyways that were home to the rats.

In the early days, Bridge Street, along with Aire Street, was a thriving commercial area with shops and houses lining both sides of the road. There were many pubs serving the dockworkers and visiting sailors.

The town and docks quickly developed. The town was now reaching out beyond the Hull to Doncaster Railway and would soon start to spread down Murham Lane (now Boothferry Road) and Pasture Road. Originally, Boothferry Road contained the private houses of professional people who didn't want to live in the Company Town. By the end of the nineteenth century it was becoming the commercial centre.

The boom time for expanding the town came between 1890 and 1914 when many magnificent red brick buildings were built. Examples include St. John's Buildings (1890), Trinity Methodist Church (1890), Bank Chambers (now the council offices) (1892), the L&YR offices (1892), Times Buildings (1894), Boothferry Road School (1893), the new market hall (1896), the United Methodist Church (1898), Goole Steam Shipping Offices (1903), Carlisle Street Library (1905), Pasture Road Baths (1906), Goole Secondary School (later GGS) (1909), Bartholomew Hospital (1912) as well as two cinemas and lots of new houses to the west of the railway line.

Goole has a windmill in the Shuffleton area of town next to the river. The mill was owned by George Heron in 1870, although the sails were taken down in 1893 and the original mill rebuilt when he died in 1912. Every year the "Shuffleton Feast" took place on the river foreshore. This was a large festival, the highlight of which was climbing up a greased pole to try and win a large ham stuck at the top of it.

A syndicate consisting of John Bennett, Ralph Creyke, John Rocket and T. Carnochan bought an area of land in 1874 and built Edinburgh, Alexandra, Stanley and Estcourt streets soon afterwards. This part of town was known as "Bennett's Field."

Goole had three cinemas. The Cinema palace was built near the town centre before World War I and had a distinctive arch outside. There was also the "Cosy Carlton" further down Boothferry Road and the Tower Theatre became a cinema later on.

The "salt and pepper" water towers dominate the landscape for many miles around. An Act of Parliament in 1881 allowed Goole and the surrounding villages to have a piped water supply. To achieve this, the brick water tower was built and opened in July 1883. The new ferro-concrete tower was completed in 1926.

To celebrate the opening of the brick tower, which was one of the tallest brick buildings at the time, a row of houses, Tower View, were built on Boothferry Road where they lived up to their name. Every year, on the anniversary of the tower's opening, flags were flown from the top of the tower. When this coincided with Queen Victoria's Jubilee in 1887, it was decided to have a firework display from the top of the tower as well. This ended in tragedy when one of the organisers was blown from the top by an explosion and fell down the inside of the tower to his death.

1940 Telephone Directory
Parish Church Jubilee Coin (1895)


Visitor Comments

Posted by JD on 03/03/2006

I lived near Heron's mill in the 1970s. I was not aware that the area was formally known as Shuffleton.

Posted by Shuffleton Streets on 06/04/2006

The historic Shuffleton was the name given in Goole's early days, when folks clustered around what was originally Murham Staithe. I believe Shuffleton was the bight or bay in the river then, where sailing vessels could land goods and passengers. The pilot's house was here - Spring Gardens - where he could overlook the river.

And before Goole docks were dug and the port came to town, the parish of Hook extended across the muddy wasteland to join moorlands with marshland.

Posted by Pedro on 10/03/2006

I took a nostalgic walk around Richard Cooper and Phoenix Street as I was born in 45 Phoenix Street in 1936 and moved into 39 Richard Cooper Street about 1940 until 1945 and then No. 53 until 1953. Sorry to hear the council intends demolishing these properties. I well remember as a child hundreds of bats flitting around in the night sky. So my walk was in the late evening during the summer of 2005. Lo and behold what do I see but bats.

Mrs Gleadow had the corner shop at Carlisle Street end and Mrs Steele had the corner shop at the opposite end towards Hook Road. Richies bakery and shop was halfway down the street. Holmes fish shop, later reopened by Gouldens, was on the right towards Hook Road. The riverbank was in those days dotted with small boats used for salmon fishing, of which my father had one along with Oldriges, Cooledges, Cawthornes and many others. There was a right-of-way from Phoenix Street to Marshfield Road through what we used to call the arch (still wonder how this got closed).

Herons Mill on Hook Road employed most of the local girls along with Ritchies bakery. There was in those days quite a few business people in the area, including Frank Hoodless (barge owner), Frank Hall (barge owner) and of course Sam Cross stevedore services who incidentally owned the only car in Richard Cooper Street.

Most of the families had allotments on the now Kingsway School (of which "dig for victory" was the key phrase during the war years).

We had Royal Naval personnel, Sam Whitely went down with HMS HOOD, God Rest His Soul. My uncle Dick Cawthorne returned home from the Russian convoys and lived in Fleamans buildings backing on to Richard Cooper Street, now part of the Shuffleton Mill new houses.

Merchant navy personnel were Herbert Marshall (buried at Tenoozen lock, Holland), Fred Grice (donkeyman on the SS HEBBLE) who lived in Richard Cooper Street. Steve Appleyard from Phoenix Street was a fireman on the Lanky boats. Mr Porter (wiggy for obvious reasons) was chief steward on the lanky boats and numerous others, including myself. Ah, happy days.

I also remember the Adelphi works garage at the end of Phoenix Street housing bren gun carriers during the war. The Americans were billeted in the Christ Church, the cook house was in the grounds of the church in Victoria Street next to Beecrofts corner shop. First coloured gent I ever saw was the cook who used to feed us starving waifs we would stand on the church wall looking into the kitchen, and be rewarded with bowls of yummy soup, etc.

I remember mum (who was a Cawthorne) saying the Adelphi was at some time a theatre (long before my time).

Don't forget Alf Cook resided at 27 Richard Cooper Street and was awarded the George Medal, he was a sergeant in the paratroop regiment. His mother Minnie used to organise the annual daytrip to the seaside for us kids. Our parents would pay Minnie coppers over the year until the fare was covered. Bearing in mind my mother's rent for No. 31 went up to five shillings per week (25p) much to her dismay from three shillings and sixpence.

Johnny Smithson, the local chimney sweep, resided at No. 52 Richard Cooper Street. His son Sam was a local boxer used to fight at the drill hall (rear of Catholic Church on Pasture Road). He also boxed at the Market Hall along with Joe Carrol, another well-known local who had family in Phoenix Street. And not forgetting a dear old couple, Mr and Mrs Ernest Smith who I believed were Goole's oldest married couple later to reside together in Boothferry House.

If we needed a bottle of pop on a Sunday then Mrs Charlesworth would provide it, she kept cases in the passage of her house. Maybe a coincidence but the name Cooper was prominent in the street also at No. 33 and 41.

Other names from Phoenix Street was Hancock Phyllis married George Garner, they had the transport cafe in Ouse Street. They then opened same at Timms chemist ex-shop in Aire Street, now a carpet shop. Her sister was Isobel and his brother, Herbert, had a pony and trap. He would be for hire to do local removals, which in those days wasn't far, eg. Phoenix Street to Richard Cooper Street. His pony would graze on the riverbank and in winter he had a lean to in the back yard in Phoenix Street for the same horse.

Ted Edward Steele lived next door to Gouldens fish shop. His mother had the store opposite. Ted was the sawyer in the timber mill at the Adelphi worked for LEP transport. The big boss of LEP was Mr Studer who lived up Hook Road next to the Vicarage, Mrs Maud Richardson in Richard Cooper Street was his house cleaner, Mrs Ellis was his housekeeper. Mr Studer was Swiss as were some of his employees namely a Mr Gyslinka. I think he was chief accountant in the main office in Belgravia (now the Halifax).

Also previous to LEP taking Adelphi, it housed East Yorkshire Buses. One driver lived in the Phoenix Street end house, Mr Bill Campbell later British School of Motoring.

The more affluent residents (not many) had a bath that was situated in the back kitchen with a work surface over the top, the rest had a tin bath hanging on the wall until Friday night. The York stove boiler would hold about three gallons of hot water, add the cold water and three kids - there's your bath night. There was occasional diphtheria and scarlet fever in a few families but not in epidemic proportions. Water from the main was no problem, but we had a catchment well in our backyard. Rainwater was used in the war (if needed) with a stirrup pump for incendiary devices. I don't recall anyone drinking from these so called wells. Dad filled ours in after the war using ashes from the coal fire.

I don't recall any noise problems but remember long summer nights with the ladies gossiping and sitting on the doorsteps. Probably waiting for the men returning from the Vic pub!

Use this info as you wish before memories fade.

Posted by Shuffleton Streets on 18/03/2006

You are a walking street directory Pedro. You humanise it with your memory for names and people in general.

Posted by Geoff on 24/03/2006

I've just looked at the map of Goole to remind me it's 57 years since I lived in Goole.

My granddad and granny Storr lived at 23 Marshfield Road; the alley through from Phoenix Street to Marshfield was between 21 and 23 via the arch. My dad's family lived almost opposite. There was also a back alley between the houses on Phoenix Street and Marshfield Road. At the end of the alley was a grocers shop on the corner of Phoenix Street; as a young child I remember this being a traditional oldie shop with brass scales and the like. Just about opposite was a sweetie shop and a chippie.

Before she was married, my mum had her own hairdressing business which she ran from the front room of my granny's house. I can clearly remember the house on Marshfield, it was large and quite daunting for a youngster. Both my brother and I were born in that house.

We lived on Kingsway, my dad Sid, mum Enid and brother Michael. I can't remember the number but there was a large open area to the rear and I remember the big bonfire on bonfire night and the ships' rockets that my dad used to get.

My granddad used to take me to the park next to the riverbank on Hook Road with his dog Nellie. My grannie had an allotment at the far end of Boothferry Road; she used to walk there in her 70s; occasionally I went with her but it was a long walk for a four-year-old.

My granddad Depledge had a pet monkey - my mum has photo of him with it on his shoulder, not many pet monkeys around then (probably less now, come to think of it).

I went to nursery school, I think it was on Queensway or perhaps Broadway. In those days we had beds to go to in the early afternoon. I remember hating this and slipping off home, to my mum's displeasure. I can remember the ice-cream man on his bike and have memories of a steam-roller repairing the street outside my home.

We did a house swap and moved to 9 Garth Lane in Hook; there I went to my first proper school. I think the whole school was in one or perhaps two classrooms. In Hook I had my first girlfriend, Elaine Butler, from 1 Garth Lane. I think her dad had a furniture shop in Goole. We moved to Hull when I was five as my dad had left the sea to be a Goole pilot on the Hull to Goole route.

There was a farm down Garth Lane and a big fire one day when the haystacks were alight. I remember my Uncle Arthur (Linden Lea, Hook Road) helping to put out the fire.

Who remembers Sid Woods from Goole? He became a pilot just before my Dad around 1950. Dad was a pilot until he retired through ill-health about 1980 or so.

When we moved to Hull we were still regular visitors to Goole to see my relatives.

Uncle Cyril Storr had a butchers shop on Pasture Road, auntie Vera Bateman had a pork butchers shop on Aire Street. I can remember her making sausages, back pudding, etc. Uncle Albert had a pub on Lower Bridge Street.

One of my lasting memories will be going up the river with my dad. We had to board the ships at Hull often on the run, ie. the ship didn't stop. The pilot cutter ran alongside and we boarded by a rope ladder. Can anyone remember the SS ASK? She used to be the biggest ship going into Goole a real handful to steer around Goole Docks - I think she was Danish or Norwegian. Dad always used to say that the Ouse was the most dangerous river in Britain; so it proved when one of the boats capsized and the pilot lost his life (I think his name was Greenwood and it obviously upset my dad and his colleagues).

Posted by Pedro on 25/03/2006

Think we beat the pet monkey. We had Jacko chained to the wringer (mangle) in Richard Cooper Street. Uncle Dick in Fleamans Buildings brought it home from sea during the war, eventually sold to Appleyards in Phoenix Street, then eventually sold to travelling circus camped on waste land on what is now Eastgate Flats. My brother still bears the scars of a bite it gave him.

Posted by Geoff on 25/03/2006

I had a chat with my mum tonight. She was born in 1918 and her memory is not good these days, but get this for a series of coincidences. My mum's family initially stayed at Marshfield Avenue and moved to 4 Kingsway (later to be Capt. Laverack's house). Mum thinks it was the Rollinsons who lived in Hook and exchanged houses with us when we moved from Kingsway (not no. 4) to Hook.

Mum thinks the Depledges lived at no. 63 Marshfield Road and the Laveracks stayed next door, as did the Ashtons at the other side, he was a pilot.

I believe there was a garage at the end of Phoenix Street where my dad's mum Dora kept her car.

From Kingsway mum's family moved to the Peacock where granddad Frank Storr was the publican (granddad had been an engineer at sea). Mum was about sixteen when they left the Peacock and moved to Marshfield Road. The Peacock was badly damaged during the war.

My granddad Frank bought his son Albert a pub in Hook before he moved to the pub on Lower Bridge Street (names of pubs not known).

Next door to the Storrs at no. 28 was a large family named Sweeting.

I was reminded by mum of the Whitsun Walks around Goole, the floats from all of the churches and the big picnic/games afterwards. I can remember going past my uncle's shop on Pasture Road.

At the beginning of the war my dad enlisted in the army and he was stationed at Bull Fort in the Humber Estuary, however he quickly went back to sea in the Merchant Navy. His boat was torpedoed on the way to Scandinavia for iron ore early in the war. Some of the crew including dad were rescued by a German merchant ship, the captain was not a Nazi, and they were landed at a neutral port and got home.

Back on the pub theme, my mum's granddad Alfred Storr (wife Sarah Ann) was landlord of the Black Lion in Snaith, I have a photo of them outside the pub.

Posted by Pedro on 25/03/2006

The Peacock was modernised but not until the 1970s. They managed the pub up to about 1969; Sid Raywood took it over (he was also a skipper at sea). During his tenancy the Peacock was completely rebuilt and is still open. The Steam Packet pub was in George Street now a supermarket car park.

Posted by Pedro on 29/03/2006

When we lived in Richard Cooper Street, dad had two allotments at the end of Ainsty Street (now Kingsway School). During the war years he grew vegetables and bred rabbits (for the pot). We had our customers along Hook Road including Mrs Bowles, Mrs Rushworth and Miss Rhodes, who ran a private school. Among his customers was a captain Lee, I believe he was the Harbour Master - in fact the house was called Harbour House on Hook Road. During all this time of wartime scarcity, I never remember selling to the elderly in Richard Cooper and Phoenix Streets but delivered free to Mrs Dixie, Gill, -Smiths and many more.

The Laurels house on Hook Road was taken over for billeting soldiers. This house remained empty until the 1950s when it was eventually modernised by Dr Langley who came out of Egypt because of the Suez Crisis. During this time I myself was at sea and Dr Langley and Dr Strachan were the shipping federation doctors for seamen. I was on a ship called the Lumen from Liverpool and Nasser gave us 24 hours to clear the Suez Canal before he blockaded it. Thus we were among the last convoy through. Happy days.

Posted by Pedro on 02/04/2006

During my time I guess the biggest drawbacks were heating and light. Very few houses had the luxury of electricity, my own parents had gas lighting right up to 1953. Overcrowding was another problem. Some houses had two families - when the elder sibling married they usually took over the front room. The majority of families were very large. I knew of one family with nine children plus a married couple in the parlour (wouldn't be tolerated today), and yet remember very few complaining. During the war years the fever ambulance was a frequent caller, driven by Mr Spillman from Rawcliffe who took the patients to the then Westfield Hospital known locally as the Fever Hospital.

A Mr Storr living with his mother-in-law at 29 Richard Cooper Street. Mr Houghton worked down Thorne Colliery and received his allowance of a ton of coal per month; this would be tipped outside his front door due to the limited access to the rear so families in greater need never went without a coal fire. Others more wealthy just paid Mr Barnard to deliver with his horse and cart stabled at the rear of the Tower Theatre. I believe he resided in Marshfield Avenue. After the war most of the larger families were rehoused by the council. Those who chose to remain, ie. older couples and smaller families, then enjoyed modernisation of most properties.

Also very noticeable was when people were rehoused in the post war council houses in the Western Road area. The gardens were vegetable gardens, not the blooming flower gardens one sees today, I guess old habits die hard. Although it didn't take long for the housewives, especially my mother, to realise the bread dough would rise in the hot tank cupboard at a constant temperature. So woe betide anyone who drew hot water off during this time and lowered the temperature.

Posted by David on 19/04/2006

My grandfather was one of five brothers, all masters, Stephen, Herbert, William and George. He had the OBE and at one time, in the 1920s was harbour master at Goole. My Grandfather retired in 1939, shortly after the LOWLAND was mined off Walton on the Naze, Essex coast. My grandparents lived in Jackson Street and he used to walk me to school through Richard Cooper Street.

Their next door neighbour was Uriah Wood, he had lodgings there, He also made an impression, tall and gaunt with a "Duff" leg. He may have been OK but to a small boy rather intimidating. My dad's sister Annis lived in Marshfield Rd, My paternal grandfather Capt. David Jackson was I believe harbour master at Goole until his death in 1948. He lived in a row of houses near Lock Hill and I understand these properties are listed. My grandfather Lea took over the house keeping on his retirement and was on very good terms with local shop keepers, in fact, on reflection, baring in mind they were a God fearing family, there never appeared to be any shortages, only sweets.

Posted by Pedro on 19/04/2006

Spoke on phone today with my elder brother (now in his eighties). He says he remembers Capt. Lea, harbour master, but thought he resided at Harbour House, Hook Rd, as at one time this property was allotted to the harbour masters. The house is about three doors prior to reaching Ainsty Street and still has inscription Harbour House and date above the door.

Posted by Shuffleton Streets on 19/04/2006

Harbour House, Hook Road was used by the earlier harbour master, Capt. Baker, but I discovered that he also gave his address as East Parade. Could be that was the HN office. Capt. Lea followed Capt. Baker on latter's retirement/death.

And then in the 1920s and 1930s, Harbour House was occupied at some time by Mr Smith (a shipping agent?) for whom my mother worked as a shorthand-typist before her marriage in 1927.

Posted by Geoff on 22/04/2006

I visited Goole last week with my Mum (now 87). I took her to the Peacock and introduced her to the present landlord (my mum's dad, Frank Storr, had been the landlord). It was interesting to watch her reaction, she was obviously deep in thought about her childhood. She remembered the two large houses opposite and the "rich" families that stayed there, alongside small cottages for the poorer townsfolk.

We went down Kingsway and Marshfield. We also visited Garth Lane, Hook, where we lived. It is pretty much the same but I was surprised to find that the old school had been knocked down (or is it not where I remembered it to be).

My uncle Frank Storr had an electricians shop. Mum thinks it was on Ouse Street. He died of M.S. in 1946; mum reckons he was responsible for the lighting on the docks and had a bad fall.

Posted by Christine on 06/05/2006

My great-grandmother lived at 50 North Street, her name was Christiana Maud Collier. There was a passageway at the side leading to a row of houses which I believe was called Providence Place where her daughter Brenda Cox lived. Correct me if I am wrong as I haven't lived in Goole for over 50 years.

Posted by Shuffleton Streets on 07/05/2006

My understanding was that 50 North Street would have been where the block of flats is now - I think one of the two houses still standing on the Goole side of Belle Vue House (the home for elderly) was 34 and to the west of it was built the YMCA and there were houses there either in or behind that site between Victoria Street and North Street - I think one was Billington Row?

The next block was the one where North Street Wesleyan Church was first built, and that was the brewery area too I believe.

The older census details give the names of all these streets, rows, etc. in that area.

Posted by Pedro on 07/05/2006

Houses also stood where the tax office is now situated. Mrs Botley had the corner shop next to Peacock then came a row of houses up to Bamforths on the corner now the labour exchange.

Posted by Shuffleton Streets on 07/05/2006

That side of North Street would have been odd numbers though. Houses went all the way down towards the Clock Tower, with Kellys fish and chip shop and the Solicitors offices before it ran out with the "wooden" single storey shops on the corner with Aire Street.

Posted by Fiona on 11/06/2007

I found the site by accident too. I have found it fascinating to read about memories of people I remember growing up in the 1960s.

My grandma was called Bertha Barrow and lived in Belize House on Hook Road overlooking the river. My grandfather Fred Barrow was manager of AHL shipping in the 1950s. I have a lot of photos of the sinking of the SS AIRE.

Posted by Pedro on 13/06/2007

I remember Fred Barrow well, during his working years for AHL. Also remember my pre-sailing days as one of the Richard Cooper Street urchins running errands for his wife. A lovely lady who invited me for tea on one occasion; I remember climbing up the steps (sadly now the house converted into apartments). I also recall his daughters especially Margaret, can't for the life of me remember the name of the second daughter. Ah happy days.

Posted by Fiona on 13/06/2007

Margaret Barrow was my mother. She died in 1999 - she was one of the UKs oldest surviving diabetics at the time. Her sister is called Anne and is still alive as is her elder brother Michael.

I was really sorry when the house on Hook Road was sold. I spent a lot of time with my grandparents and the house was wonderful for a child to play in and so full of history. I was very angry the developers ripped out all the fireplaces, stained glass and the amazing Victorian bathroom, complete with a delft blue style loo that I loved and was always proudly taking my school friends to see. Sadly Goole has never really gets a grip on its history until it's too late.

If had a former conservatory that had been roofed and was used as a kitchen. What a kitchen! But a bit hot in a heatwave when the oven and Aga were both on. The views over the river were fantastic, watching the ships come in while you were having a meal! You take things for granted while they are happening and miss them as time goes by.

Posted by David on 23/06/2007

As a small boy one memory I have about "The House" was the fireplace in the lounge. I remember looking up it and wondering if I could climb it.

Posted by Corby on 19/11/2007

Pedro, this page is mind blowing. It's like coming home again. I can put faces to so many names. Although I never spent much time down your street - only to raid your bonfire coming up to the day and ultimately to have it stolen back. My mate John Appleyard lived down there and we have kept in touch. All the people and the dates inform me that I must have known you. You may have known my cousin Tommy Dunwell. After leaving school he was found an apprenticeship with Smith Bros, like me. But he upset his mum and dad by running off to sea. His first ship being the ALT. We have exchanged emails and photos. Some of his stories about growing up in Goole are great. We share the same grandmother in Annie Taylor. Both her parents were waterway people - Thomas Taylor hailed from Barnsley and his wife Mary Jeff of Mexborough. Annie also had a sister Hannah who married Charlie Shipley. One of the children of Charlie's scond marriage was Harry Shipley the famous milkman of Hook.

Posted by Pedro on 20/11/2007

Our paths must have crossed. I knew J. Appleyard very well. I believe he ended up working for the power company at Drax Power Station. I also served on the SS Alt. I knew Tommy, also on board was Eddie Binnington and Walt Duffy. My mother's side of our family were Cawthorns - all mariners and canal boatmen. In fact my grandmother was a Taylor Edith but her dad (I'm just researching) was Edward Taylor marine engineer but I believe was originally from Hull. 1901 census shows him living in Dunhill Road Goole. Shipley the milkman from Hook delivered by pony and trap down our street. Happy days.

Posted by Corby on 20/11/2007

I was sorry to hear what happened to Eddie Binnington. Like other friends Alan "Ace" Fielder and Alan Bedford. Taken too soon. Thomas Taylor married Mary Jeff at Goole Parish Church in 1850. Thomas bled to death in Goole Docks when his leg was trapped between his vessel and the dockside April 1871. Another person you may have known was my uncle Billy Ash/Tug, TENACITY during the war and in later days the Abbey boats.

Posted by David on 25/01/2008

My memories go back some 60/70 years to the time when Goole had gas lighting and you would see a guy riding around town with a long pole over his shoulder (nothing to do with the eventual twinning). He of course was the lamp lighter.

Posted by Geoff on 27/04/2008

I was born in 1945 and raised at 37 North Street. I recall the cellar kitchens and gaslight in the terraced houses; the rounded corners of the little streets, the host of pubs and clubs in the neighbourhood. Some had "thunderbox" toilets and a communal external standpipe tap. The more fortunate had WCs and internal cold water. Life was much different then, less than a short lifetime away. So much has changed in the world since those innocent post war austerity years. I look around, smile and think, how much more comfortable the modern underprivileged are in their "poverty".

Posted by Denise on 08/10/2008

I was born at 21 North Street 1947, like Geoff (who I remember), I can still see the rounded corners, the passage leading to the back doors and toilets (McGeevers, McKones, Sandersons, etc.) I remember the rag and bone man who had a yard nearby; Kelly's fish and chips, the best in town; the arcade where it was dodgy to go at night; Icon Hepponstalls yard, later owned by Eastans builders, who my dad worked for. I seem to remember a Mrs Thorpe who had lots of tortoises or have I dreamt that, does anyone remember?

Posted by Barrie on 16/11/2009

From around 1952 I used to work after school at F.A. Bamforth's Radio and Cycle shop in North Street Goole. I cannot remember the street number but I can remember the places that you mention. I went to Eastans builders yard to buy a piece of wood to make a model boat with. Next door to the shop where I worked was a sweetie shop run by and old fella and his wife; we all used to buy sweeties and lemonade in there. Their street was relatively quiet and many kids played out in the street every evening.

Posted by Denise on 24/02/2010

The sweet shop you mentioned was Bottley's, they also used to run trips to the seaside and we all loved going with them as children. You also mentioned Eastons builders, my dad worked for them. I remember, when they altered the old billiard hall at the top of North Street, I loved going there to watch them and take his "snap" as he called it (packed lunch). Did you go to Kelly's chip shop? Best fish and chips in Goole!

Posted by Barrie on 01/08/2010

Around 1951 I went to Eastons builders yard for an off-cut of wood to make a small sailing yacht, however the pond at West Park was a fair distance away for me from Woodland Avenue and I did not get to sail it very often. I did eventually lose interest and became interested in Radio and Electronics, hence working in the Radio and Television shop after school.

I certainly must have gone to Kelly's fish and chip shop as I did visit such establishments on occasions.

I don't remember the trips to the seaside, however I may have missed them as I worked in the shop on a Saturday and usually went out with my parents on a Sunday. There was a Methodist church in the street and my music teacher, Mr Phillips, was the church organist. I used to have the occasional trip down to the church when he went down to rehearse his music for the Sunday service. I remember the billiard hall but it was relatively primitive when I was there; I do believe that it got modernised, perhaps around 1958. Underneath the shop an old fella ran a lodging house; he used to come up occasionally if the sink drain blocked up. I left Goole to work at the age of sixteen in 1955.

It was sad to see how the place ran down so quickly, however they were talking about compulsory purchase orders for the properties around 1938 and it was only the onset of war that put a temporary stop on the process or delayed it for at least 30 years.

Posted by Judy on 01/05/2008

Pedro, you are a mine of memories. Just found all this and I am only up to 2006. You have just set me off blubbing by mentioning my granny and grandad Smith from 14 Richard Cooper Street. I am the youngest daughter of their son Ernie (George Ernest) who died in 1975, before granny and grandad. Still live in Goole myself. Look forward to more of your memories.

Posted by Pedro on 25/06/2008

Glad you're enjoying memories of bygone days. Your grandad was sitting on Lock Hill when I came out of Richard Cooper Street carrying my sea-bag on my way to joining my first ship. He asked me what ship I was going for and walked with me across the docks into Old Goole. I also knew your dad Ernie Jnr very well as later in the early 1960s I worked on the local power stations but that's another story.

Posted by Kerry on 24/02/2009

My dad tells me everybody knew everybody in Goole. He was born in Goole, 1934 and lived at Alexander Street, then Broadway. He also lived above Booths cobblers. He went to same schools and left at same time as you. He mentioned George Dales, Colin Hudson and Gordon Perrett. Some other memories of the area he lived in are Alan Audrey and Jack Bedford, a shop on Stanley Street, Wally Hill who had the Burlington pub. He also recalls taking money to Mrs Sanderson's savings club, Annie Sherburn's shop, a man with one leg nicknamed "Hooker Giles", also a shop that sold mussels near Alexander Street School. His uncles were Reg, Percy, Helier, Herbert and Des Darragh, Mum's name Ida Hill. My dad's nickname to his mates was "ginks" or "ginksy".

Posted by Corby on 25/02/2009

You've certainly opened the deep corners of my brain with that little lot. Your dad and I trod the same ground and probably the same friends. My main friends being Alan Bedford and Alan Fielder but never at the same time for it would have been a major clash of personalities. Alan Fielder was always so laid back whilst the other was not. Alan Fielder, Des and Eddie Binnington all went to sea on leaving school. Sadly they have now all passed on.

A few more memories for your dad. Behind the Burlington were Barnard's stables and Peachy Gotts pig sties. We were told to give the pigs coal to eat as it was good for them - which we did. I kept my pigeons in Alan Fielder's loft which gave me a chance to see his lovely sister Nancy. I also think Mrs Girling lived near you. She was the lady who laid people out and made them look nice prior to burial.

Posted by Carol on 31/08/2010

I was wondering if anyone had a photo of Harbour House, Goole. It is the birth place of my great-grandmother Annie Wright (1861-1952)

Posted by Chumi on 30/12/2010

Harbour House is 89 Hook Rd, Goole. You can see this on Google Earth. I lived there in a top flat when i first got married in 1980.

Posted by Jo on 20/04/2011

My great-grandma Maria Jackson lived at 7 North Street and my grandma and grandad Goodworth lived at 16 North Street. My mum was Christine Goodworth. I think my grandma worked in Kelly's chip shop.

Posted by Denise on 04/12/2011

I remember your mum, Christine, she was so pretty. Your grandparents lived on the other side of the street to us and were friendly with my mum, we lived at 21. I can't remember if mum made dresses for her; she made clothes for lots of people in the area especially for ladies who went ballroom dancing at the Crescent Club and our front room was always a no-go area when ladies were being measured or having fittings. Mum also had another talent, she could wallpaper, and I often had to trail round with her to people's houses. I wasn't very old at the time but would think it was 1954 or thereabouts.

Posted by Trudy on 27/04/2012

John Beeman Smithson was my great-grandfather, the chimney sweep, tinsmith and scrap merchant who married my great-grandmother, Edith Mary Smithson. They lived together in Estcourt Street where he owned a rag and bone yard before moving to 52 Richard Cooper Street, Goole in the 1920s, where they lived until he passed away in August 1955.

John and Edith reared a pig in their backyard and the residents of Richard Cooper Street would take their scraps of food to feed the pig until it was ready to be harvested. My great-grandfather would then distribute the meat to the residents who had helped to feed it and a feast was had by all! My great-grandmother was a very stern, stiff upper lipped lady who had her own wooden chair, pride of place, adjacent to the wood burner in the Queen Victoria public house on Hook Road, Goole. There she could be found sat smoking an old Warden pipe. It's said, that locals would not dare to sit in this chair for fear of the wrath of Edith Mary, my great gran!

The ladies would also congregate in the Burlington Crescent for a tipple whilst sat in the "snug". John and Edith had six children John, Billy, Owen, Sam, George Henry (my grandfather) and Mary. Sam and my grandad were both boxers known as Sam "Boy" Smithson and "Sonny Boy" Smithson.

Posted by George on 29/08/2012

Interesting reading about Goole, particularly Richard Cooper Street and the docks. Although I lived in London, I visited my gran and grandad, who lived at 14 Richard Cooper Street, when I was about eight to sixteen years old, about 1954.

My gran and grandad (Jessie and Ernest Smith) were the longest married couple in Goole, 76 years I believe. They had gas-light mantles in the house and a radio that ran off a car battery - modern technology then. Visited the street some years ago. Only a few people were living there, the remaining houses being boarded up and falling to bits. I still have cousins there, but where I don't know.

If this happens to revive a contact with any of them, my mum was born in Goole, Anne Morfett, who had several sisters and brothers who lived and died there, with off-springs who will be my cousins.

Posted by Norman on 26/04/2014

In 1958 I left school - there was no jobs around Goole at the time. My sister had bought a house in George Street, it consisted of bedroom, living room and cellar; the back yard contained an outside loo shared by two families. The water supply was also outside, no water indoors at all - it all had to be brought indoors. In the yard also was an air raid shelter. My bother-in-law and I set to with a hammer each and took down the shelter - that was one hell of a task but we managed to dismantle it completely.

With there being no jobs in Goole, three or four of us got on the Selby push-and-pull train from Goole Railway Station; we arrived at Selby and went to the John Rostrons paper mill where we all got a job; the wage was £3/15/3 for 40 hours a week. We had 12 shillings a week train fare, £1 to mum for board - that left me with what I thought was a fortune £2/3/3, on my sixteenth birthday. I got one penny an hour rise - wow, what would I spend all that cash on! One of the lads was Dunk Dad - what memories we have Dunk.

Posted by Paul on 26/03/2015

When I lived in Goole, I'd not heard that Boothferry Road had a previous name. I only came across it when reading an article on the Goole Union Workhouse which showed in 1853 it was on Murham Lane but another plan for 1930 showed it as Boothferry Road. In another article there is reference to the Murham Lane Staithes in 1888. I assume the name was changed before 1930 and after 1888.

Posted by Tony on 27/03/2015

I've not seen anything about Murham Staithes but I have seen a map showing Murham Lane running from Hook Road so the Staithes were probably what is now Lock Hill/Victoria Pier.

Posted by Paul on 27/03/2015

You are right that the Staithes were replaced by Victoria Pier/lock (in 1888) because of increased shipping trade and the increasing size of ships using Goole, particularly the coal boats to Rotterdam.

Posted by Keith on 28/03/2015

Did Goole have Alms or poor houses like many other surrounding towns had?

Posted by Tony on 29/03/2015

Looking at a 1834 plan it seems that Wright Street is what is now Pasture Road. Compare the shape of the land to the right of the workhouse to the 1905 plan Union Place, St. Marks Terrace. I can't find anything on any almshouses in Goole, though I think there would be some.

Posted by Paul on 30/03/2015

Can't find details of alms or poor houses in Goole but did find the following:-

"For Hook: Almshouses for three widows were founded by Joshua Jefferson, Esq., who endowed them with land now producing £38 per annum, of which £6 are paid for the instruction of children."

From: A Topographical Dictionary of England (1848), pp. 542-545.

In Market towns of Yorkshire for 1843 it states for Snaith:

"…also almshouses for six poor persons, founded by the Yarburgh family, and others for six widows, rebuilt in 1802 by Lord Downes, who has a seat in the parish".

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